The colourful flower-like red blotches that are characteristic of the Poppy Jasper crystal stimulate a positive and joyful attitude. The stone is also said to repel stalkers and ex-partners who won't let go. Poppy Jasper essence balances the base chakra, whether it is over-active or under-active. It can soothe an over-active libido and disperse strong emotions or sexual frustration, or it will provide a kick-start when action, determination and fresh motivation is needed. It promotes quick-thinking, organisational abilities and the necessary perseverance to see projects through to completion. It strengthens one's subtle boundaries, and aligns one’s whole being with the etheric realm. It clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution. It also assists dowsers in their work.
Links to vitality, birth process, cell walls, circulatory, digestive and sexual organs, liver, allergies.