HYPERSTHENE - Mind Soother
Also known as Eulite, Hypersthene is a deep bronzy-black stone, with attractive silver swirls or striations. It's protective, velvety energy soothes and calms a stressed, over-anxious or troubled mind, without causing drowsiness. It particularly helps one to accept and gently move on from a negative experience with a stranger, lover, family member, work or social group, race or entity, where no further personal action has been possible, but where one's repetitive thoughts, fears or worries have still continued to plague one's mind. Hypersthene essence is unique in removing one's resentment, tension, fear, worry or the need to try and change the situation. It stops one from turning into a disempowered victim by neutralising one's negative thoughts and responses, promoting a non-reactive attitude to the situation, and constantly reminding one that their own negative thoughts/responses are simply boosting the energy levels and power of those entities or people (energy vampires) who deliberately hurt, upset or anger others with their harmful words or actions. Hypersthene essence instils mental clarity and organises one's thoughts into a more ordered pattern. It also helps one to maintain deep meditative states, where hidden personal issues may be revealed, as well as the solutions on how to deal with them. It calms irritability and judgemental attitudes, and helps to maintain personal and business relationships, but also encourages one to stand up for what is morally right.Links to stomach acidity, deep sleep, insomnia, Achilles tendons, limb and shoulder aches, muscular tension, spasms, farsightedness, pituitary gland.