

(Code: 328)
£ 6.35
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Faden (pronounced Fahden) Quartz is a clear quartz crystal with one or more white, thread-like lines running edge to edge through it. It is mostly found in Afghanistan/Pakistan as a tabular formation consisting as one or several conjoined crystals  Earthquakes or other volcanic activity fractured the original quartz points. When that activity stopped the crystal pieces began growing again, and over time the broken parts joined up together again, and/or linked together in an irregular manner with other shattered crystals. The white lines in the crystals mark the sites of the fractures.

Faden Quartz essence is for those are experiencing intense trauma, who feel "broken” due to a crisis, severe pressure, bullying or emotional black mail, or suffering from psychic attack from known or unknown entities who intend to mentally, emotionally or physically harm one's life force. 

Each person's life force, also called prana, first comes in when their soul enters their growing embryo in the womb. The subtle energy flow of  prana  through the body is essential for life. Food, water, solar power and air help to sustain the healthy flow of prana. An invisible silver cord links the body to spirit through their heart chakra to maintain the flow of prana, and the chakras regulate the flow of prana through the meridians and nadis to govern every subtle mechanism in the body. A healthy person has a strong sliver cord link between their body and spirit, which is only broken when the spirit leaves the body at death.

When under very high levels of stress the human the balance between body and spirit is put out right out of kilter. In current times the stress may be made even worse by the consuming of additives in junk food, and having to endure noise, air and electromagnetic pollution. Faden Quartz essence re-balances all levels of being. It realigns the chakra column. Through facilitating a greater attunement with the newly healed Earth energies (see Diamond Light Template essence details in the Sacred Place range), this essence strengthens the silver cord (sometimes deliberately attacked and weakened by nefarious forces) to provide a strong connection between one's physical and etheric bodies and one's higher soul level self. This stimulates a greater, unimpeded flow of subtle life force or prana through the meridians to enhance the life force of the physical body. This essence also re-energizes the auric energy field to remove pockets of negative energy and to enable the energetic repair of breaks leaks and holes. It  purifies the aura, restores and harmonises chakra energy, heals the inner child, and encourages fragmented soul parts to reintegrate, in order to provide one with the inner strength and "back-bone" to withstand stress and the negative intentions of others to achieve one's positive intention/wish/goal 

Links to: torn muscles/ligaments, cysts, encrustations, fractures, bruises, cuts, back pain, nervous system, food allergies, IBS