Eye of the Storm Jasper (AKA Judy's Stone) comes from Brazil. This Jasper essence is for when you feel like you want to "stop the world and get off", just to get a moment's rest from the constant stresses of life. When one is surrounded by the chaotic and discordant energies of other people or a situation, this essence can put one into a space of dynamic stillness, beyond fear or panic, where it is possible to make calm, pragmatic and objective decisions. It promotes, within one, a strong inner core that nothing can disturb. It helps one to avoid making mountains out of a molehills, seeing the bigger picture without resorting to ingrained emotional patterns of reaction. It re-programmes a sense of loss or lack into positive abundance, by instilling the belief that labour and effort must carried out to create one's desires. It balances the etheric blueprint, and comforts and supports one during convalescence from illness. Links to Earth Star, sacral, heart, solar plexus and thymus chakras, subtle DNA, cell renewal, flight or fight response, adrenal glands, blood pressure, detox, all organs.