KUTNOHORITE - New Beginnings
Kutnohorite is a rather special, rare, carbonate mineral from South Africa and the Czech Republic. It resembles a ribbed pale pink ice-cream cone complete with "calcified" pink ice-cream on the top. Kutnorhorite essence is for regeneration and new beginnings. It is excellent for rebirthing and soul retrieval work. It can help to heal a broken heart as it infuses the body with love, empathy, compassion and self-confidence. It works on subtle level to correct etheric and karmic blueprints that have interfered with the physical body. It stabilises the emotions, promotes inner calm and endurance, and discourages over-excitability, irritability, aggression, anxiety, strife and resentment. It instils resilience against stress, and balances the development of the personality. It radiates peace and harmony into an environment that has undergone great stresses.
Links to metabolism regulation, haemoglobin, oxygen binding, heart blood vessel elasticity/expansion, bone development/flexibility, nerve and muscle sensory system repair, teeth, blood circulation, cellular nutrient absorption, intestinal and muscle cramps, sclerosis, joint pain, arthritis, acid/alkali balance, sugar levels, immune system, DNA/RNA, energy transfer, disturbed sleep patterns, migraines, headaches.