GUARDIANITE - Feeling Safe
Guardianite is a newly discovered, black-speckled stone from Oregon. It contains the powerful combination of aegirine, feldspar, biotite, olivine, apatite and nepheline. The essence makes one feel safe and protected as it promotes an inner sense of well-being. It grounds and connects one with the Earth's energy fields, cleanses the etheric body, strengthens and repairs one's energy field, and reseals a damaged aura. It protects one's spiritual body form negative influences, breaks through downward emotional spirals, and stops subtle body energy leaks, that can lead to anxiety, melancholy and a general lack of well-being. It enhances one's mental and emotional faculties, and initiates a feeling of being in possession of one's full inner power. It encourages feelings of optimism, courage, confidence, emotional balance, willpower and self-empowerment, through unlocking dormant power held within in the solar plexus chakra. It promotes an inner belief that any obstacle can be overcome, so that one can manifest one's highest aspirations and realise one's dreams. It is an ideal grounding partner for higher vibration essences, that awaken the light body.Links to Earth star, base and solar plexus chakras, depressive states and radiation.