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The Overcoming Abandonment combination includes Dioptase, Morganite, Hiddenite, Sunstone, Emerald and Rhodochrosite gem essences.
This essence combination helps one to let go of painful memories, and old pain and sorrow from the current or past life times. It heals feelings of fear of abandonment, betrayal, heartache, loneliness, old emotional wounds, disconnection, de-motivation, indifference or emptiness. It releases those stuck in the past, and promotes hope, a more positive attitude to life and acceptance of past experiences. |
The Overcoming Abuse combination includes Honey Calcite, Heliodor, Petalite, Pyrite, Red Calcite, Rhodochrosite, Morganite, Jet, Lapis, Cherry Opal, Aquamarine, Malachite and Pink Calcite gem essences.
This combination essence is for overcoming the trauma of sexual, mental or emotional abuse. It soothes and heals the inner child, and overcomes victim/abuser patterns of behaviour, especially where they are inherited. It releases lust or fear of intimacy, and promotes a balanced and healthy sexual expression. It re-empowers victims, dissolves subtle hooks to the abuser, removes karmic debris and emotional programming, and stimulates inner security. |
The Overcoming Addiction combination includes Tigers Eye, Zircon, Fire Agate, Moss Agate, Amethyst, Hiddenite, Obsidian, Tourmalinated Quartz, Ametrine, Charoite, Lepidolite, Tanzanite, Haematite, Apopyhllite, Peridot, Silver, Dioptase, Petalite and Charoite gem essences.
This combination helps to overcome cravings and addictive thought patterns such as eating, compulsive, obsessive or sexual disorders, self abuse tendencies, or addiction to coffee, alcohol, nicotine or other substances. It releases workaholic tendencies, especially where they are due to lack of inner security and childhood deprivation. Addictions or obsessive behaviour are often ways of dealing with emotional over-sensitivity, a life without excitement, fear-based superstitions or stress, which this essence helps to dissipate, as well as initiating a willingness to fulfil one’s needs in a more balanced way. |
Overcoming Adversity gem combination essence contains Actinolite, Aqua Terra Jasper, Black Tourmaline, Bumble Bee Jasper, Cancer Miasm essence, Cerussite, Chohua Jasper, Diaspore, Gaspeite, Eye of the Storm Jasper, Kambaba Jasper, Piemontite Quartz, Polychrome Jasper, Poppy Jasper, Preseli Bluestone, Renierite, Richterite, Rhodozite, Shungite, Sonora Sunrise, Strontianite, Tantalite, Victorite and Yellow Jasper.
Overcoming Adversity essence provides one with calming and soothing support through life's most stressful times, assisting one in coping with trauma, disease and cellular malfunction, violence, accidents, extreme bad luck, war, terrorism, Earthquakes, loss of home, job or financial means, loss of relatives and friends, bankruptcy, deep deception, injury or other severe setbacks. It offers nurturing, protection, courage, perseverance and reassurance during traumatic circumstances.Links to cellular overgrowth, travel sickness, nausea, intestines, liver, gall-bladder ducts, lymph, kidneys, adrenals, pancreas, spleen, joints, discs, tendons, spinal alignment, teeth, minerals, metabolic function, bones, tissues, heart, blood, anaemia, circulation, arteries, immune system, T-cells, wounds, cellular disintegration, rheumatoid arthritis, Reynauds, brain function, headaches, migraine, PH balance, muscle spasms, food/nicotine cravings, convalescence, Parkinsons, AIDS, water retention. |
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This Overcoming Aggression essence includes Amazonite, Aventurine, Blizzard Stone, Elestial Smoky Quartz, Elite Shungite, Eye of the Storm Jasper, Fluorite, Khutnohorite, Labradorite, Moonstone, Morion Quartz, Polychrome Jasper, Red Tourmaline, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Scheelite, and Tantalite gem essences.
KEYWORDS: Violent aggressive behaviour, outbursts, balance of male/female energies, over-reaction, inflexibility, antisocial and reckless behaviour, compassion, impulsive actions, desire to prevent change, inability to understand another's views, fear of loss of security through a change to routine/set of beliefs, security.
This essence is designed to ameliorate aggressive verbal or physical outbursts in both men and women. It perfectly complements the left/right (male female) brain hemisphere balancing effect of the "The Roseline Essence" in the Sacred Place range. The Overcoming Aggression essence balances the male/female brain hemispheres through the subtle emotional/mental energies associated with the first three chakras, whereas The Roseline essence balances the male/female brain hemispheres with each other through the ida and pingala nadi polar energy channels and the heart chakra energies.
Aggression is most often the result of an imbalance between the right (female) and left (male) hemispheres of the brain. Each hemisphere shares electrochemical information with each other, to create a balanced mental and emotional state in every male and female individual. "When the two halves of the brain are not balance, due to a lack of electrochemical communication between them, the dominant side automatically processes information through the stronger side. The left (male) side governs the small picture (based around self), conscious, linear and impulsive actions and a strong desire for routine." (resistance to change). (Dr. Jeremy Fritz - Chiropractic neurologist on the American Chiropractic Neurology Board - www.BrainBalanceVH.com) So, if the left hemisphere of the brain becomes the dominant side, there is a overwhelming, direct and impulsive need to only surround oneself with kindred beings whose views and beliefs exactly mirror one's own, to satisfy their need for security though lack of change to the status quo. Anyone not conforming to their views and beliefs will immediately meet with a forceful denial of their different views/beliefs, derogatory judgement and verbal/physical aggression/abuse.
Links to ADHD, Arthritis, left/right brainwave transmissions, calcium deposits, cardiovascular system, digestive system, EMF pollution, Emphysema, flight or flight response, fluid balance, headaches, hot flashes, lungs, joints, MS, muscle cramps, nervous system, Rheumatism, sinusitis, skin eruptions.
The Overcoming Apathy combination includes Rhyolite, Heliodor, Vanadinite, Fire Agate, Garnet, Crocoite, Ruby, Red Jasper, Citrine, Pyrites, Red Calcite and Vanadinite gem essences.
This combination shifts apathy and inertia, and encourages action. It overcomes feelings of inadequacy, and imparts determination to all pursuits. This combination is a good to use if you've suffered a set-back, have been made redundant or split up with a partner, and you don't have the heart or will to pick yourself up and start afresh. It stimulates dynamism, determination, perseverance and a passion for life. Use it if you want to start something new, but never get round to doing it, if you want to stop being a couch potato, if you want to find some get up and go, to lose weight, join an exercise class or if you want to overcome sedentary obsessions with computer games or tv soaps etc., that stop you making the most positive use of your time. |
The Overcoming Depression combination includes Sugilite, Copper, Lithium Quartz, Cherry Opal, Pyrites, Halite, Botswana Agate, Sunstone, Apophylite, Brazilianite, Hiddenite, Smoky Quartz, Amber, Gold, Kunzite, Phenacite, Lepidolite, Green Garnet, Amazonite and Vanadinite gem essences.
This essence combination draws powerful light energy into the body to calm the emotions, promote equilibrium and encourage joy. It dispels despair, depression and suicidal tendencies. It eases S.A.D., frustration and hormonally-induced emotional imbalances. It calms the emotions and also alleviates confusion, obsessional thoughts, panic attacks, worry, stress, anxiety, delusion, nightmares, hopelessness and overwrought emotions. |
The Overcoming Disempowerment combination includes Phenacite, Pyrites, Ajoite, Sugilite, Zincite, Obsidian, Ametrine, Lapis, Sunstone, Aventurine, Jet, Malachite, Rose Quartz, Kyanite and Sunstone gem essences.
This essence helps to ground higher vibration energy into the body, to heal soul loss and the inner child. It neutralises disempowerment, emotional impotence and self-destructive tendencies. It overcomes curses, ill-will and prejudice, and improves self-esteem. It neutralises others’ emotional blackmail, protects against psychic vampirism and alleviates energy manipulation. This combination also removes subtle hooks and enables one to re-take control of one’s life. |
The Overcoming Emotional Exremes combination includes Lepidolite, Jet, Larimar, Copper, Aqua Aura, Charoite, Moss Agate, Ajoite, Moonstone, Pearl, Peridot, Onyx, Gold, Amethyst and Kunzite gem essences.
This combination encourages the necessary changes needed to enable one to move calmly through life’s ups and downs. It promotes equilibrium to alleviate extreme mood swings, intense emotional states, hormonal mood swings, compulsive thoughts, hyperactivity, depression, despondency, extreme pessimism, apathy and anxiety. It discourages over-aggression, sudden flare-ups and over-reaction to external stimuli. It stimulates the ability to be able to witness emotional extremes in others without being drawn into them. This essence detaches negative entities in the aura, stabilises emotionally turbulent states and gently re-energises one following a period of hyperactivity.
Links to hormone imbalances, Menopausal mood swings and bipolar states of mind. |
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This Overcoming Emotional Shock essence contains a combination of Amazonite, Amethyst, Angel Wing Calcite, Banded Agate, Biotite, Charoite, Citrine, Empowerite, Fire Opal, Golden Topaz, Green Aventurine, Lapis, Moonstone, Nuumite, Magnesite, Moss Agate, Obsidian, Pyrite, Poppy Jasper, Quantum Quattro, Richterite, Rhodonite, Silver, Sichuan Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Tangerine Quartz, Tantalite gem essences, and Pink Lotus and Almond flower essences.
KEYWORDS: Etheric body and physical body realignment, memory loss, panic, fear, emotional stability, flashbacks, nightmares, fatigue, anxiety, soul loss, fatigue, metabolism, mental clarity, mood swings, fear, security, grounding, disturbed sleep patterns, post traumatic stress disorder, stress tolerance, frayed nerves, emotional calmness, emotional equilibrium, stress release, expanded consciousness, help from higher dimension guides.
The first main symptoms of a traumatic experience are shock, fright, panic, fear and sometimes anger, swiftly followed by an automatic surge of adrenaline to initiate the flight or fight response. The surge of adrenaline causes the heart to pump extra blood to the limbs and brain to aid the fight or run away from danger. After a mild shock or short traumatic incident is over one's body switches off the adrenaline surges, and a calmer state of mind is usually reinstated quite quickly. But more extreme shocking/traumatic experiences can feel like having your feet forcibly swept from under you. These most negative of experiences may cause one's mental, emotional and etheric subtle bodies to be knocked out of alignment with the physical body, to remain unbalanced and out of alignment even after any physical body traumas have been attended to. Symptoms that reveal the subtle bodies are out of alignment with the physical body include memory loss, brain fog, disturbed sleep patterns, anxiety, not feeling safe, emotional outbursts, more than usual clumsiness, difficulty in making decisions, lack of the ability to concentrate, fatigue, dull headache, bouts of irritability and mood swings. Symptoms of more extreme or extended cases of shock/trauma/stress to the subtle bodies (called post traumatic stress disorder) include flashbacks, nightmares, insomnia, great anxiety, constant tiredness, unexplainable and increasing weight gain, sugar cravings/alcohol binges, constant tension and breathlessness, mental confusion and moderate to severe memory loss, (as if one had developed Alzheimers), dizziness, hair loss, illogical behaviour and emotional outbursts.
The etheric body is nearest in frequency to the physical body, so it is the first to be negatively affected and to become misaligned by the physical body's a shocking/traumatic experience. The etheric body carries life force (prana) within its Etherium Fluidium from spirit across the interface between it and physical body cells. When the optimum flow of life force is slowed, due to the subtle body misalignment with the physical, it leads to anxiety, lowered metabolism and fatigue. The mental and emotional bodies register their stress and discomfort in the brain and solar plexus at being out of alignment, which causes the surges of adrenaline to keep going when they should have stopped after the first effects of shock/trauma were over.
This carefully researched Overcoming Emotional Shock Essence is designed to alleviate/remove unpleasant, acute mental and emotional symptoms caused by a sudden, strong traumatic experience, or high, continuous levels of mentally/emotionally exhausting stress, and it is also for if those symptoms carry on for more than a month to six weeks, when their continuation turns into the distressing chronic state of what is called post traumatic stress disorder.
This Overcoming Emotional Shock essence instils deep calm and relaxation into the subtle bodies, that lowers stress levels so that the fight or flight "fright/danger to oneself" message that pumps adrenaline out of the adrenal glands into one's previously traumatised body can be shut off. The gem and flower essences in this combination can then calm frayed nerves, release nervous tension and energetically release shock and trauma in the mental, emotional and etheric bodies, realigning them with each other and with the physical body. A normal amount of life force (prana) flowing through the etheric body to the interface with physical cells is restored, and the essences are then able to instigate emotional equilibrium and stability to alleviate emotional and mental imbalances caused by the traumatic experience or over-stress, such as anxiety, sleep disturbances, stress-caused memory loss, feeling unsafe, mental confusion, brain fog, nightmares, dizziness, mood swings, emotional outbursts, PTSD and panic attacks. This essence combination removes flashbacks by dispersing a subtle level energy block in the mental body that has become a circular, tape-like memory loop keeping a traumatic memory on constant playback, (in many cases because the mind keeps mulling over how it could have avoided the traumatic experience.) This essence combination alleviates fatigue and exhaustion. It overcomes energy drains, centres and grounds one, and sustains and supports one in times of difficulty. It raises core stability and assists the subtle bodies to withstand sudden trauma or periods of high levels of unavoidable stress. It retrieves and reintegrates soul parts that have been lost through an extreme traumatic experience. Sometimes moderate to extreme shock/trauma can cause an imbalance between the two hemispheres of the brain, that also negatively affects the subtle level functions balance of the mental body. The essences in this combination energetically re-harmonise the brain hemispheres and restore balance and stability to the mental body. Brain fog, and mental confusion are overcome, and body balance, mental clarity, concentration, focus and normal decision making capabilities are restored. Mood swings, dizziness and sleep disturbances are alleviated. A recovery from shock-caused short term memory loss follows on from the re-harmonising of the brain hemispheres, especially when one has been finding it hard to remember everyday things such as where you've put the house keys or your credit cards, and if you have been easily distracted and have forgotten to carry out everyday tasks.
Finally, as an added bonus, some of the essences in this combination, including Banded Agate, Angel Wing Calcite, Silver, and Sichuan Quartz also have the ability to stimulate the higher chakras above the head in order to facilitate and integrate an increased flow of higher vibration light energy into ones being, via the etheric body's restored to normal flow of Ethereal Fluidium, that will help one to link into higher dimension guides, and to expand one's consciousness for better sensory perception, improved memory retention and greater subtle body resistance to stress.
LINKS TO: Blood pressure regulation and pulse rate, heart, blood oxygenation, improved metabolism, brain hemispheres harmonisation, blood flow to brain, endocrine glands regulation, nervous system, insomnia, nightmares, panic attacks, adrenaline production, digestive issues, weight gain due to insufficient combustion of nutrients due to stress/trauma/shock, nervous exhaustion, calms emotional overactions, post traumatic stress disorder, bowel obstruction, tonic, non-hormonal night hot flashes, memory retention, shortness of breath, circulation and nervous systems, hair loss, intestines, clumsiness, hands, feet, shoulders, liver, gall bladder. Energetically protects subtle bodies from damage by emf and cell phone emanations.
NB: Breathing slowly in through the nose, for the count of three, and then breathing out slowly through the nose for the count of six repeatedly for a few minutes can help to calm stress and alleviate rapid, shallow breathing, especially helpful to do just before bedtime. If you are feeling very stressed and unable to relax "Calm Down" essence in my Bach Flower Essence range is also very helpful for combining with this Overcoming Emotional Shock essence. Just a few drops of Calm Down essence can be taken every 10 minutes until a relief from breathlessness/stress/tension/nervousness is felt. Then around 9 drops of Overcoming Emotional Shock essence can be taken. Repeat the doses when necessary, up to 3 times daily. To aid sleep put a large Amethyst tumblestone under your pillow, or a add a drop or two on a tissue of French Linden blossom oil (Tilia vulgaris) or Alpine Lavender oil and inhale the aroma slowly through your nose several times before putting the oil-infused tissue under your pillow at bedtime. |
The Overcoming Energy Loss essence combination includes Aqua Aura, Ametrine, Chrysocolla, Danburite, Emerald, Gold, Kyanite, Labradorite, Larimar, Lepidolite, Nuumite, Peridot, Petalite, Preseli Bluestone, Pyrite, Ruby, Seraphinite, Smithsonite, Smoky Quartz, Sunstone, Tangerine Quartz and Tourmalinated Quartz gem essences.
Keywords: Overcoming energy vampirism, guilt, fear, self-sabotage, lethargy, emotional extremes, self-sabotage, and E.M.F. pollution. Psychic shield. Protects from ill-wishing, psychic hooks and mental projections of others. Mends energy leaks in aura, disperses miasms, cuts karmic ties. Calms over-active minds. Energises, instigates forgiveness, nurtures inner child. Soul retrieval.
Overcoming Energy loss is designed to protect one against ill-wishing, psychic manipulation, negative influences and mental projections or intentions of others. It removes psychic hooks, karmic ties and negative beliefs, that drain one’s energy. It releases negative karma, alleviates guilt, and neutralises destructive or obsessive tendencies and self-sabotage. It promotes forgiveness of self and others. It energises and activates the energy centres of the body to draw in more light and spiritual energy. It stops energy leaks, by helping to close up holes in the aura, that have been caused by substance abuse or trauma. It dissolves miasms (ancestral DNA faults), stabilises mood swings, releases old emotional baggage and calms an overactive mind. It promotes optimism and enthusiasm, nurtures the inner child, dissipates fear, and encourages the return of lost soul parts.
Links to circulation, hormone balance, nervous system, respiratory system, DNA memory, mental breakdown and chronic fatigue. |
The Overcoming Enmity combination includes Ajoite, Morganite, Sugilite, Tourmalinated Quartz, Phenacite, Jet, Lepidolite, Hemimorphite, Amazonite, Aqua Aura, Tigers Eye, Black Tourmaline, Kunzite, Chalcedony, Honey Calcite, Fire Agate, Lapis, Amblygonite and Petalite gem essences.
This complex mix of essences is designed to protect one against the hostile, toxic or malicious intentions of others. It prevents the negative energies of others from entering the aura, as it neutralises malicious energy. It provides one with a shield of light to repel animosity and jealousy, ill-will, curses, spells or psychic attacks that are deliberately directed against one's personal energies. It discourages negative retaliation, and helps one to remain positive and true to oneself. This essence helps one to find positive ways of overcoming personal attacks on one's character. It also helps to deter one from responding to negative stimuli in an angry, hostile, antagonistic, fearful or manipulative manner. It promotes corrective energy in those who are fraudulent, "stab others in the back", manipulate or play with other people's emotions, who "have to have someone to hate", or who disempower others for personal gain. |
The Overcoming Entities combination includes Aegirine, Chlorite, Brandberg Amethyst, Malachite, Spirit Quartz, Sugilite, Labradorite, Aqua Aura, Black Tourmaline, Astrophyllite, Kyanite, Lapis, Klinoptilolite, Lithium Quartz, Nuumite, Obsidian, Petalite, Poppy Jasper, Stromatolite and Tibetan Black Quartz and Tourmalinated Quartz gem essences.
This combination absorbs, dispels, neutralises or transmutes negative entities and attachments, thought forms, psychic chords and hooks. It prevents re-attachment by removing artificial constructs, stops auric energy leaks, repairs holes in the aura, strengthens the biomagnetic sheath and protects the aura from malevolent energies. This essence also blocks psychic attacks, subtle tie formation, energy manipulation and black magic. It neutralises curses and alleviates miasms and karmic influences. Use it before and after surgery, during healing, before meditation, trance work and shamanism, and if working in negative environments. |
This Overcoming Fear combination contains Ancestralite, Aquamarine, Azurite, Brandberg Amethyst, Champagne Aura Quartz, Diamond, Emerald, Empowerite, Hemimorphite, Jet, Labradorite, Nuumite, Quantum Quattro, Stromatolite, Tantalite, and Tremolite gem essences and Pennyroyal and Bach flower Aspen essences.
Keywords: dispelling anxiety, stress, fear and fright, hypnotic commands, protection from unwanted energies and malicious thoughts, dissolving thought forms, psychic attack, psychic vampirism, confused thinking, self-empowerment, mental clarity, fearlessness, strength, courage, equilibrium, happiness.
This Overcoming Fear combination essence has been updated to focus specifically on the difficult times Humanity is currently experiencing (Aug. 2021), where dark force-controlled politicians, quack scientists and crooked advisors aim succeed in boosting their own personal empowerment and wealth by dis-empowering, over-controlling and frightening the public with their negative and unfathomable actions, their disinformation, and their "Hitler-like" propaganda spread through the media. This carefully researched combination essence is designed to protect all levels of one's being from constant scare-mongering, that causes never-ending anxiety and fear, due the "flight or flight"-promoting action of adrenaline, which eventually is likely to lead to the damaging of one's well-being, especially one's mental balance, the nervous system, the circadian rhythms, the immune system and one's emotional equilibrium. This essence clears away anxiety, worry, fear and stress by removing, dissolving and blocking negative thought forms and hypnotic commands that have been deliberately created to stimulate the flight or flight response. Negative thought forms come to be accepted en masse as truth in the minds of people when so-called "experts" and politicians keep up a never-ending repetition of particular untruths through the media. Hypnotic commands are unconscious programmes installed by an external source that "run" a person, causing them to act in a an automatic mode. This essence powerfully protects one from alien or adverse forces, removes hypnotic commands and core beliefs lodged in the etheric in present or previous lives, and it clears the effects of ill-wishing or psychic attack/manipulation. This essence supports the nervous system and dissolves insecurities and conscious or unconscious fears resulting from past lives or those fears that have been passed down through the ancestral lines. It alleviates the effects of stress, strengthens, nurtures and protects the auric field. It instils inner strength and courage to those struggling in a difficult situation. It promotes confidence and fearlessness It releases negative mental influences and dissolves erroneous beliefs or lies that have been programmed into one's mind by constant repetition through the media. It releases external influences that do not accord with one's soul plan, and heals disillusionment caused by being misled by those in power. It clears mental confusion, calms panic attacks and promotes calmness and emotional equilibrium.
Links to: balanced production of serotonin and melatonin, pineal gland ,circadian rhythms, solar plexus chakra, organs adversely affected by adrenaline, nervous system, chakra realignment, hormone balance, cellular structures, lungs, asthma, the immune system, mental processes, nightmares, restless leg syndrome, artificially induced paranoia, muscle cramps, cravings, mood swings, panic attacks, nervous breakdown. |
The Overcoming Hypersensitivity combination includes Sugilite, Citrine, Moldavite, Aqua Aura, Danburite, Purple Jade, Labradorite, Lepidolite, Moss Agate, Black Tourmaline and Zircon gem essences.
This combination is for those who are over-sensitive to criticism, the weather, geopathic stress, certain foods and others' negative thoughts. It helps those who fear the physical realm to remain grounded and centred, and therefore become less fearful, worried or prone to panic attacks. It boosts analytical thinking in situations where a hypersensitive person is likely to be overcome by their feelings. It surrounds one with a shield of light that helps to make one more impervious to the disharmony of others. It offers protection to sensitive healers, psychics, actors and to those who work in a nursing environment. It helps to increase one’s hardiness through the understanding and acceptance of one's own sensitivity, compared with the average person's lack of feelings, particularly in group situations such as the classroom or office. It reduces over-sensitivity to the modern environment, particularly where one has developed dietary or environmental intolerances. |
The Overcoming Loneliness essence contains a combination of Andalusite, Angel Aura Quartz, , Candle Quartz, Carnelian, Cerussite, Chrysoprase, Citrine, Erythrite, Green Garnet, Hiddenite, Linarite, Moss Agate, Nuumite, Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz, Smithsonite, Smoky Quartz, Snowflake Obsidian and Sugilite gem essences.
Affirmation - I am never alone. I feel the presence of the divine source/creator within my heart and all around me. I am safe and at peace.
This essence is designed to clear any subtle blockages in the heart chakra and release ingrained patterns of behaviour, to help you overcome loneliness, isolation or abandonment. It forms a buffer against life's problems, dissipates despair and helps you though difficult times. It helps you to adjust to big changes and to feel at home wherever you may find yourself. It enables one to cope with solitude without feeling lonely, especially where limitations have been placed upon you, such as having a physical disability. It instils self-esteem, self-love and self-assurance in those who have felt unloved or unwanted. It imparts inner strength, hope, optimism and a sense of being part of the divine whole. It realigns your biomagnetic sheath (aura) with your body if you have been knocked "off-centre" by shock, trauma, change or grief. The essence facilitates deep change, supports new beginnings, encourages the taking of proactive steps for social interaction, and helps you to get along with others. It increases your awareness of your guardian angel, to encourage the feeling of being safe at home and in social situations.
The Overcoming Past Programming combination includes Seraphinite, Peridot, Ametrine, Lepidolite, Malachite, Phenacite, Pyrite, Ajoite, Azurite, Larimar, Pink Calcite, Kunzite, Kyanite, Pietersite, Rhodochrosite, Hiddenite, Danburite, Dioptase, Halite, Ocean Jasper, Pietersite, Spirit Quartz, Aquamarine, Ajoite, Petalite, Chlorite and Morganite gem essences.
This complex essence combination releases limiting patterns, negative programming, miasms and stuck energy, that cause unhelpful and limiting patterns of behaviour. It can neutralise subtle energy implants and will dissolve vows, karmic debris, self-imposed constraints, mental conditioning and negative beliefs. It stimulates the reinstatement of gifts and talents that have been repressed or lost, due to torture or threats to survival. |
The Overcoming Self-Doubt combination includes Golden Topaz, Amblygonite, Honey Calcite, Hiddenite, Tangerine Quartz, Moss Agate, Chrysocolla, Citrine, Smoky Quartz, Zircon, Heliodor, Turquoise, Fire Opal, Blue Lace Agate, Zincite and Jet gem essences.
This essence increases self-confidence and banishes doubt, feelings of inadequacy, self-pity, inner fears and uncertainty. It instils faith in one’s abilities and talents, and heals issues of self-worth. It dissolves past regrets, and initiates self-forgiveness for mistakes that have been made. It alleviates self-criticism and stimulates the will to succeed, and is especially helpful for exams, tests and other challenges of life. |
This Overcoming Self Sabotage essence is a carefully researched and powerful combination gem essence that contains Amblygonite, Ametrine, Ancestralite, Botswana Agate, Eilat Stone, Empowerite, Eudialyte, Gold, Green Aventurine, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Mahogany Obsidian, Nundertite, Nuumite, Pietersite, Que Sera, Quantum Quattro, Rosophia, Smithsonite, Sunset Aura Quartz, Tourmalinated Quartz and Turquoise gem essences.
It is specifically designed to overcome all forms of self-sabotage, and to instil self-love and self-worth.
KEYWORDS:- self-sabotage, energy/psychic vampirism, negative mental programming, emotional balance, martyrdom, self-empowerment, self-love, self-worth, self-nurturing, over-care for others, ancestral wounding, emotional abuse, lack of love, self-imposed limitations, emotional nourishment, disempowerment, mortification of the flesh, poverty consciousness, re-integrating soul fragments, insecurity, cutting psychic cords, soul loss, melancholy.
The main root causes of self-sabotage seem to have been because of harmful experiences in childhood or past lives, due to one's family culture/beliefs, gender discrimination, to ancestral wounding, such as being part of an historically oppressed racial group, or due to religious constraints and conditioning, such as self-punishment of the flesh, or vows of obedience, chastity and poverty.
Here is an example of a child who suffer from self-sabotage as an adult, due to their early life experiences. This child soon learns to believe they are less good and less-deserving than others when they are given no love, nor praise from their parents. They are ignored by them, apart from criticism or punishment, for any minor infringements they commit, for not following the set rules, for laughing or shouting (children must be seen and not heard), or for not doing all of the numerous domestic tasks demanded of them by their manipulative, energy-vampirising parents or figures of authority. As the mental and emotional negative conditioning continues to disempower the child, its life-force energy begins to be sucked out through psychic energy cords connected up to the parents. This child may also have also been repeatedly told, when being punished, that they are stupid, ugly, lazy, or don't deserve to have been born at all. The child may may achieve some success at school t first but are soon chided by the parents and told not to boast or told "pride comes before a fall”. The mental and emotional self-sabotage conditioning continues as a teacher, recognizing the child's weakness and vulnerability, attaches their own psychic cords to leach life-force energy from the child. Every negative event or comment decreases the child's self-love and well-being, and increases their likelihood of being psychically vampirised of their life-force energy by adults who are supposed to care for their emotional and mental well-being. The child's school reports criticize the child for poor subject performances, but also continue to say they could have done better in subjects they have come top of the class in! The child is often left in sole charge of looking after younger siblings, whom the parents view as being more clever, brighter or prettier than the child, due to their gender or their personal favoritism. In adulthood this person subconsciously chooses a strong, ego-driven partner, whom they believe will protect their vulnerable, damaged selves. But that partner is attracted to them because they are vulnerable.The partner repeats the same disempowering and energy-sapping criticism as the parents. If the person manages to stop the behaviour that is annoying the partner, such as turning the lights off, shutting the doors,being on time, keeping out of their way etc., the partner then finds something else to nitpick about, so the criticism is never-ending. The partner connects their own energy cords, and may also compete and overtake the person in everything they try to achieve in order to boost their own ego, so lowering the person's self-image even more. This person carries on through life, still subconsciously being controlled by their parents'"you are not deserving” mental conditioning, that scuppers their chances of being successful – such as annoying the boss just before getting a promotion, receiving praise for their success in a sport activity, but then unaccountably injuring themselves. This self-sabotaging behaviour programming may have carried on through many lifetimes until it can finally be recognised and removed.
This combination gem essence stops self-sabotaging behaviour. It disconnects you from anything that saps your personal power/life energies. It cuts through subtle level,energy-sapping cords that have been connected to you by those who continually nitpick or criticize one, such as manipulative parents, partners or work bosses. It releases one from relying on pick-me-ups such as alcohol or drugs, from no longer having the need to be a "poor me victim” in order to regain some of the stolen life-force, or the need to self harm.
This essence also offers enormous protection for every level of one's being. Weakening one's personal power can make one more vulnerable to psychic attack and energy vampirism by negative non-third dimensional entities. The essence removes negative entities, blocks further psychic attack and removes mental, emotional and psychic hooks from your aura. It balances all the chakras, stimulates the flow of chi through the meridians and re-aligns the subtle and physical bodies. It overcomes low self-esteem, feelings of unworthiness, humiliation and fatigue,and offers emotional nourishment to those feeling rejected or unloved. It removes fear of failure and others' expectations and projections, and frees your mind to confidently make make your own decisions and be confident enough to offer creative solutions to problem solving.
It overcomes self-imposed constraints and a tendency towards martyrdom, by reversing destructive emotional programming, de-energizing old emotional wounds and dispelling limiting fears, phobias and superstitions, especially those passed on through ancestors or from past lives. It removes personally harmful mental, emotional and verbal conditioning, especially those imposed by authority figures, such as parents, teachers, religious leaders and rule-makers. It dissolves crystalised belief patterns and turns negative thoughts into positive ones. It helps you to recognize and stop repeating the instilled mental and emotional programming that is limiting your growth, and it frees your soul to express itself fully. It increases your self-belief and self-worth, overcomes self doubt, releases your soul from karmic entanglements, mental imprints and psychic manipulations, and encourages you to stand in your own power. This essence banishes feelings of guilt or a fear of punishment or retribution, especially that caused over-controlling, manipulative parents/figures of authority, or by a subconscious memory of past life trauma, due to being intuitive, psychic, a healer or a witch/warlock. It reintegrates soul fragments that have been lost though extreme mental, emotional or physical abuse. It overcomes disempowerment by destroying past life curses, removes a belief in the need for mortification of the flesh (self-punishment such as self-flagellation or other painful penances for sins committed), and releases you from solemn promises, allegiances, and vows promises of obedience, chastity and poverty made in previous lives, that have been carried over to the current lifetime. It overcomes feelings of unworthiness or humiliation, instils a positive outlook and enables you to deal with change and challenges with equanimity.
Links to: - emotional balance, IBS, assimilation of nutrients, eyes, cataracts, cramp, pain, inflammation, addictions, heart problems, spleen, lungs, adrenals, brain, metabolic processes, nervous system, PMS ,hormonal balance, throat, thyroid, larynx, ears, immune system, insulin regulation, etheric blueprint, insomnia, detoxification, prostate, joints, circulation, pancreas, all chakras, meridians.
The Overcoming Stress combination essence includes Amber, Ametrine, Angel Aura Quartz, Aqua Aura, Aventurine, Botswana Agate, Cavansite, Jet, Kunzite, Labradorite, Larimar, Lepidolite, Lithium Quartz, Magnesite, Morganite, Muscovite, Onyx, Peridot, Smoky Quartz, Selenite, Shungite, Sugilite and Thulite gem essences.
Many gem essences help one to cope with stress in one way or another. These particular gem essences have been selected for the Overcoming Stress essence combination because of their specific ability to overcome the main kinds of stress we suffer from in a modern society. This carefully researched combination is designed to be an emotional support, and to nurture and heal the many conflicts that exist on all levels of human life to-day. "Overcoming Stress" is invaluable companion to help one navigate through life’s ups and downs, and through difficult situations and inevitable upheavals. It imparts inner strength, emotional stability, optimism and perseverance, and it helps one to see the bigger picture. These essences are calming and harmonising. They help to teach one the eventual transience of all difficulties. Overcoming Stress quiets the mind, calms frayed nerves and soothes away frustration, irritability, resentment, anger, intolerance and fractiousness. The essences help one to adjust to the pressures of life, they promote tolerance to the stressful situations we find ourselves in, and they help us to meet challenges with equanimity. They protect from malicious influences and shield the aura from unwanted energies. They harmonise the subtle bodies and chakras, and help to promote a feeling of well-being, that is not disturbed by stressful external influences. They alleviate worry, anxiety, nervous tension, despondency and pessimism. They bring comfort, understanding and inner peace to those suffering from feelings of hopelessness due to loss or grief. They protect one from electromagnetic stress, that can lead to irritability, emotional extremes, restlessness at night and insomnia. They encourage the letting go of the "drama queen syndrome", neutralise negative emotional programming and negative expectations, and encourage forgiveness of the self and others. They assist in overcoming obsessive and repetitive thought patterns, and propel one towards looking for solutions, instead of dwelling on problems. |
The Overcoming Victimisation combination includes Obsidian, Charoite, Ametrine, Turquoise, Boji Stone, Lepidolite, Ambylgonite, Dioptase, Morganite, Sunstone, Aventurine, Brazilianite, Tigers Eye, Honey Calcite, Aquamarine, Citrine, Black Tourmaline, Larimar, Kunzite and Rhodonite gem essences.
This combination overcomes and protects against victimisation and discrimination. It banishes the fear of becoming a victim. It breaks destructive and self-sabotage tendencies, and instigates self-worth, self-forgiveness and self-acceptance. It helps one to abandon the manipulation of others due to being a victim in childhood, or the habitual taking of abuser/victim roles. It heals past abuse, overcomes pessimism and enhances confidence and courage. |