
Gem Essences

ERYTHRITE - Inner Strength
£ 6.35
ERYTHRITE - Inner Strength

A small, pretty. glittering deep magenta gem. This crystal promotes dynamic equilibrium on all levels. It strengthens one’s core energy at every level to promote personal empowerment, confidence and an unshakeable assurance of inner strength. Also strengthens bonds of true love. Links to blood cells, bone marrow, skin, core cellular structures.
EUDIALYTE - Self Empowerment
£ 6.35
EUDIALYTE - Self Empowerment

This attractive pink, white and black gemstone is a stone of personal empowerment and purification. It aligns the chakra flow to connect mind and spirit with the emotional body to balance emotions. Dispels scarcity mindedness, dissatisfaction, jealousy, anger, resentment and animosity. Overcomes fear, self-doubt, self-criticism, self-deprecation and confusion. Promotes self-forgiveness. Overcomes the belief that life should be a struggle. Aligns base and heart chakras. Links to nervous system, brainwaves, optic nerves.
£ 6.35
Faden (pronounced Fahden) Quartz is a clear quartz crystal with one or more white, thread-like lines running edge to edge through it. It is mostly found in Afghanistan/Pakistan as a tabular formation consisting as one or several conjoined crystals  Earthquakes or other volcanic activity fractured the original quartz points. When that activity stopped the crystal pieces began growing again, and over time the broken parts joined up together again, and/or linked together in an irregular manner with other shattered crystals. The white lines in the crystals mark the sites of the fractures.

Faden Quartz essence is for those are experiencing intense trauma, who feel "broken” due to a crisis, severe pressure, bullying or emotional black mail, or suffering from psychic attack from known or unknown entities who intend to mentally, emotionally or physically harm one's life force. 

Each person's life force, also called prana, first comes in when their soul enters their growing embryo in the womb. The subtle energy flow of  prana  through the body is essential for life. Food, water, solar power and air help to sustain the healthy flow of prana. An invisible silver cord links the body to spirit through their heart chakra to maintain the flow of prana, and the chakras regulate the flow of prana through the meridians and nadis to govern every subtle mechanism in the body. A healthy person has a strong sliver cord link between their body and spirit, which is only broken when the spirit leaves the body at death.

When under very high levels of stress the human the balance between body and spirit is put out right out of kilter. In current times the stress may be made even worse by the consuming of additives in junk food, and having to endure noise, air and electromagnetic pollution. Faden Quartz essence re-balances all levels of being. It realigns the chakra column. Through facilitating a greater attunement with the newly healed Earth energies (see Diamond Light Template essence details in the Sacred Place range), this essence strengthens the silver cord (sometimes deliberately attacked and weakened by nefarious forces) to provide a strong connection between one's physical and etheric bodies and one's higher soul level self. This stimulates a greater, unimpeded flow of subtle life force or prana through the meridians to enhance the life force of the physical body. This essence also re-energizes the auric energy field to remove pockets of negative energy and to enable the energetic repair of breaks leaks and holes. It  purifies the aura, restores and harmonises chakra energy, heals the inner child, and encourages fragmented soul parts to reintegrate, in order to provide one with the inner strength and "back-bone" to withstand stress and the negative intentions of others to achieve one's positive intention/wish/goal 

Links to: torn muscles/ligaments, cysts, encrustations, fractures, bruises, cuts, back pain, nervous system, food allergies, IBS
FIRE AGATE - Hormone Harmonics
£ 6.35
FIRE AGATE - Hormone Harmonics

Initiates feelings of security and safety. Dispels fear. Energises aura, clears etheric blockages, and re-balances a blown chakra. Fires up base chakra. Revitalises. Increases sexual desire and passion. Prevents energy burn-out. Grounds those who are spaced out and low in energy. Shifts feelings of resignation. Increases enjoyment of every-day life. Eliminates cravings and destructive desires. Links to triple burner meridian, hot flushes, stamina, sexual imbalances, endocrine system, circulation, impotence, night vision, bowel dysfunction, digestive efficiency, fertility, circulation.
£ 6.35

Fluorapatite is a naturally-occurring, multicoloured combination of Fluorite and Apatite. This essence was made from a beautiful transparent yellow/green version of the gemstone. Fluorapatite is a most important harmonising and balancing stone/essence for our time. It instils a positive outlook on life, and helps to remove aggression and irritability. Its primary use is for conflict resolution, both within oneself and between people with conflicting interests. It promotes inner equilibrium and group harmony. It helps us to express ourselves clearly, calmly and freely without becoming over-emotional. It can also help one to block out the incessant demands of the world, to provide inner peace. Another important use is its ability to stimulate metaphysical abilities. Fluorapatite contains hyroxyapatite. This resonates with the hydroxyapatite found in the pineal gland, that is claimed to activate and enhance inner sight and out of body experiences. Links to solar plexus and heart chakras, cell overgrowth, electromagnetic fields regulation, bio and circadian rhythms, eye disorders, lungs, sense of smell, bones, teeth, extremities. Directions for use: As well as placing a few drops under the tongue, or adding a few drops to water to drink, a few drops of this essence can also be added to tepid water in an atomiser to spray around the head, or a building to promote harmony in the home.
FLUORITE - Bestowing Order
£ 6.35
FLUORITE - Bestowing Order

Clears atmosphere of confusion, negativity, and nuisance thought forms. Brings order to confused, cluttered minds. Stimulates honesty, stability and mental precision. Eases anxiety, hyperactive behaviour and sexual frustration. Links to adhesions, bone strength, teeth, wrinkles, skeletal system, shingles, memory, dizziness, gout
GARNET - Mood Uplift
£ 6.35
GARNET - Mood Uplift

The most well-known garnet is a deep blood red, but it can also be a vivid green colour. Both types are mood lifting and joy promoting. Garnet essence overcomes apathy, promotes action, and encourages commitment, purpose and self-worth.  It fortifies the survival instinct. Aligns astral, emotional and and etheric bodies. Strengthens Ethereal Fluidium. . Releases guilt and shame. Heals sexual abuse trauma. Alleviates feelings of inadequacy. Removes negativity from chakras. Increases will to be cured following illness. Alleviates panic around financial matters. As well as taking a few drops under the tongue  Garnet essence is particularly effect when massaged over the solar plexus (just above the belly) button, and also on the sensitive areas under the armpits on the lymph nodes. Links to: heart rhythm (but not arterial hypertension), circulation,  haemoglobin assimilation, anemia, immune system, white blood cell production, blood detox, iodine, calcium and magnesium assimilation, spine, womb, lung tissue capillary action, intestinal villi assimilation properties, bladder, thyroid, pituitary, acne alleviation, low libido and metabolism increase, DNA regeneration,vitamin A, B, D and E absorption ,arthritis, rheumatic pain, tubercular miasm.
GOLD - Manifestation
£ 6.35
GOLD - Manifestation

This Gold essence is made from small Alaskan gold nuggets of the best quality. Gold is linked the sun God Ra. So Gold essence attracts positive energy, the ability to manifest one's needs and the impetus to make needed changes in one's life. It promotes confidence, optimism and the ability to interact joyfully with the physical realm. It balances one's energy fields and stabilises the emotions. It evokes strength, determination and willpower to overcome emotional paralysis, and to cope with difficult circumstances. Gold is the best balancer of the heart chakra. Edgar Cayce said that trace elements of gold from quality food can help to rebuild a damaged nervous system. This essence stimulates subtle activities of the pineal and pituitary, stregthens meridians and nadis, and aligns the emotional and spiritual bodies. It promotes the development of conscience and overcomes anger, egotism, frustration, melancholy, or feeling overburdened with responsibility. Links to chromosomes, circulation, electrical conductivity, eliminatory functions, endocrine system, fevers, hot flushes, heart, Heavy Metal, Petrochemical and Radiation miasms, hyperactivity, immune system, nerve tissue, neural conductivity, heart, radiation exposure, temperature control, tissues and thymus.
GOLDEN HEALER - Love and Light
£ 6.35

GOLDEN HEALER - Love and Light

Golden Healer is a stunningly, beautiful crystal that brings powerful, high levels of universal life force (love and light) into one's being. Found in Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia, its appearance looks as if fresh orange juice has been poured into clear liquid quartz and then frozen! The golden inclusions are a combination of Limonite (Iron Oxide) and Hematite, that are said to amp up the master healing power of quartz to another level. This Golden Healer essence, made from a tall crystal point, acts as a catalyst for profound spiritual activation, as it opens the crown chakra (at the top of the head) and the alta major chakra (at the back of the skull), to raise one's vibrations and access intuitive abilities. It is a wonderful essence to prepare the lightbody for an influx of universal, cosmic energy in order to expand one's consciousness and support spiritual ascension, self-awareness and self-love. When a few drops are taken before meditation it helps one connect with the higher self and opens up a connection to the divine, as well as to angelic realms and other higher dimensional beings. It protects one from electromagnetic pollution emanating from Wi-Fi, cell towers, computers, mobile phones etc. It protects and shields the aura, draws out negative energy, clears imbalances and blockages in one's whole being, and purifies, aligns and energises the chakras.

It reduces stress and anxiety, calms anger, heals past traumas, releases emotional baggage, and instils inner security, optimism and hope. it is especially helpful for those people going through difficult times. It instigates mental clarity to help with financial matters and decision making, harnesses the laws of attraction and assists with the manifestation of one's dreams into reality.

Links to: Energetic wholeness, DNA, immune system, hormonal balance, depression, thyroid upset, weight struggles, pain, organ function, vitality.

GREEN CALCITE - Releasing the Past
£ 6.35
GREEN CALCITE - Releasing the Past

Dissolves rigid beliefs and old mental programming that no longer serve. Dissolves problems arising from difficult experiences in the past. Releases self-directed anger, grudges or resentment towards others. Absorbs negativity, soothes away irritation and balances the emotions. Neutralises past patterns around relationships and releases stuck emotional attachments. Assists one in overcoming social phobias, stimulates a willingness to change and helps one regain a sense of purpose. Links to arteries, circulation, immune system, ligaments, muscles, bones, S.A.D, sadness.
GREEN GARNET - Key to Abundance
£ 6.35
GREEN GARNET - Key to Abundance

This essence is made from two varieties of Green Garnet, Uvarovite and Tsavorite. They work well in harmony together, to promote prosperity and wealth. Uvarovite is an electric sparkly-green crystal, most often found as groups of small crystals on a matrix. Tsavorite is a deeper green that looks more like an emerald, and can be sometimes mistaken for one. This gem essence overcomes poverty consciousness and a feeling of insufficiency, by stimulating the opening and cleansing of the heart chakra from past emotional wounds related to lack or insufficiency. As it cleanses the heart chakra and enhances the meridians energy flows, it brings a new zest for life, and aids in increasing your popularity too. It helps to change the mind set from feeling the need to struggle to get one’s needs met, to a state of going with the flow, in the belief that the Universe will provide all one’s needs and soul desires, whether they are for prosperity, love, support, self-worth, security, vitality, comfort or joy. Green Garnet brings strength and comfort during difficult phases of life. It is designed to overcome any beliefs that prevent one from being open to receiving, and it also teaches one to appreciate and cherish what one has. It helps one to act on opportunities for growth, benefits new business ventures, and helps to keep those ventures on course. The essence reduces emotional extremes and instils calmness and peace. It overcomes depression, decreases financial anxiety and nightmares, and promotes cheerfulness, contentment and a feeling of well-being.
Links to base, sacral, solar plexus and heart chakras, fat metabolism, eyes, plant allergies, liver, kidneys, heart, inflammation, arteriosclerosis, Arthritis, Rheumatism, the five senses, cellular regeneration, fever, deep vein thrombosis, assimilation of vitamin A, Acidosis, and frigidity.
GUARDIANITE - Feeling Safe
£ 6.35
GUARDIANITE - Feeling Safe

Guardianite is a newly discovered, black-speckled stone from Oregon. It contains the powerful combination of aegirine, feldspar, biotite, olivine, apatite and nepheline. The essence makes one feel safe and protected as it promotes an inner sense of well-being. It grounds and connects one with the Earth's energy fields, cleanses the etheric body, strengthens and repairs one's energy field, and reseals a damaged aura. It protects one's spiritual body form negative influences, breaks through downward emotional spirals, and stops subtle body energy leaks, that can lead to anxiety, melancholy and a general lack of well-being. It enhances one's mental and emotional faculties, and initiates a feeling of being in possession of one's full inner power. It encourages feelings of optimism, courage, confidence, emotional balance, willpower and self-empowerment, through unlocking dormant power held within in the solar plexus chakra. It promotes an inner belief that any obstacle can be overcome, so that one can manifest one's highest aspirations and realise one's dreams. It is an ideal grounding partner for higher vibration essences, that awaken the light body.Links to Earth star, base and solar plexus chakras, depressive states and radiation.
HEALERITE - Lifting The Spirits
£ 6.35

HEALERITE - (Lifting The Spirits)

Keywords:spiritual support, calming, new beginnings, optimism, connection to higher realms, restoring balance, emotional healing, inner peace,meditation aid, spiritual growth.
Healerite essence is wonderful for uplifting the spirits if you feel out of sorts (sometimes for no apparent reason) when you wake up in the morning, or you get downhearted/a bit lonely as night falls. Healerite is a soothing, lime green stone that looks a bit like a peppermint chew sweet! It is a member of the Serpentine stone family that is renowned for its ability to promote a harmonious and uplifting atmosphere in living spaces. Healerite essence aligns the chakras, removes energy blockages, promotes a sense of balance and facilitates a free flow of energy throughout one's being. It restores balance to the subtle energy system and supports the nervous system, helping to calm frayed nerves and reduce stress, anxiety and tension. It can also help you to deal with past issues or old wounds that still affect you in the present day. It promotes a sense of peace, assists in accessing higher realms of consciousness during mediation, and deepens spiritual connections. It promotes a inner sense of heart-felt optimism and well-being.

Links to: detoxification, solar plexus and heart chakras, longevity.

HELIODOR - The Will to Succeed
£ 6.25
HELIODOR - The Will to Succeed

Revitalises. Stimulates self-confidence, assertiveness and the will to succeed. Encourages spiritual development. Assists in taking back one's power. Offers support for survivors of abuse. Discourages over-analysis. Relieves stress. Opens solar plexus chakra. Increases resistance to toxins and pollutants. Aids in overcoming obstacles, and stimulates fortitude for pursuing ones' dreams and goals. Links to digestion, gastric/intestinal disorders, concussion
HELIOTROPE - Spiritual Warrior
£ 6.35
HELIOTROPE - Spiritual Warrior

Purifying, grounding. Calms aggression and P.M.S. Increases mental vitality, dispels confusion. Aids those undergoing transformation due to spiritual awakening. Helps one to live in the present. Aids in clearing inherited fears by cleansing the lower chakras and realigning their energies. Instils courage in times of adversity and assists one in adjusting to unaccustomed circumstances. Personal insect deterrent. Links to blood, liver, endocrine system, menopause, cramps, immune system, pus, toxin removal, haemorrhage, inherited anaemia.
£ 6.25

Hematite essence is strongly grounding and protective.  It is a great essence for protecting one against any form of bullying. It also prevents one's subtle energy from being stolen by energy vampires.  It shields an empath's sensitive auric field from other people's negative emotions, desires, fears or thoughts, and from picking up others' ailment symptoms  Enhances memory, reliability and willpower. Combats fears and phobias. Helps to bring one’s personal aspirations and goals into reality.  Alleviates negativity, promotes courage and combats fears and phobias. Removes self-limitations and overcomes compulsions. Supports timid women. Ameliorates fear of failure. Promotes justice and positive outcomes in legal disputes.
Links to hot flashes, anaemia, dizziness, haemoglobin, blood supply, back pain, leg cramps, jet lag,, liver, nightmares, Reynaud’s disease.
HIDDENITE - Releasing Fear of Failure
£ 6.25
HIDDENITE - Releasing Fear of Failure

Dispels negative emotions. Stimulates gratitude for what one has achieved. Releases fear of loss of love or fear of failure. Dispels impatience, intolerance. Releases one from past regrets. Helps in addiction and abuse recovery. Supports new beginnings. Counters anxiety, stress and fear around finances. Increases self-worth. Links to heart, hormonal cycle balance, hormonally induced depression, thymus, chest.
HYPERSTHENE - Mind Soother
£ 6.25
HYPERSTHENE - Mind Soother

Also known as Eulite, Hypersthene is a deep bronzy-black stone, with attractive silver swirls or striations. It's protective, velvety energy soothes and calms a stressed, over-anxious or troubled mind, without causing drowsiness. It particularly helps one to accept and gently move on from a negative experience with a stranger, lover, family member, work or social group, race or entity, where no further personal action has been possible, but where one's repetitive thoughts, fears or worries have still continued to plague one's mind. Hypersthene essence is unique in removing one's resentment, tension, fear, worry or the need to try and change the situation. It stops one from turning into a disempowered victim by neutralising one's negative thoughts and responses, promoting a non-reactive attitude to the situation, and constantly reminding one that their own negative thoughts/responses are simply boosting the energy levels and power of those entities or people (energy vampires) who deliberately hurt, upset or anger others with their harmful words or actions. Hypersthene essence instils mental clarity and organises one's thoughts into a more ordered pattern. It also helps one to maintain deep meditative states, where hidden personal issues may be revealed, as well as the solutions on how to deal with them. It calms irritability and judgemental attitudes, and helps to maintain personal and business relationships, but also encourages one to stand up for what is morally right.Links to stomach acidity, deep sleep, insomnia, Achilles tendons, limb and shoulder aches, muscular tension, spasms, farsightedness, pituitary gland.
INDICOLITE QUARTZ - Earth Healer & Subtle Body Alignment
£ 6.35

Indicolite Quartz has been described as a master healer. It is a combination of mid to deep indigo-blue Indicolite (aka Blue Tourmaline) and clear Quartz crystal. Because the Indicolite is embedded within the quartz the piezoelectric faculty of the quartz greatly amplifies all the benefits Indicolite offers. Indicolite quartz essence aligns the subtle bodies and harmonizes all the chakras. It is well known for overcoming mental disorganisation, calming an overactive mind, instilling mental clarity and instigating self-discipline, but it also helps the Earth to overcome environmental damage, particularly damage caused by radiation and EMF pollution to her self-regulating subtle energies and flows. It releases blocked feelings and dissipates a chronic, long-lasting desire for revenge and frees those caught in similar destructive behaviour. This is an important essence for aligning the mind with Divine energy. It receives and transmutes high vibrations from the spirit that can be channeled through a healer to those who need it. It also protects other's negativity from sticking to those who are carrying out the healing on them. It promotes states of deep meditation, filters out distractions, and facilitates contact with higher spiritual beings to attain guidance in matters of healing and spiritual development.

Links to: the brain, insomnia,night sweats, oesophagus, eyes, larynx, lungs, thymus, thyroid,cellular memory, pulmonary and immune systems, fluid imbalances,kidneys, bladder and sinuses.

INFINITE STONE - Rejuvenator
£ 6.35
INFINITE STONE - Rejuvenator

Infinite Stone is superior form of Serpentine, found in South Africa. Its essence was made from an attractive sage-green and beige-grey coloured obelisk, with deep brown striations. Whilst Infinite stone is well-known for bringing good fortune, prosperity and abundance into one's life, its essence is also most important for it's ability to align and harmonise one's energy fields with the Earth to raise one's vibrational energies and overcome lethargy and fatigue. It blocks negative entities from attaching to one, and removes negative emotional patterns that are having an effect on the physical level. Infinite Stone essence re-balances the heart chakra where there has been a feeling of isolation and detachment. It offers protection from emf pollution by shielding the aura. It alleviates fear and worry and is a powerful tool for the manifestation of positive outcomes. It strengthens one's ability to make the right decisions, and increases one drive and desire to see a project through to its completion.
Links to: base, sacral, solar plexus and heart chakras, cramp, headaches, backaches, DNA structure, nausea, pain, joints, muscles, menstrual discomfort, subtle body harmony, Diabetes,immune system.

JADE - Harmony
£ 6.35
JADE - Harmony

Broadcasts peace. Balances heart chakra. Aligns body and spirit. Promotes flow of abundance, prosperity and enjoyment of physical life. Heals scarcity consciousness, fear of poverty, greed, covetousness and avarice. Alleviates aggression. Aids emotional release. Calms nervous system. Releases negative thought patterns. Harmonises dysfunctional relationships. Links to male fertility, assimilation, iodine, hips, kidneys, spleen, larynx, wounds, fluid balance, water-salt/acid-alkaline ratios, eliminatory organs, toxin removal.
JASPER (AQUA TERRA) - The Supreme Soother
£ 6.35
AQUA TERRA JASPER - The Supreme Soother(aka Sea Sediment Jasper)

This beautiful, natural light turquoise and silver-sand coloured Aqua Terra Jasper was formed on the ocean floor. It is recognised as the supreme nurturer. The essence is deeply calming and soothing to even the busiest of minds. It aligns the subtle bodies with each other, absorbs and neutralises negative energy, balances one's yin and yang energies and eases away emotional stress. It aids dowsing skills, dream recall and shamanic journeying. Links to heart and solar plexus chakras, nervous system, Taurus, Gemini and Scorpio.
JASPER (BUMBLE BEE) - Achieving the Impossible
£ 6.35
BUMBLE BEE JASPER - Achieving the Impossible

This brightly coloured yellow, black and orange striped Bumble bee Jasper was first found in the vicinity of an Indonesian volcano. Bumble bee Jasper essence strongly promotes the belief in being able to achieve the impossible, just like the bumble bee who is not aerodynamically designed to be able to fly at all. This essence is strongly nurturing. It sustains and supports one through life changes and challenging times. It encourages one to start afresh, tackle problems, and transform ideas into action, especially during mid-life crises, where one's difficulties can seem almost impossible to overcome. The essence dissolves ingrained belief patterns, and neutralises negative energy such as hatred, jealousy and resentment. It aids quick-thinking and promotes organisational abilities. It also neutralises electromagnetic and environmental pollution. Links to sacral, solar plexus, heart and crown chakras, convalescence, menopause, intestines, circulation, throat, energy.
JASPER (CHOHUA)- Dragon Energy
£ 6.35
CHOHUA JASPER - Dragon energy

Chohua Jasper is an attractive stone with brown or red markings on a pale grey, fawn or pinkish background. It comes from the Lijiang river region in China and is said to be at least 470 million years old. Chohua Jasper essence stimulates love and passion. (Place a few drops in an atomiser with water and spray through the aura or around the bedroom) It can also cause the kundalini energies to rise up through the chakras to the head, cleansing and activating them as it goes. It helps to restore one's self-belief and good name where one's honour or integrity has been damaged.Links to immune system, heart, circulation, arteries, veins, blood pressure, kidneys, skin, vitality, sadness, convalescence.
JASPER (CINNABAR) - Anger Management
£ 6.35
JASPER (CINNABAR) - Anger Management

A typical Cinnabar Jasper stone has many attractive red and black circles on a deep red and black background. Cinnabar Jasper essence assists those people who are short-tempered to channel their anger, irritation or frustration into energetic physical challenges such as sport. The essence is also helpful for transforming angry states into positive, dynamic and persuasive assertion, whilst releasing fear and resentment. It increases one's mental alertness, but grounds excessive energy. It shields those who are over-sensitive to other people's anger, and also energises those who feel exhausted and unable to face life's challenges. This essence has been made using the double glass method, to prevent any possible toxicity from the cinnabar content in the stone. Take by mouth, add a few drops of Cinnabar Jasper essence to an atomiser with water and spray through the aura, or rub a little essence over the liver area.Links to base and sacral chakras, genitalia, energy systems, circulatory systems, blood, spleen, anaemia.
£ 6.35

Eye of the Storm Jasper (AKA Judy's Stone) comes from Brazil. This Jasper essence is for when you feel like you want to "stop the world and get off", just to get a moment's rest from the constant stresses of life. When one is surrounded by the chaotic and discordant energies of other people or a situation, this essence can put one into a space of dynamic stillness, beyond fear or panic, where it is possible to make calm, pragmatic and objective decisions. It promotes, within one, a strong inner core that nothing can disturb. It helps one to avoid making mountains out of a molehills, seeing the bigger picture without resorting to ingrained emotional patterns of reaction. It re-programmes a sense of loss or lack into positive abundance, by instilling the belief that labour and effort must carried out to create one's desires. It balances the etheric blueprint, and comforts and supports one during convalescence from illness. Links to Earth Star, sacral, heart, solar plexus and thymus chakras, subtle DNA, cell renewal, flight or fight response, adrenal glands, blood pressure, detox, all organs.
JASPER (GREEN) - Nurturing
£ 6.35
JASPER (GREEN) - Nurturing

Nurturer. Curbs obsession. Releases anxiety. Emotional detoxifier. Develops empathy. Opens heart chakra. Reconnects body with earth rhythms. Linked to skin, bloating, upper torso, inflammation, life force issues, sense of smell, respiration, oxygenation, inflammation, gall bladder, liver, acidity.
JASPER (LEOPARDSKIN) - Good Vibrations
£ 6.35

This gemstone is an attractive fawn coloured stone, adorned in dark and milk chocolate brown, terracotta, cream and pink blotches. Leopardskin Jasper essence is strongly protective, especially when one is meeting challenges or fulfilling goals. It attracts what one truly needs for happiness and well-being, rather than what one thinks one needs. It speeds up emotional healing after emotional breakdown or traumatic experiences. It is particularly helpful in repelling unhealthy influences, whilst promoting the attraction of harmonious vibrations into one's life. It is especially useful for people who can't seem to stop attracting disharmony into their lives. It reduces insecurities, overcomes fear and guilt, and promotes calm states of mind.
Links to base and solar plexus chakras, twelve-strand DNA work, cellular memory, tissues, immune system, energy regulation, digestive processes, excretion, abdominal pain, skin diseases, kidney or gallstones, body odour, insomnia.
JASPER (OCEAN) - Atlantean Nurturer
£ 6.35
OCEAN JASPER - Atlantean Nurturer

Stimulates joy and positivity. Nurturing. Lifts negativity and depression. Alleviates self-destructive behaviour. Banishes complacency. Clears stuck patterns of energy. Aligns chakras, subtle bodies and meridians. Instils patience. Promotes deep sleep.
Links to endocrine system, glands, lymph drainage, skin, immune system, liver, mouth, prostate, tissue regeneration, thyroid, adrenals, snoring, nausea, menopause, weather sensitivity, cysts, gums, eczema, hallucinations, bloating, digestion, body odour.
£ 6.35

This Jasper takes its name from the Owyhee river in Idaho, USA. It is an amazingly beautiful form of picture jasper, that exhibits naturally occurring red-brown and orange landscape pictures complete with a blue sky above the land. This Owyhee Painted Desert Picture jasper essence is made using one these beautiful desert landscape and sky pieces. The essence encourages initiative, and creates harmony, balance and a positive energy flow in your life, that is especially helpful in business pursuits. It helps one to see the bigger picture, and promotes a sense of spiritual awareness to assist humanity in understanding how to live in harmony with the Earth. It activates the base chakra to dispel lethargy, low enthusiasm or a sense of being disconnected from reality. It enhances creative visualisation and helps to overcome writers' or artist's block. It helps one to link with the Earth Goddess, and the devic and fairy kingdoms. In meditation it can be used to connect and resonate with the energy of ancient power places. It is also said to increase one's resolve to succeed in giving up smoking. Take the essence by mouth, or rub a few drops into the forehead or the base chakra.
Links to base and third eye chakras, immune system, childbirth, convalescence, stomach, intestines, bowel, hernia, prostate, constipation, thymus, toxins, kidneys, brain hemispheres, bones and petrochemical miasm.
£ 6.35
POLYCHROME JASPER (A.K.A. Desert or Royal Savannah Jasper) - Happy Energy

Polychrome Jasper is a happy energy stone, said to bring good fortune and a happy outlook on life. Discovered in 2006, it is one of the rarest Jaspers in the World, being found only in small pockets of the Madagascan desert. It is also known as Desert Jasper or Royal Savannah Jasper. The type of Polychrome Jasper known as Royal Savannah jasper seems to have the best quality markings, and this essence is made from a most wonderful pink, milk and dark chocolate brown, white, orange and the rare blue coloured type of Royal Savannah Polychrome Jasper. It promotes exuberance, vibrancy, emotional balance and a positive outlook on life. It links one to the Earth's energies and is deeply nurturing and grounding. It harmonises and stabilizes one's energy fields and aura, and brings one courage, support, stamina, and calm in times of stress or conflict. It diffuses negative energies and helps one to adjust to change. It is highly protective of one's being during meditation, trance work or astral travelling.
Links to all chakras, but especially the base, sacral and solar plexus chakras, to allergies, the circulatory system, stomach, liver, gallbladder, sexual organs.
JASPER (POPPY) - Zest for Life
£ 6.35

The colourful flower-like red blotches that are characteristic of the Poppy Jasper crystal stimulate a positive and joyful attitude. The stone is also said to repel stalkers and ex-partners who won't let go. Poppy Jasper essence balances the base chakra, whether it is over-active or under-active. It can soothe an over-active libido and disperse strong emotions or sexual frustration, or it will provide a kick-start when action, determination and fresh motivation is needed. It promotes quick-thinking, organisational abilities and the necessary perseverance to see projects through to completion. It strengthens one's subtle boundaries, and aligns one’s whole being with the etheric realm. It clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution. It also assists dowsers in their work.
Links to vitality, birth process, cell walls, circulatory, digestive and sexual organs, liver, allergies.
JASPER (SILVER LEAF) - Core Strength
£ 6.35
SILVER LEAF JASPER - Core strength

Silver Leaf Jasper essence balances all the chakras to promote a sense of inner equilibrium and core strength. It grounds and centres, and gives one the strength to stand up for what one's beliefs. It places a shield of protection around one when astral travelling and when travelling through dangerous or energetically adverse places. This essence assists those who have difficulty in saying no or constantly put others needs above their own, to enable them to balance looking after loved ones with their own appropriate self-nurturing. It promotes clear-headedness, where there is a tendency to lose focus, or get confused or muddled. It enhances mental clarity and sustained focus upon one's intuitive powers during psychic or healing work.
Links to mental and emotional imbalance, dis-ease.
JEREMEJEVITE - Coping With Loss
£ 6.25
JEREMEJEVITE - Coping with Loss

Jeremejevite presents itself as tiny stunning blue, crystal-clear slivers. It is one of the rarest gemstones on Earth. First discovered in Siberia in the 19th century, most Jeremejevite now comes from Namibia. Jeremejevite essence is most helpful for helping one to deal with grief in a healthy way, after the loss of a loved one. It releases any feelings of guilt, and helps one to move through big life changes on a one day at a time basis. It gently lifts heavy, sorrowful energies that weigh on the soul. It replaces feelings of helplessness with wisdom and understanding. This essence also alleviates inferiority complexes and negative beliefs about oneself, that have first arisen during childhood, as a result of other people's judgemental attitudes. It instils new-found feelings of confidence and self-worth, and aids in improving one's self-image. It encourages one to move on with no regrets for the past, and without blaming oneself, consciously or unconsciously, for things that have gone wrong in life, as being one's punishment for being a "bad" person.
Links to wounds, tight muscles, insomnia, disorganised cellular growth.
JET - Zulu Warrior
£ 6.25
JET - Zulu Warrior

Jet is a stone of great protection that has been used since ancient times to protect one against accidents, illness, animal attacks and violence. The essence protects one from negative and malicious influences. It dispels fearful thoughts and repels back luck. Alleviates unreasonable fears. Purifies aura. Balances mood swings. Diminishes delusion, nightmares, hallucinations, depression. Protects and enhances stability of business.
Links to lower extremities, stomach cramps, epilepsy, sadness, mania, headaches, migraines, colds, sinusitis, blocked nose (essence can be inhaled or drops rubbed into bridge of nose).
KAMMERERITE (Clinochlore) - Opening To Divine Light
£ 6.35
Kammererite is a very rare crystal found in Scandinavia and Turkey. It is offered for sale in three different forms - a green and violet raw rock form, (often known as Clinochlore), a polished deep purple and grey slab, and a shimmering cluster of pink/violet crystals on a rocky matrix. All three forms have been used to make this Kammererite gem essence. This Kammererite essence links one to the archetypal blueprints, through which all living entities are physically expressed. It helps one to feel constantly supported by divine love and light, and offers hope and a positive outlook to those going through difficult life trials, such as in cancer-related illnesses. It stimulates chi (prana) and brings renewed zest for life to those recovering from illness or trauma. It cleanses and clears energetic blocks between the chakras, releases anger, guilt and fear, and shifts negative belief patterns stemming from childhood. It facilitates an enhanced level of love, compassion and affection, promotes greater tolerance, and repairs and heals problems in personal relationships. It also enhances one’s dowsing ability.
Links to pathogenic bacteria, cellular respiration, circulation, male reproductive system, muscles and joints, detoxification, cellular disorders, stamina, blood oxygenation/deprivation.
KUNZITE - Self Esteem
£ 6.35
KUNZITE - Self Esteem

Strengthens and shields aura from unwanted energies. Dispels attached entities, thought forms. Clears emotional debris. Mood-lifting. Alleviates panic attacks. Removes obstacles on life path. Helps with pressures of life. Promotes self-tolerance. Aids those who had to grow up too fast. Heals heartache. Links to serotonin, heart, neuralgia, joint pain, eating problems, memory, anaesthesia effects, immune system, psychiatric disorders, muscle tremors, alcohol abuse.
£ 6.35
KUTNOHORITE - New Beginnings

Kutnohorite is a rather special, rare, carbonate mineral from South Africa and the Czech Republic. It resembles a ribbed pale pink ice-cream cone complete with "calcified" pink ice-cream on the top. Kutnorhorite essence is for regeneration and new beginnings. It is excellent for rebirthing and soul retrieval work. It can help to heal a broken heart as it infuses the body with love, empathy, compassion and self-confidence. It works on subtle level to correct etheric and karmic blueprints that have interfered with the physical body. It stabilises the emotions, promotes inner calm and endurance, and discourages over-excitability, irritability, aggression, anxiety, strife and resentment. It instils resilience against stress, and balances the development of the personality. It radiates peace and harmony into an environment that has undergone great stresses.
Links to metabolism regulation, haemoglobin, oxygen binding, heart blood vessel elasticity/expansion, bone development/flexibility, nerve and muscle sensory system repair, teeth, blood circulation, cellular nutrient absorption, intestinal and muscle cramps, sclerosis, joint pain, arthritis, acid/alkali balance, sugar levels, immune system, DNA/RNA, energy transfer, disturbed sleep patterns, migraines, headaches.
KYANITE (BLUE) - Cutting Ties
£ 6.35
KYANITE - Cutting Ties

Cuts ties and releases negative emotional attachments to others, including energy vampirism. Bridges energy gaps caused by trauma. Aligns all chakras and subtle bodies. Stimulates intuition. Promotes telepathy. Dispels confusion, anger and frustration. Assists in negotiations and arbitration between disharmonious people. Harmonises relationships. Assists in transition beyond death. Calms anxiety.
Links to adrenal glands, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid, lungs, neck, jaw, arms, base of skull, bones, nerves, tissues, muscles, body weight and urogenital system.
KYANITE (ORANGE) - Creativity Enhancer
£ 6.35
Orange Kyanite essence has a most uplifting and optimistic energy. It releases creative blockages and boosts one's manifestation abilities.
Links to allergies, muscle cramps, impotence, fertility, PMS, diabetes, liver, intestines, IBS, back pain, urinary system. Full details to follow.
£ 6.25

Deflects unwanted energies from aura. Stops energy leaks, prevents energy vampirism. Removes hooks. Strengthens faith in self and protects and de-sensitises those who feel they are being bombarded by other peoples thoughts and mental projections. Relieves stress. Removes long held grudges, lessens tension. Calms over-active mind.
Links to metabolism, colds, gout, rheumatism, hormones, menstrual tension, low blood pressure.
LABRADORITE (GOLDEN) - Assertiveness
£ 6.25
LABRADORITE (Golden) - Assertiveness

Gold Labradorite is nothing like the more commonly found Labradorite. This stone is a sparkling, transparent lemon crystal, found in Mexico. It activates male or yang energies in both men and women. It promotes assertiveness, vocal self-expression, physical action and extroversion. It instils self-esteem and encourages one to let one’s light shine. It dispels timidity, passiveness, uncertainty, weakness and ungroundedness, whilst promoting courage, inner strength, mental clarity, endurance and purposefulness. "Enhances one’s ability to learn and adapt to new situations or surroundings" (Naisha Ahsian from The book of Stones). Empowers one with self-confidence and overcomes a feeling of insecurity in social occasions, or when meeting new people.
Links to solar plexus chakra, adrenal glands, bones, tissues, bed-wetting, digestion, metabolism, toxicity, kidney, gallbladder, spleen, stomach and liver.
LAPIS LAZULI - Mind Expansion
£ 6.25
LAPIS LAZULI - Mind Expansion

Enhances intuition and improves powers of the mind. Releases self-sabotaging patterns, emotional bondage and martyr syndrome. Reverses curses. Overcomes depression. Stimulates expression, brings friendship.
Links to throat, vocal chords, thyroid balance, metabolism, bone marrow, thymus, immune system, high blood pressure, insomnia, vertigo, atlas vertebra, eustachian tubes, dizziness, hearing, lungs, lymph.
£ 6.25

Cools hot tempers, diffuses explosive anger. Releases energetic knots in aura, blocked meridians and negative self-imposed restraints. Clears self-sabotage patterns. Calms excessive fire energy. Ameliorates emotional extremes. Releases resentment. Stops continual complaining. Promotes self healing. Counteracts geopathic stress. Dissolves energy blockages in meridians, head, neck or chest.Can be rubbed onto site of chest pain or painful joints.  
Links to hot flushes, throat, tonsils, hair, muscle tension, muscle spasms, heart trauma, blocked arteries, skin disorders, high blood pressure, fever, mucus production, adhesions.
LEPIDOLITE - Finding Equilibrium
£ 6.25
LEPIDOLITE - Finding Equilibrium

Alleviates emotional extremes. Calms frayed nerves, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, excessive fear and worry. Encourages one to move through life's peaks and troughs with serenity. Helps those who continually attract crises into their life to recognise the need to cease creating situations where they can identify themselves as victims.
Links to insomnia, extreme emotional swings, allergies, sciatica, menopause, anorexia, addictions, electro-magnetic stress.
£ 6.25

Libyan Gold tektite is thought to have been formed by a meteorite collision with desert rocks in the Sahara. This gemstone forms the centrepiece of King Tutankhamen's heart scarab, as the ancient Egyptians believed it was a powerful protective amulet for any journey. The essence from this clear lemon gemstone restores depleted life forces. It promotes confidence and mental acuity, and strengthens one's energy field and will power. It also strengthens the solar plexus and sacral chakras, helps one to stand one's ground in confrontational situations, and prevents any energy leaching by others. It assists in helping one to gain access to the Akashic records in meditation.
Links to metabolism, endocrine system, digestive system, stomach, IBS, improper absorption and excessive stomach acid.
LINARITE - Key to a Brighter Future
£ 6.25
LINARITE - Key to a brighter future

Linarite forms crusts or veins of bright azure-blue, needle-like crystals in or on a crystalline matrix. Linarite essence's prime purpose is for bringing out the best in a person, especially where one is a fragile soul, whose painful past has resulted in having little faith in one's abilities. It settles and calms one, offering the ability to feel comfortable with one's abilities and limitations. It instils confidence and the ability to utilise talents brought forward from other lifetimes. Linarite offers life-long support and soul healing to those living with limitations, especially following traumatic or destructive experiences.
Links to throat chakra, meridian alignment.
LITHIUM QUARTZ - Reassurance
£ 6.25
LITHIUM QUARTZ - Reassurance

Stimulates harmony and relaxation. Releases distracting thoughts, excessive worry, anxiety and tension. Ameliorates depression. Encourages the flow of positive energy into all areas, and releases negative attachments of all types. Alleviates intensity and frequency of panic attacks. Good for calming children at bedtime, and for when the worries of the day will not allow one to relax and go to sleep.
Links to anti-depressants, mental balance.
MAGNESITE - Tension Releaser
£ 6.25
MAGNESITE - Tension Releaser

Emotional balancer. For those under extreme stress, but who are unable to release control. Aids in letting go of the need to control, manipulate or emotionally overpower others. Eases all miasms. Activates psychic senses. Raises consciousness. Dissolves emotional blocks. Releases tension. Helps to release long-held, past grievances. Helps to release hidden grief.
Links to muscular tension/spasms, adhesions, fibroids, bowels, heartburn, constipation, thrombosis, temperature regulation. For aching heads due to stress combine with Rhodonite and Recoveraid.
MALACHOLLA - Gaia's Gift
£ 6.35
MALACHOLLA - Gaia's Gift

Keywords:  Emotional support through difficult changes, soothing, peace, inner strength, confidence, motivation, happiness, enhancing personal power, self-worth, clear communication, discernment, emotional balance, spiritual development, life-force boost, relieving stress, inspires creativity,

This wonderful crystal stone is Gaia's, (the Earth Mother) gift to mankind. She created a stunningly beautiful, natural  combination stone consisting of swirls of strong green malachite and intense, light turquoise Chrysocolla. Malacholla is found in limestone deposits deep within the the Congo. A polished stone has been used to make this Malacholla essence. It carries a nourishing, supportive and calming energy to overcome anxiety and fear. It promotes and restores mental and emotional equilibrium in stressful times, especially when one is experiencing big life changes. It relieves pent up anger, resentment or guilt, heals heartache and deep emotional wounds, and reverses destructive emotional programming. It dissolves miasms, boosts the flow of life force, opens psychic vision, imparts confidence, promotes mental clarity and clear communication, and helps one look to the future with optimism.  It regenerates, harmonises and aligns all the chakras, meridians and subtle bodies. It protects one against negative influences and shields one's biomagnetic sheath against damage from environmental and electromagnetic frequency pollution.
Directions for use: As well as a few drops being taken under the tongue, Malacholla essence may be rubbed onto any area of the body causing discomfort over any chakra or points on meridians. For ease of use over a large area, add a few drops of this essence to any un-fragranced cream, lotion, base oil or vaseline. 

Links to: the throat and heart chakras, throat and heart ailments, thyroid, metabolism, aches, pain relief, bruises, bumps, muscle cramps, inflammation, swollen joints, bone disease, arthritis, rheumatism, menstrual pain, dizziness, vertigo,  fractures, liver, kidneys and intestines detox, digestive system, excretory organs, respiratory problems, breathing capacity increase, lung problems, muscular strength, immune system, cellular regeneration, blood disorders, blood re-oxygenation, sense of well-being, blood sugar balance, insulin balance, mood swings, depression, sinuses, immune system, in ointment it soothes slight burns to the skin.