
Gem Essences

£ 6.25

Sunset Aura Quartz is a created by permanently bonding vaporized Titanium and Silicon onto clear quartz crystals in a vacuum at a very high temperature. The result is the creation of the most amazing, sparkling crystal with shiny, metallic hues of  coppery-orange and gold with electric pink flashes. The essence made from this Sunset Aura Quartz raises your vibrational energy and provides inner strength, power and support. It releases past trauma, helps you recognize and release life patterns that are restricting your growth, and is excellent for overcoming self-sabotage.  It builds up self-confidence and self-esteem, and boosts your inspiration,creativity, passion and intuitive connections. It also helps with releasing trust issues, to prevent them from harming your future.

Links to sacral chakra, digestion, IBS, fatigue and reproductive imbalances.

SUNSTONE - Independence
£ 6.25
SUNSTONE - Independence

Helps one to achieve one's needs and desires. Brings luck and good fortune. Encourages openness, optimism and leadership qualities. Removes inhibitions and hang-ups. Increases self-worth. Dissipates fear. Removes hooks in aura. Transforms anger and depression into joy. Raises vibrations of one's emotional patterns.
Links to metabolism, digestion, endocrine system, hormones, reproductive system, stomach ulcers, S.A.D., autonomic nervous system, cartilage.
TANGERINE QUARTZ - Releasing Shock
£ 6.25
TANGERINE QUARTZ - Releasing Shock

For shock or trauma, soul retrieval, or to overcome insurmountable problems. Helps mind locate and retrieve lost soul parts. Use when sweetness has gone out of life. Stimulates joyful creativity. Eases sexual problems, impotence or frigidity. Dispels frustration, anger, anxiety. Changes limited beliefs, removes victim consciousness, dissolves worry about mistakes. Overcomes fear of being stupid or inferior, or of not being good enough.
Links to gonads, adrenals, infertility, loss of libido, bladder and kidneys.
TANTALITE - Stability
£ 6.25

Most of the present-day Tantalite comes from Brazil or Australia. This is a rare, very special, deep red crystal with many helpful attributes. Tantalite essence dissolves underlying non-beneficial behaviour patterns lodged in the etheric blueprint to help one overcome obsessions, addictions and cravings, and to rein in any kind of excessive behaviour. It settles a "butterfly" mind, counteracts pessimism, aids decision-making, promotes good judgement skills, and instils a sense of purpose and direction when making plans for the future. It is both nurturing and protective. It removes the effect of psychic attack or ill-wishing. It clears psychic vampirism and entity possession, and removes psychic hooks, attachments, implants, core beliefs and curses from previous or present life-times. It balances the energy fields around the body and deflects negative environmental energies and other adverse energies.
Links to ADHD, extreme mood swings, shock, trauma, first-aid, nausea, mineral assimilation, chemical pollution, anti-oxidant, joints, bones, tissues, cells. Take essence by mouth, massage a few drops into problems areas, or add a few drops to water in an atomiser to disperse through the aura.
£ 6.25

When Gold, Indium and Niobium are bonded onto a rainbow-filled, clear Quartz crystal it is transformed into the most magical electric blue/violet Tanzan Aura quartz. Tanzan Aura Quartz essence enhances intuitive and psychic abilities, bringing guidance from ascended masters, archangels and healing guides. It offers one deep inner comfort through inherently knowing that one belongs to a greater soul group, who support each other on a subtle level, throughout their Earth journeys. The essence overcomes boredom and reclaims one’s passion for life. It releases unhelpful belief patterns, promotes clear and logical thinking, and offers emotional stability and tolerance.
Links to pituitary, hypothalamus, pineal and thyroid glands, brain disorders, assimilation of minerals, insomnia, metabolism, hormones, spinal alignment, obesity, migraine, ADHD, connective tissues, immune system, carcinogens, inflammation, fevers, Lupus, convalescence, sadness, Fibromyalgia, circulation, the pancreas, diabetes, vision, glaucoma, the urinary tract, blood pressure/disorders, spleen and liver functions.
£ 6.25

Unifies will with manifestation abilities. Facilitates communication with ancient tribal spirits. Protects and harmonises subtle senses in trance work. Encourages compassion and trust. Beneficial for workaholics, or those who feel disempowered. Calms an over-active mind or exhausted adrenals.
Links to over-active thyroid, head, throat, chest, kidneys, nerves, hearing, skin, hair, spinal column, eyes, coma.
£ 6.35

Tibetan Black Quartz is said to be one of the most powerful stones for spiritual protection ever found. It is a crystal clear form of quartz, (often double terminated) that contains black inclusions, which some believe are carbon, graphite or black tourmaline. The crystals are mostly hand-mined by monks at an elevation of 16,000 feet in the Ganesh Himal mountain range that borders Tibet and Nepal. 
Tibetan Black Quartz essence cleanses and purifies the subtle energies in and around the body, clearing psychic debris, releasing self-limitations and anger or grief from the past, and breaking up stubborn mental or emotional blocks. It strengthens, fills and expands the aura to create a non-force field bubble of light around the body, allowing only positive vibrations to penetrate the auric field, and protecting one from negative energies or psychic attack. It centers and grounds, and also stabilises the emotions, as it aligns the subtle bodies. It harmonises and balances the meridian system as well as all the chakras, having a special affinity for the crown, brow and heart chakras. It eliminates insecurity or feelings of unworthiness, and provides support when one is experiencing change or going through something that brings up feelings of dread, uncertainty or anxiety. This essence helps to make one more receptive to personal spirit guides, who can help to keep one safe from harm on a psychic and physical level. It helps to deliver higher dimensional guidance into the mind (because of  its inherent crystalline structure link to the "OM" vibration), to assist one ins successfully overcoming life's challenges. It also fills one with hope and confidence, and with the courage and determination to make the best life-changing decisions. 
Links to the nervous system, myelin sheath, brain and nerve ganglia, energy enhancement, nutrient absorption, vertigo, chronic fatigue, bone injuries, fibromyalgia, intestinal problems, eating disorders, stamina and strength.
Directions for use: Take by mouth in the usual way, with drops under the tongue, or adding drops to a glass of mineral water, or - regularly rub one drop of the essence into each of the seven chakras, to aid harmonisation and balance of all the chakras. For help with coping with change or with decision making, add around 7 drops of this essence to a glass of mineral water. Take a few sips of the water before you go to sleep, and if you wake up in the night worrying about a problem, and again in the morning as you wake up. Repeat nightly as often as required.
TIGER IRON - Adjusting To Change
£ 6.35
TIGER IRON - Adjusting To Change

Stimulates strength, stamina, agility and courage. Grounds and protects those with a tendency to spaciness. Enhances personal power, focused will and endurance. Good for body builders. Maintains willpower to help give up bad habits such as smoking, drinking or over-eating.
Links to red blood cells, anaemia, burn-out, low blood oxygen, muscle tone, bone marrow, sense of smell and skeleton
TIGER'S EYE - Overcoming challenges
£ 6.35
TIGER'S EYE - Overcoming challenges
Eliminates the blues. Aids those who are unable to manifest their desires. Simulates wealth. Helps one to remain calm and centred when under stress. Overcomes anxiety, discouragement and self-criticism. Focuses energy to meet challenges. Helps those who swing between extremes. Aids in resolving dilemmas or internal conflicts. Creates harmony in relationships.
Links to eyes, night vision, anaemia, blood, bones, digestion, endocrine system, hormones, spine, personality disorders.
TOPAZ (GOLDEN) - Wish Power
£ 6.35
TOPAZ (GOLDEN) - Wish Power

For those who seek fame. Instils ambition and a drive towards recognition. Strengthens optimism and trust in universe to provide one's needs. Attracts helpful people. Enhances creativity, charisma and healthy pride in one's talents. Overcomes limitations. Assists in setting great plans in motion. Emotionally supportive. Alleviates nervousness.
Links to taste buds, sympathetic nerves, urinary system, digestion, intestines, anorexia, metabolism, vision, kidneys, varicose veins., S.A.D., nutrient absorption.
£ 6.35

This essence, made from strands of black tourmaline held within a clear quartz point, is a powerful psychic protector, cleanser and purifier of the aura. It clears stuck energy patterns, releases negative behaviour, and protects one from bad vibes and detrimental environmental influences. It creates a bubble of light around the body to screen out destructive energies, and helps one receive the full spectrum of light necessary for dynamic equilibrium and spiritual growth. It helps one to recover from self-sabotage and negative influences. With intent, it can help one to return to the straight and narrow, following a life of crime or of drug abuse. It is especially helpful in solving problems. It harmonises the meridians, the subtle bodies and the chakras. Tourmalinated quartz releases tension, and helps to transform negative thoughts and energies into positive ones.
TOURMALINE (BLACK) - Merlin's Cloak
£ 6.35
TOURMALINE (BLACK) - Merlin's Cloak

Transmutes and purifies negative energy, such as environmental pollutants, cell phone radiation & electromagnetic smog. Helps to rid one of negative thoughts, anxieties, worry, anger or feelings of unworthiness. Assists those who need protection. Protects against victimisation, psychic attack, spells and ill-wishes. Disperses gloom, stress, and obsessive behaviour.
Links to heavy metals, coccyx, neck tension, adrenals, intestinal problems, stomach ache, body waste, constipation, bloating, heart, brain hemispheres balance, immune system, metabolism, dyslexia, arthritis, spinal column, jet lag, sciatica.
£ 6.35

Blue Tourmaline assists verbal communication. It stimulates the verbal flow of appropriate and eloquent language, and aids the diplomatic expression of one’s thoughts and feelings. It helps develop psychic gifts for channelling and mediumship. Useful for healers and therapists as it prevents negative energies from others from sticking to one. Overcomes sadness and blocked feelings.
Links to pulmonary system, immune system, brain, fluid balance, kidney, bladder, thymus, thyroid, insomnia, night sweats, sinuses, larynx, oesophagus, eyes, speech defects.
£ 6.35

Magnetises one to attract success and abundance. Rejuvenates. Cleanses, purifies. Banishes fear of being a victim and attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity. Promotes a sense of belonging. Quiets the mind, aids sleep. Fortifies nervous system. Heals father/male relationship issues.
Links to ductless glands, weight loss, chronic fatigue, strained muscles, dyslexia, chronic fatigue, spine, constipation, diarrhoea, claustrophobia, hyperactivity.
£ 6.35

Soothes wounds of the heart. Attracts love. Very calming. Promotes peace. Increases gentleness. Repairs holes in aura created by negative attachments. Provides re-assurance and helps emotionally traumatised people to recover their zest for life. Releases stress, worry, depression, anxiety, obsessive behaviour. Makes it harder for others to project negativity in one's direction.
Links to Angina, irregular heartbeat, brain biochemistry, endocrine system, damaged nerves, skin, hyperactivity and sleeping problems in children.
£ 6.35

The essence made from this pretty tourmaline, with a pink centre and green outside, activates and clears the heart centre of past wounds. It fosters love, tenderness, empathy, compassion, joy, diplomacy, tact and friendship. It counters anger, spite and resentment, and overrides histrionics. It calms stress,soothes frayed nerves and promotes a balanced state of mind. It promotes inner security, dispels guilt and encourages self-forgiveness.
Links to nerve regeneration, paralysis, MS, immune system, heart, muscles, thymus, small intestines and dyslexia.
TREMOLITE - Silencing the Monkey Mind
£ 6.25
TREMOLITE - Silencing the Monkey Mind

Tremolite is a rather special high vibration, sparkly, light green crystal from Tanzania. The essence draws in chi/prana, and fills one with a great feeling of release from negative thinking. It instils profound peace, harmony and clarity and composure, and helps one to release chaotic energies, emotional baggage, uncertainty, anxiety, fear, stress and worry. Tremolite essence also offers strength and courage to those in difficult situations, and helps sensitive people to feel more secure. This essence is particularly helpful to take before facing a challenge, or when one is trying to relax or go to sleep, but is plagued by "monkey mind" concerns, when as fast as one worry is dealt with, another one pops up. Examples of "monkey mind" thinking are "Did I do everything right today?, have I forgotten anything?, should I have done this or that?, what have I got to do tomorrow?, how can I fit everything in? Am I good/quick/clever enough?, what if this or that happens?, should I cancel/not turn up?, what will they think of me?, supposing they hate me? What if I can't do it?, what will happen if I fail, what will they ask me?, will I make a fool of myself?, what if I have a panic attack?", etc, etc. Tremolite essence is best used later in the day, Before meditation or sleep place a few Tremolite essence drops under the tongue. Under the right conditions this powerful essence can also be used to activate the pineal gland and expand ones' consciousness. It opens up new subtle neural pathways in the brain to open the third eye, crown and soul star chakras, and the stellar gateway. This action then offers one direct access to higher guidance and higher dimensional morphic fields of knowledge, which allows one access to information without prior knowledge of the subject/history. The essence also amplifies the energies of specific thoughts or prayers.
Links to oxygenation of blood, lungs, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, shortness of breath, panic attacks, heart, neurotransmitters, immune system, M.E, C.F.S.
TRIGONIC QUARTZ - Set Your Intention. Make It Happen
£ 6.25
TRIGONIC QUARTZ - Set Your Intention. Make It Happen

It is time. The Trigonic Quartz is a unique white or clear crystal point that has been gifted to humanity by the Trigonic people. The Trigonics are a group of humans who live on Earth at a higher dimension in places of legend, such as Shambhala or Shangri La. They have physically etched many downward-facing triangles into the Trigonic Quartz faces, which is seemingly impossible in nature. It is said that the triangles are codes to expand human consciousness to re-awaken the 10 holographic DNA codes held in the etheric blueprint. This Trigonic Quartz essence was potentised using sound and sunlight. It is important for  "awakened humans" now to "set their intention and make it happen" in order to keep their energies strong and positive and not be dragged down to a lower frequency by the negative vibrations currently reigning on Earth. Trigonic Quartz essence will help you raise your vibratory rate to permanently change to a higher frequency, and it is claimed by Judy Hall, enables you to facilitate a raise in consciousness in others. It is particularly helpful in conflict situations, whether internal or external.  This Triqonic quartz essence is helpful for holding intent and sending distant healing to others. It carriers bioscalar waves that give cells greater energy and an enhanced response to subtle level healing and immune processes, particularly through the Etheric Fluidium which links the etheric body with the physical. Take a few drops under the tongue or in mineral water morning and night, put one drop to your crown chakra, and perhaps rub a drop around your navel with your finger in a clockwise direction. If you feel fearful set your intention and expect to make it happen that you draw protective beings to you (the "Dakini" or angels) to keep you safe. Set your intention to release bad habits that drain you of energy. (Perhaps also take "Overcoming Addiction" essence in the "Overcoming Blocks to Happiness" range as well to overcome obsessions.)  Eat fresh food where possible and avoid food that contains man-made chemicals. Find a place to breathe in fresh air and take some kind of exercise every day. Avoid those who feed off your energies by constantly being critical or negative, or who rely on you to tell them what to think/do all the time, Laugh/sing every day. Appreciate the feeling of being loved every day, whether its your partner, children, pets or other animals, or appreciating a beautiful scene in nature the Earth provides. Give out love to others and feel gratitude when it is returned. Word your intentions in a positive way. For instance "I see myself linking up with positive people". Set your intention and make it happen for all of the above. There is no need to ask for your desired outcome to happen. Just expect that they will happen, just like you expect the sun to rise in the morning and the plants to grow. Trigonic Quartz essence will assist you. 

If your intention is to change or stop something that is having a negative effect globally so that humanity can benefit, be healed, be free and experience joy and love during these particular times, take a few drops of Trigonic Quartz and rub a drop into any chakra that feels appropriate for your intention.  Then state your intention and make/expect it to happen. Word your intention in a positive way. Repeat 3 times. For instance if you want to go on holiday and you have the money to do so, imagine how you will feel when you  have easily arrived at your holiday destination without any difficulties. If you choose, you might want to extend your "prayer-field" to your holiday destination to help you imagine what it will be like when you get there. (See James Redfield's "The Secret of Shambhala" book, available on Amazon.) As you state your intention imagine you have linked up with all the other lightworkers on Earth, who have the same particular intention/desire as you. The Dakini/angels will help you. See them as points of light all over the Earth, and know that whatever you desire to restore, change, stop, or to raise the  frequency of humanity etc, those lightworkers whose lights you see are linking up with you will assist in making it happen. Be patient and expect it to happen at the right moment in Divine time. You can repeat your intention as many times as feels appropriate.

Trigonic Quartz essence works for the benefit of all humanity, and it cannot be used for harm. A few drops placed in spring water can also be added to baths, rivers or seawater to dissolve the "war-gene" encoded into the human energy system, to bring about the resolution of conflict.

Links to: higher heart chakra (thymus), Soma, Soul star and Stellar gateway chakras, brain, circulation, swollen joints, light-bodies, soul, lymphatic system, fluid balance, kidneys.

TRIPHANE - Inner Illumination
£ 6.25
TRIPHANE - Inner Illumination

Triphane is lovely pale yellow form of Spodumene. Triphane aligns the 7 main chakras with one another and stimulates the solar plexus chakra to promote optimism and a sense of purpose. It shields the aura from negative energies and clears away lingering sad memories and worry arising from past mistakes or failures. It instils the will and ability to springclean and reduce clutter.
Links to epilepsy, hearing, vision, joints, bones, spinal cord, nervous system, DNA/RNA.
TURQUOISE - Regeneration
£ 6.35
TURQUOISE - Regeneration

Aligns subtle bodies. Revitalises nervous system. Stabilises mood swings. Calms panic attacks. Encourages positive outlook, self-acceptance and the release of useless regrets. Dissolves martyr attitude. Helps us to honour and respect ourselves. Balances male and female energies. Dispels negative energy. Protects from environmental pollutants and electromagnetic smog. Strengthens meridians.
Links to tissues, nutrients, mucus, oxygen, heartburn, blood, eyes, cramps.
UNAKITE - E.M.F. Smog Dissipation
£ 6.35
UNAKITE - E.M.F. Smog Dissipation

Unakite is an attractive  bi-coloured form of granite that was caught up in glaciers during the last ice age. It was first discovered in the Unaka mountains in the US. This essence is made from a beautifully patterned pink orthoclase feldspar and a green epidote Unakite palm stone. It has the unique ability to reduce the effects of electromagnetic pollution. It does this by dissipating and earthing through one's base chakra any extraneous energy, such as EMF emanations from mobile (cell) phones, phone masts, smart meters, computers, wi-fi TVs, wireless routers/computer mice etc., that pulsate through the body, and lead to foggy-headedness, anxiety, memory loss, fatigue, lack of concentration, loss of libido, headache and sleep disturbances. It helps one to focus on the present instead of dwelling on past negative experiences. It helps one to overcome situations that threaten one's personal power, and soothes anger, resentment and heartache. It instils emotional balance, resilience and courage, and helps children bounce back from grief or disappointment. It assists in controlling addictive habits, offers gentle, nurturing support when one is feeling overwhelmed, sad or lost, and also combats fear of helplessness. 
Links to muscles, hair, female reproductive system, tissue growth, heart, recovery from injury, depressive states.

£ 6.35

Vanadinite is a deep, ruby red crystal that activates the lower three chakras, to instil desire, action and production. It provides the drive, stamina and sustainability to complete creative goals or work projects. It removes stagnation and apathy, and promotes endurance, persistence and willpower. Links mind centres with lower chakras to promote clarity, organisation, determination and vitality, for achieving tasks that require hard work. Helps one to focus and remain free of distraction. Helps those working in specialized fields, such as athletes, writers and journalists to achieve their aims and meet deadlines. Overcomes writer’s block. Combats drowsiness and fatigue, when having to work long hours to fulfil commitments. It provides both stamina and grounding. Helps one to stay linked with the body without diminishing one’s connection to higher realms, so is useful for channelling, mediumship and psychic readings. Also curbs overspending and the squandering of energy. (NB: This essence has been made using the indirect method).
Links to chronic exhaustion, bladder, hormones and menopause.
VESUVIANITE - Courage To Change
£ 6.35
VESUVIANITE - Courage to Change

This essence was made from the more traditional pink and green Vesuvianite, also known as Idocrase, and from the more recently discovered deep port-coloured Chinese Vesuvianite. This highly energetic essence is particularly useful for those going through or needing to make major life changes. It aligns the will with the heart, to provide the courage and enthusiasm to make changes in one’s job, relationships, habit patterns, home life, thoughts and emotions. It releases unconscious fears, limiting beliefs and negative attachments, to aid one in manifesting one’s heart’s desires. It ground excess mental energy, dispels anger, insecurity and worry, and stimulates inventiveness and the urge to discover new things. It promotes diplomacy and co-operation, but also aids the timid in overcoming fear of confrontation.
Links to tooth enamel, sense of smell, varicose and spider veins, tissue strength and assimilation of nutrients.
VIVIANITE - Emotional Rejuvenation
£ 6.35
VIVIANITE - Emotional Rejuvenation

The essence made from this vivid green-blue, transparent gemstone blade offers subtle body nourishment, to stimulate emotional recovery from trauma and emotional imbalance. It strengthens the heart chakra to heal self-inflicted wounds, and dispel low self-esteem or feelings of inferiority. It clears disharmonious energies from one’s auric field, and negativity from one’s thoughts. It promotes harmony and neutralises frustration, anxiety, and judgement of others. It inspires empathy and generosity of spirit. It draws out excess stimulation, worry and hurt, and replaces them with peace and calm, This Vivianite essence can reverse the spin of the crown chakra where necessary, to help with properly grounding the subtle body onto the earth plan. This is especially helpful for those who don’t feel at home on the earth plane. It soothes those professional or non-professional caregivers, who are suffering from exhaustion or burn-out, by connecting them with the subtle ocean of Universal love. It encourages one to set realistic goals and to make time for leisure activities and rest.
Links to immune system, eye conditions, veins, spinal alignment, heart, liver, memory, cellular memory, cellular repair, free-radicals release, regeneration, assimilation of iron and anaemia,
WULFENITE - Light My Fire
£ 6.35
WULFENITE - Light My Fire

This vibrant, bright orange crystal is excellent for turning one's creative ideas into reality. It is linked to the sacral chakra and has positive effects on the mental and emotional subtle bodies to overcome inertia, despondency, hesitancy, procrastination, and self-defeating attitudes. It clears emotional blockages to enhance sexual function and help you fully enjoy your sexuality. It overcomes lethargy and promotes physical activity. It instills determination in those struggling to overcome addiction.
Links to: metabolism,PMS, menstrual cramps, uterus, uterine fibroids,  menopause, spleen, metabolism, digestion, gastric disorders, bloating, blood flow, goiters, detoxification, PTSD.
£ 6.35

This Zeolite combination is a potent crystal combination of Apophyllite, Stilbite and Klinoptilolite essences, with Klinoptilolite being the most potent and the most used in "herbal/mineral" commercial supplements. All Zeolite crystals belong to the Tectoslicate mineral subclass. Their creation began when volcanoes erupted and poured ash and molten lava into the sea, causing a chemical reaction between the lava, ash and alkaline sea salt. Over thousands of years various complex structures were formed, all with the unique ability to recognise and remove all unnatural substances from one's being from one's physical body such as heavy metals, bacteria and viruses when offered as a supplement, and remove from one's subtle bodies (chakras, meridians, nadis, auras, the intuitive part of the Pineal gland and the silver cord (the spirit's link to the physical body), when offered as a gem essence. Certain Zeolite supplements and this Zeolite gem essence both contain Klinoptilolite cage-like nano-particles that collect up all non-natural substance. Zeolite and the harmful substances it has collected are then flushed naturally out in body waste matter.  In ancient times Zeolite was used in sand dams by the Mayan people to effectively filter out all impurities and water-borne pathogenic organisms from their reservoirs.

Zeolite essence filters out and removes anything that is harmful to one's subtle bodies, chakras and meridians as well as any stagnant energies. It  removes remove entity attachments, artificial constructs created by dark forces, dark force entrancement and brain-washing (current and ancestral),  negative belief patterns, karmic guilt, past-life vows and subtle level artificial DNA additions. It is recommended (but is not absolutely necessary) that Stromatolite or Chlorite gem essences are also used with Zeolite essence to speed up the process of cleansing the subtle bodies. Because the Zeolite essence has the ability the recognize unnatural harmful subtle substances in one's body, it will also then block them from being re-introduced. For clearing/blocking dark energies,unnatural substances, artificial constructs, toxins or entities, and alleviating "little niggles" caused by mental or emotional tension, rub a drop of Zeolite combo essence on the heart chakra and the brow chakra, as well as taking it orally. The essence can also be rubbed into subtle energy points on the soles of the feet, such as the solar plexus in the middle of the sole and the kidney point higher up, just below where the two balls of the foot meet.  It also can be rubbed on any of the other chakras and joints too if desired.

Its other benefits include breaking self imposed limitations, alleviating past trauma, keeping you strong and brave in challenging times, clearing obstacles in your path, linking you to your higher self, overcoming bad habits and addictions, and helping you to reach your full potential.

Links to: dementia, mental imbalances, bloating, toxins and heavy metals removal, immune system support, gout, goiters, kidneys, bladder, thymus, diarrhea, PH balance, shoulders, chest, lungs, laryngitis, loss of taste, ligaments, circulation of the upper body. 

ZINCITE - Subtle Bodies Fortifier
£ 6.35
ZINCITE - Subtle Bodies Fortifier

Increases life-force, passion, confidence, creativity, courage and will. Re-kindles sexual desire. Overcomes feelings of disempowerment, inability to change one's life and emotional impotence. Provides endurance. Clears energy blockages. Releases painful memories, shock, psychological paralysis and fear of change. Alleviates empty nest syndrome.
Links to bladder, fertility, kidneys, bowel, bones, menopause, prostate, Candida, mucus, epilepsy.
ZIRCON - Tenacity
£ 6.35
ZIRCON - Tenacity

Increases one's hardiness and tenacity. Grounds. Prevents one from sending out sub-conscious negative hooks to others. Stimulates zest, enthusiasm. Aligns astral, emotional and spiritual bodies. Overcomes racism, prejudice, victimisation and discrimination.
Links to sciatic nerve, vertigo, bones, muscles, sneezing, detoxification, adrenals, biological personality stability.
ZOISITE - Creativity
£ 6.35
ZOISITE - Creativity

Promotes appreciation, abundance, creativity, compassion, vitality and enjoyment of the moment. Supports convalescence and also transition through death. Dispels apathy, grief, anger, despair, hopelessness and exhaustion. Increases energy field potency. Cleanses aura of negative attachments. Enhances feeling of support from Divine Source. Harmonises relationships.
Links to fertility, genitals, prostate, cervix, chronic fatigue, fainting spells, psoriasis, colds, thyroid, adrenaline burn-out, immune system, over-acidification.