
HEALERITE - Lifting The Spirits

(Code: 372)
£ 6.35
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HEALERITE - Lifting The Spirits

HEALERITE - (Lifting The Spirits)

Keywords:spiritual support, calming, new beginnings, optimism, connection to higher realms, restoring balance, emotional healing, inner peace,meditation aid, spiritual growth.
Healerite essence is wonderful for uplifting the spirits if you feel out of sorts (sometimes for no apparent reason) when you wake up in the morning, or you get downhearted/a bit lonely as night falls. Healerite is a soothing, lime green stone that looks a bit like a peppermint chew sweet! It is a member of the Serpentine stone family that is renowned for its ability to promote a harmonious and uplifting atmosphere in living spaces. Healerite essence aligns the chakras, removes energy blockages, promotes a sense of balance and facilitates a free flow of energy throughout one's being. It restores balance to the subtle energy system and supports the nervous system, helping to calm frayed nerves and reduce stress, anxiety and tension. It can also help you to deal with past issues or old wounds that still affect you in the present day. It promotes a sense of peace, assists in accessing higher realms of consciousness during mediation, and deepens spiritual connections. It promotes a inner sense of heart-felt optimism and well-being.

Links to: detoxification, solar plexus and heart chakras, longevity.