GARNET - Mood Uplift
The most well-known garnet is a deep blood red, but it can also be a vivid green colour. Both types are mood lifting and joy promoting. Garnet essence overcomes apathy, promotes action, and encourages commitment, purpose and self-worth. It fortifies the survival instinct. Aligns astral, emotional and and etheric bodies. Strengthens Ethereal Fluidium. . Releases guilt and shame. Heals sexual abuse trauma. Alleviates feelings of inadequacy. Removes negativity from chakras. Increases will to be cured following illness. Alleviates panic around financial matters. As well as taking a few drops under the tongue Garnet essence is particularly effect when massaged over the solar plexus (just above the belly) button, and also on the sensitive areas under the armpits on the lymph nodes. Links to: heart rhythm (but not arterial hypertension), circulation, haemoglobin assimilation, anemia, immune system, white blood cell production, blood detox, iodine, calcium and magnesium assimilation, spine, womb, lung tissue capillary action, intestinal villi assimilation properties, bladder, thyroid, pituitary, acne alleviation, low libido and metabolism increase, DNA regeneration,vitamin A, B, D and E absorption ,arthritis, rheumatic pain, tubercular miasm.