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£ 8.50
Here is the opportunity to choose between two to three essences of your choice, to be combined together in one 15ml bottle.
You may choose your essences from any of the SINGLE essence ranges, including the Bach Flower, English Country Garden, Gem essences, Hawaiian flower essences and the SINGLE Magdalene flower essences.
When you place your order either please type in your essence choices in the shipping note section, or if you prefer, please let me know your choices by email at
Please note that Gaia essences combination essences, such as the Almond and Yarrow Clearwater, Angel Orchid essences/sprays, Blessing essence/spray, the Gem Essence combination essence, Lily Essences, Liquid Light, Miasm essences, Overcoming Blocks to Happiness essences, Pet Essences, Rest Tonight, Magdalene Freedom essence, Liberation cologne, Aura Glow, Aura Shine and The Magdalene Gift Spray, Sacred Place essences, So Beautiful spritzer/spray, Take It Easy, and the Velvet Skin Spritzer should not be included your personal essence combination choices.
£ 10.95
Here is the opportunity to choose between four and six essences of your choice, to be combined together in one 15ml bottle.

You may choose your essences from any of the SINGLE essence ranges, including the Bach Flower, English Country Garden, Gem essences and Hawaiian flower essences and the SINGLE Magdalene flower essences.
When you place your order you can either type in your essence choices in the shipping note section, or if you prefer, please let me know your choices by sending me an email at

Please note that Gaia essences combination essences, such as the Almond and Yarrow Clearwater, Angel Orchid essences/sprays, Blessing essence/spray, the Gem Essence combination essence, Lily Essences, Liquid Light, Miasm essences, Overcoming Blocks to Happiness essences, Pet Essences, Rest Tonight, Magdalene Freedom essence, Liberation cologne, Aura Glow, Aura Shine, The Magdalene Gift Spray, Sacred Place essences, So Beautiful spritzer/spray, Take It Easy, and the Velvet Skin Spritzer should not be included in your personal essence combination choices.
£ 9.25

About The Energy Wave  Released On 11.11.11

We are living in such exciting times of change on subtle levels. A great portal was opened on 11.11.11. by Ra, the Lord of the Sun. As our sun circles around the great central sun, Alcyone, it reacts to the varying pulls and pushes of other stellar bodies and space influences by releasing or withholding varying amounts of its gases and radiation, according to which quadrant of the Universe it is travelling through on its 26,000 year cycle.  Ra calls these gases and radiation combinations the "Helios" energy.  The particular Helios energy that was radiated out from the sun’s surface on 11.11.11. will continue to be sent out on into January 2012. It is an energy for balancing and re-harmonizing male and female energies, via the four sacred elements. This has not been possible for many thousands of years, since the separation of the complete human into male and female genders. Since that time the sexes have gradually moved more and more mentally and emotionally apart from each other. Men in general have become more left-brained, analytical, aggressive, active and insensitive, and women in general have become more right-brained, sensitive, intuitive, passive, dependent and emotional. There will be a calming of the over-active male principle, which can lead to over-aggression, intolerance, extreme domination, weaponry development and war. And there is a return of the lost active female principle, which will lead to women being more forthright, creative and active, to be perceived as equals of men, and judged by their talents and character, and not by their gender. 

About the 11.11.11 Essence

This unique environmental essence was made on the Great Pyramid of Giza on 11.11.1., despite great challenges on that day. Those few of us who were blessed to be there could feel great energy light waves travelling through the pyramid from the sun, as we were surrounded, and on occasions harassed, by military guards and tourist police. This very special essence was made with the aid of a clear quartz crystal in white spring water, carried all the way from Glastonbury. It’s healing message was reinforced a day later with thanks to a group of 50, who toned for two hours in the King’s chamber within the Great Pyramid. 

What to use the 11.11.11 essence for

Keywords: Integration and balance of male and female energies, balancing and stabilising emotions, overcoming duality, achieving life purpose, tolerance, intuitive awareness, linking to one's twin soul, reinstating the four sacred elements, re-instigating subtle functions of the codons.

This essence is for those who wish to unite their male and female energies on an emotional and mental level, through the balancing of the four sacred elements of earth, wind, fire and water.  The 11.11.11 energies are designed to balance, but not suppress, the emotions that are expressed through these four sacred elements. Balancing all four of the sacred elements within one brings emotional stability and an end to duality. Thus it opens the door to the fourth dimension. This 11.11.11 essence increases intuitive awareness, past life recall and channelling prowess. It enables stronger links to be made with our twin souls and with beings from higher dimensions such as angels, guides, ascended masters and benign space visitors. This essence empowers one to fully realise one’s life purpose, unhampered by the emotional limitations of what is expected of one’s gender.   Use this essence to decrease bullying tendencies and promote tolerance of others. It can also be used to contact one’s inner spark of consciousness to overcome victimisation. As a more androgynous state of being begins to occur, both sexes can expect an increase in empathy and tolerance of others on the one hand, and an increase in the ability to stand up for what is right on the other hand

How the 11.11.11. Helios energy will achieve the integration of male and female energies. 

The physical body is composed of the four sacred elements. Fire governs digestion, wind governs breathing, water governs the circulatory and waste removal systems, and earth governs our basic structure of bones and tissues. However on an emotional level, males and females are governed primarily by only two of the elements each.  From channelling, the two primary female emotional sacred elements are Fire (hot and dry) and Water (cool and wet). The two primary male emotional elements are Earth (hot and wet), and Air (cool and dry). Each of the sacred elements have a strong or weak effect in a given emotional experience. As each of the genders have only two primary sacred elements each they tend to swing or see-saw between the emotional extremes of one or the other to a greater or lesser extent, depending on their star sign. When humans return to having four fully functioning primary emotional sacred elements there is much more emotional stability and control, and a move away from the perceived duality of human existence. 

This essence, which holds the 11.11.11 Helios energy, helps to boost the balanced integration of  male and female energies by creating over the heart chakra a subtle level four armed cross, combining all four of the sacred elements. The crossed arms of the four sacred elements form the shape of the symbol for a kiss. So the more the 11.11.11. essence is used the stronger the exchange of sacred  element energies will be with our twin souls.  As the element arms cross over each other at the heart chakra, the fifth sacred element of Ether is created in the centre. The Ether element the creates a line of energy straight upwards from the heart centre via the pineal gland and the crown chakra to link with spirit. Spirit responds by sending a line of energy straight down through the Ether line to create the Love energy line, which moves down through the heart chakra in the direction of the solar plexus chakra. Many people who have felt a deep longing to return "home", but didn’t know where "home" was, will soon experience a re-linking to Source within them, and so will no longer feel that unexplained lonlieness.  The four sacred element energy lines, plus the Ether and the Love lines, form a six pointed star, which, when you place the number one on each of the end points, makes six ones  - 11.11.11. Some think of this six pointed star as being the Seal of Solomon or Star of David. However this 11.11.11 six pointed star is not the Seal of Solomon or the Star of David. It is not the symbol of any particular country.  It is the symbol of balanced male and female energies, known as the Merkabah or vehicle of Ascension. 

The two strands of human DNA are composed of four proteins, Guanine, Thymine, Cytosine and  Adenine.  The two DNA strands are linked to each other like a zipper, and together they are subdivided into 64 sections, called codons. Each of these codons is composed of three DNA base pairs, which make up the individual genetic instructions to control the development and functioning of all living beings. The separating of the original human into male and female genders many thousands of years ago caused the shutting down of the codons which would have led to the development of both male and female characteristics within one human being. A side effect of this separation of male and female characteristics caused only codons one to twenty to remain activated. Unlike codons one to twenty, codons twenty-one to sixty-four contain genetic instructions for the development and functioning of our subtle intuitive abilities and an inner realisation of our link to spirit, as well as other useful physical functions. Through channelling, it would appear that switching off the instructions for the development of both male and female characteristics in each human being, by adding an artificial codon stop code, caused a break in the ability of the living being to read and therefore make use of the total codon sequence. No humans since then (except those created with the assistance of higher dimensional DNA), have been able to jump the codon sequence break. So over the last several thousand years human beings as a whole have gradually lost their intuitive abilities and link to Source. The Helios energy held in the 11.11.11. essence helps to initiate an electromagnetic light encoded message to stimulate the speedier dissolving of the artificial stop codon between codons 20 and 21. Then the  mental and emotional "androgenation", integration and balance of the male and female energies can begin as desired, together with the re-initiation of the subtle level functions. These subtle level functions will bring greater intuitive awareness, access to past life knowledge 

Links to: higher dimensions and entry to the Akashic records, depressive states 

£ 7.35

With Cyclamen, Fuchsia, Geranium, Verbena, Ohia Lehua, Garnet and & Ruby essences.


Keywords: Rage, vigour, assertiveness, aggression, impulsiveness, motivation, action, practicality, enthusiasm, willpower, strategy, forethought.
Athena, the Greek warrior Goddess, is said to have emerged fully-armed from the head of her father, Zeus. Said to be the first to initiate battle strategy, she symbolises power with will and strategic action.
In Balance: Athena types are dynamic, cool-headed, logical, enthusiastic, single-minded and practical people of action. They are natural leaders, knowing no fear, who inspire great loyalty and solidarity.
Out of balance: They are aggressive, hot-headed, impulsive, wild, interfering, lacking in forethought and tact. They make unnecessary changes and offer advice where none is needed.
When to use: Essence promotes leadership qualities, such as dynamism, courage, motivation, wisdom and forethought. Use to enhance willpower, assertiveness and determination. It assists one in overcoming hardship and to conquer challenges. Essence alleviates apathy, impulsiveness, frustration, inappropriate aggression, bullying and hot-headedness. Also use it to increase enthusiasm, logic and common sense.
A. CALM DOWN - Bach Flower Essence Combination
£ 7.35

Calm Down - Bach flower essence combination

This Bach Flower combination essence contains Beech, Cherry Plum, Clematis, Elm, Holly, Hornbeam, Pine, Impatiens, Rock Rose,Star of Bethlehem, Vervain and White Chestnut flower essences.

Keywords:emotional and mental calmness, emotional stability, panic, dread,tension, dynamic equilibrium, inner peace, tolerance of others, taking positive action to improve one's emotional state

Dr. Edward Bach believed the flower essences he chose had particular beneficial effects on human emotions, to enable a person to return to a state of dynamic equilibrium, that if not remedied, might otherwise eventually lead to a physical imbalance.

This Bach flower essence combination is designed to alleviate states of deep anxiety, great fear, persistent worry, irritability, short temper, panic, trauma,shock, over-emotional states, intolerance of others, obsessional fears, getting up tight over small matters, fear of going mad, over-effort, hypertension, burn-out or hysteria. It alleviates over-exhaustion, a feeling of being overwhelmed by one's responsibilities, or the need to constantly criticize, change, control or blame others when things go wrong. It grounds and centres one, overcomes tension and and instils mental and emotional calmness. It instigates an inner resolve to take positive action, the ability to endure and cope with day to day annoyances and challenges, and the ability to let go of deep discontent or destructive impulses/obsessions. It brings relief from incessant mental chatter and discourages one from dwelling on unresolvable internal arguments.

Links to: - Exhaustion, break-down, insomnia, violent temper, aggressive unhappiness with one's life, digestive system, nervous system, adrenaline, adrenal glands, amygdala, pineal gland, brain hemispheres.

A'ALI'I - Healing the Heart
£ 6.35
A'ALI'I - Healing the Heart

This shrub has heart-shaped seeds of red, brown and yellow, that rattle in the wind, high up the slopes of the Hawaiian volcanoes. The essence heals the heart of those who have been hurt through deep personal disagreements or betrayal in love, leading to the lack of trust in anyone. Essence helps one to pick up the pieces, cope positively with any backlash from the past, and regain a positive attitude towards others.
AB. LIGHTEN UP - Bach Flower Combination
£ 7.35


This Bach Flower essence combination contains Agrimony, Autumn Gentian,Elm, Gorse, Hornbeam, Larch, Mustard, Oak, Olive, Pine, SweetChestnut, Walnut, Wild Oat and Wild Rose essences.

Keywords:  Black moods, despair, melancholy, hopelessness, distress, despondence, all hope abandoned, dread, powerlessness, pessimism, dissolution, perseverance, discouragement, optimism, confidence, light-heartedness, will to live, desire to overcome challenges.

Lighten Up combination Bach Flower essence is for these difficult times when many are feeling are feeling distressed, discouraged, despondent, out of sorts, fearful and disempowered. It is designed to alleviate dark thoughts, anguish, deep despair, gloom, inner turmoil, apathy or extreme pessimism. The essences replace those negative emotions with light-heartedness, the ability to laugh, have confidence and the faith, perseverance and optimism that one's challenges and problems will be overcome.

Links to SAD, dark thoughts and depressive moods, emotional equilibrium, lack of energy, mental imbalance, digestive problems.

AC. RECOVERAID (Bach Flower combination
£ 7.35
RECOVERAID - (Contains Cherry Plum, Clematis, Rock rose, Impatiens and Star of Bethlehem)
15ml flower essence in mineral water and brandy.
Can be used for all emergency situations. Recoveraid essence is for alleviating shock, anxiety, fear, worry, panic, traumas etc. Take one to six drops every ten to thirty minutes under the tongue, or add the drops to a glass of water, until a calmer state of mind is achieved. Where it is not possible or advisable to take anything by mouth, rub a few drops into crown of head or forehead, on the palms of the hands, and if possible on the base chakra at the base of the spine. For animals either add a couple of drops to their drinking water, put the essence on a pet biscuit, or add a few drops to the palm of your hand to stroke through fur or feathers.
NB: The 8.1.12 Daily Express "Insider" business section reported that the combination of Cherry Plum, Clematis, Rock Rose, Impatiens and Star of Bethlehem Bach flower essences can provide comfort and relief from "e-anxiety" caused when Smartphone users cannot get on-line!
£ 6.35
Re-connects one to universal energies. For those feeling discouraged, disconnected or abandoned. Transforms a detached, lazy or apathetic state of mind into an energetic, positive and happy state of mind. Boosts the mood of those who feel low when there is no sunshine.
ACTINOLITE - Moving Forward
£ 6.35
ACTINOLITE - Moving forward

Actinolite is a pretty, clear, light green gemstone, that has striations along its length much like the tourmaline crystals. Actinolite essence brings positive energy into your life. It cleanses and protects the heart chakra, and offers inner strength, patience, harmony, balance and equilibrium to help you adjust and recover from life changes, chaotic upheaval, stress or trauma. It places a protective shield around you to repel yours and others' negative thoughts, which may also prevent you from attracting bad luck and negative vibrations towards you. Links to metabolism, adrenals, liver, kidneys, immune system, chronic states, asbestos. Take a few essence drops by mouth, or add them to water in an atomiser, to spray around your aura.
AEGIRINE- Protection from Negative Forces
£ 6.35
Keywords: protection from negative influences, calms the mind, reduces stress and anxiety, sleep balm, removes emotional blockages, security, grounding, enthusiasm, motivation, confidence, overcomes lethargy and disconnection from reality, promotes self-worth.
Aegirine is a shiny, black sodium iron silicate crystal formed in volcanic rock. It was first discovered in Norway. It and this Aegirine essence provide powerful protection from external and internal negative forces, guarding one's whole being. It was recently tested out in Marrakech, where we experienced a large earthquake. There was no damage to our hotel room or to ourselves, although there was some damage elsewhere in the hotel grounds. Later it was also used internally and externally on someone for quite a severe tummy upset. They were completely better within 24 hours.
Aegirine  supports overall wellbeing, and is said to be even more powerfully protective than Black Tourmaline. Black Tourmaline soaks up negative energy that exists around it and transforms that energy into light, whilst Aegirine not only removes internal negative energies, but also completely prevents any intrusion of negativity into one's being as it  redirects energy away from where it is put and simultaneously spreads light into it's environment. It promotes inner peace and protects one from emotional and psychic attacks, and negative energies emanating from inhospitable places and people. It balances base chakra to help one regain strength and stamina. It stabilises one's energy fields and opens and aligns all the chakras.  It combats stress, anxiety, depression and negative belief patterns, and helps one to recover from grief after betrayal, separation or loss  It shields one from extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields, and man-made emf fields emanating from computers, wi-fi, cell tower emanations and electronics. It assists the body's own self-healing capabilities and helps one to process and eliminate toxins on an energetic level. 
Directions for use: As well as taking a few drops under the tongue Aegirine essence can be rubbed on any part of the body. Tapping on a point of discomfort with the tips of fingers can also help to disperse pain where meridians have become blocked, due to inflammation or injury. After a little while it feels as if the spot is being tapped with metal points. Stop at that point and a buzzing feeling should be felt, showing that the meridian is being unblocked and life force (prana) is starting to properly flow again. Repeat over a period of time whenever needed.
Links to: root chakra, immune system, supports nerves, muscle and bones, muscular pain, inflammation, nerve damage, digestive system, backache, bladder control, sleeping, body tissue and muscular detoxification, liver, spleen, gallbladder, recovery from illness/injury, high blood pressure, stamina, energy. 
AFGHANITE - Enhancing Intuitive Abilities
£ 6.35
Afghanite is a rare stone, first discovered in the Sar-e-Sang Lapis Lazuli mine in Badakhstan, Afghanistan. It contains Lapis-like deep blue minerals in a white matrix peppered with little black inclusions.. This high vibration crystal is one of the best stones for spiritual growth. This Afghanite essence has the potential, over a period of time with regular use, to enhance the intuitive skills of clairvoyance and telepathy by opening and aligning the throat, third eye, soma, Alta major crown, soul star and stellar gateway chakras. With practice it also assists the ability to succeed in multi-dimensional journeying during meditation. When used in meditation it can assist you in making a stronger connection with higher level beings and guides in higher dimensional realms, in order to obtain guidance, past life information, to facilitate lost soul part retrieval and to gain access to the Akashic Records. It removes blockages, cleanses and energises the chakras and integrates the full spectrum of soul and spirit. It calms and brings peace of mind, helps you to think more clearly, relieves stress and anxiety, and lifts your mood and to make you feel more positive. It can dissolve the war gene encoded within the human DNA system, especially when combined with the Trigonic Quartz crystal essence. It can be added to ocean waters or gridded on a map to bring peace and reconciliation.
Links to muscle and bone health, insomnia, detoxification, nerves, pain, headaches and migraines caused by psychic blockages.
£ 6.35
For those who have money issues or who over-identify with their possessions. They may feel they can never have enough of anything, hoard everything or fear being deprived of their physical resources. When these people do have money they very often fear spending any in case of future problems. Agapanthus essence transforms poverty consciousness into abundance consciousness. It promotes a positive outlook, trust in the Universe to provide one’s needs, and a willingness to receive.
AGATE - HOLLY BLUE - Ancestral memory cleanse
£ 6.35
Holly Blue Agate is a beautiful soft blue-violet mineral, named after the little blue butterfly that frequents Holly blossom in Springtime. Holly Blue essence removes karmic encrustations and outdated ancestral programming. Links to brain function, degeneration, heart, liver, headaches, jaundice. Add a few drops to water in an atomiser and spray thoroughly right through the auric field around the body. FULL DETAILS TO FOLLOW SOON.
£ 6.35

This gem essence is made from one the rarest stones in the world. The beautiful Blue/violet Ellensburg Blue agate is found only in small pockets of glacial debris near Ellensburgh, Kittiwas county, Washington. (Much of the Ellensburg Blue Agate being sold today is in fact Blue Chalcedony or Blue Lace Agate.) This agate was much prized by Native Americans for its ability to gift the wearer with an enhanced ability to see and speak the truth. Ellensburg Blue Agate essence can instil a wonderful and calming feeling of relief in one. Its frequency of buoyancy and lightness helps to relieve stress, and it also calms angry, over-passionate, fearful and resentful states. It stimulates the third eye to enhance inner visions, and facilitates communication of insignts and higher truths. It links the throat and heart chakras to enable one to express inner knowledge through art, poetry and music. It dispels mental chatter, so that one can maintain meditative or trance states more easily. The essence promotes understanding and compassion, and can instil the confidence to share one's own truths, thoughts and experiences.
Links to throat, burns, fevers, skin tightness, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, itchiness, vocal cords.
AGATE (TURRITELLA) - Harmonious Relationships
£ 6.35
TURRITELLA AGATE - Harmonious Relationships

Turritella Agate is a attractive crystal conglomeration of fossilised seabed shells in earthy-brown chalcedony quartz. Carrying the stone is said to protect travellers from danger, harm or accidents. Turritella essence overcomes emotional disharmony or bitterness of the heart, promotes marital fidelity, fosters love, and disperses past grievances that stand in the way of a healthy relationship. It dispels pomposity, diminishes a superiority complex and improves concentration, perception and analytical abilities. It stimulates the base chakra to promote stability, composure, inner strength and maturity. It dispels any burning desire for things one does not need. It stimulates the base chakra to overcome lethargy, apathy, spaciness, flightiness, or a feeling of disconnection from reality. It helps to make one more aware of dangers whilst travelling. Links to heart muscle, blood vessels, stamina, fertility, baby blues, itching, insect bites, skin rashes, lesions, fever, absorption of nutrients, varicose veins.Take essence by mouth or rub a few drops in water on a problem site. If feeling over-heated, gently rub a few drops mixed with water on the forehead.
£ 7.35

Keywords: Fierce, snappy, angry, rage, bullying, bad tempered, hostility, irritability, unpredictable, out of control, jealousy.

Ingredients: Cherry Plum, Dill, Holly, Impatiens, Mimulus, Red Clover, Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem, Tiger Lily, Willow, Vine, Dalmation stone, Heliotrope, Jet, Morion Quartz, Pearl, Petalite, Red Tourmaline and Tibetan Black Quartz flower and gem essences.
This for the animal who is fierce or aggressive by nature, and in certain situations becomes unapproachable and unmanageable. This may because the animal is hurt or ill, has been treated badly, is starving, or is defending its territory or its young. It will spit, bit, peck, bare its teeth, kick or make a lot of noise when approached, to show that it feels threatened. Cherry Plum and Star of Bethlehem essences are to help an animal that has been abused. Holly is for rage, jealousy, fighting or biting tendencies, and where the animal doesn’t want to be touched. Willow is for bad-tempered, sulky animals, who harbour hostile thoughts and are jealous of other animals. Vine is for an animal that uses inappropriate aggression to establish dominance over other animals or over what they regard as their territory. Pearl calms fractious behaviour, and Impatiens is for snappy or intolerant animals.
(We rescued a cat from a neighbour who had died. It was "hissy", scratchy and quite dangerous. The neighbour’s relative had even threatened to shoot it! Gradually, over time, and with a little help from this essence, this cat was transformed into a very characterful animal, who even though he had long term health problems, become a loving and loyal lap cat).
AGRIMONY (Bach Flower)
£ 6.35
AGRIMONY - Hidden anxiety, inner turmoil, restlessness, over-sensitivity.

Essence promotes peace and inner calm in those who hide their anxiety, restlessness and distress, brought about by dislike of conflict or argument. Outwardly they appear to be jovial and robust, but because they are unable or fearful of expressing their sensitive natures, they may have found themselves turning to alcohol, drugs or comfort food to anaesthetise their inner turmoil, and maintain their outer mask of constant cheerfulness.
AJOITE - Ultimate Harmoniser
£ 6.35
AJOITE - Ultimate Harmoniser

Instils peace, transmutes toxic emotional patterns and grief. Aligns mental, physical and subtle bodies. Draws implants and karmic wounds out of body. Relieves unhappiness. Emotionally soothing and calming. Eliminates hostility, jealousy and prejudice. Facilitates vibrational change. Links to insomnia, menopause and female hormonal cycle.
AKIA - Make Life Fun
£ 6.35
AKIA - Make Life Fun

This native shrub bears pretty little fragrant yellow flowers, and is found in gardens and in the wild. Essence releases the feeling of being utterly overwhelmed by the everyday problems and never-ending demands of life. It enables one to see the bigger picture, concentrate on the most important things in life, and still have time for some fun.
ALABANDITE - Grounding, Centering, Calming
£ 6.35
Alabandite is a manganese sulphide mineral, found in clusters of robust, lustrous, black cubic crystals. The piece used to make this Alabandite gem essence comes from the Peruvian Uchucchacua mine. The Alabandite essence has been made using the indirect method of potentisation. It is profoundly grounding, centering and calming. It is especially beneficial for those who have been knocked completely "off balance” by certain experiences. It relieves stress and instils courage and strength. It helps to keep one’s feet firmly on the ground and one’s mind clear and calm, when one has to "keep things together”, in order to deal with the most trying of circumstances. It helps to maintain mental and emotional balance, so that one can act in an orderly and co-ordinated manner. Links to nervous system, clumsiness, balance, inner ear problems, effects of radiation, Alzheimer's, joint pain, electromagnetic pollution, hair growth, spending excessive time on a computer. 
£ 6.35

Initiates change and re-birth. Re-builds self esteem. Emotional balancer and comforter. Moves one out of self-pity. Inspires the imagination. Stimulates growth of emotional maturity. Links to depleted central nervous system, spleen, white blood cells, male reproductive organs, digestion, neck tension, detoxification, liver stimulation, neurological tissue, neck tension, glandular system.
£ 6.35
Balances emotional extremes. Helpful in times when there are high demands one’s energy reserves. Restores a sense of balance and moderation. Instils inner confidence. Alleviates feelings of discontent, uneasiness and frustration. Use to help one rebound from every setback in life. Calms the mind and nerves, especially where there is a tendency to overindulgence in food, addictive substances or activities etc. to "get by". Use when you need to focus, but are being distracted by external influences, the environment or one's circumstances.
Almond & Yarrow Clearwater
£ 7.35
Almond and Yarrow Clearwater Contains: Almond, Wild Garlic, Holy Thorn, Hyssop, Lotus, Rose, Yarrow, Black Tourmaline, Halite (Rock Salt), Herkimer Diamond, Peridot, Petalite, Shungite, Smoky Quartz flower and gem essences.
This combination of flower and gem essences is specifically for those people suffering from the after-effects of an environmental disaster.
The European Union does not allow essence makers living within its member countries to make claims for medical cures with essences. However, those essence manufacturers from countries not under the jurisdiction of the EU, such as Australia, the USA and Cuba for instance, can claim and prove that their essences alleviate and offer protection from negative environmental influences, such as Radioactive pollution of the atmosphere.Almond blossom essence is said to strengthen the etheric sheath around the body says the author Gurudas, and he also states that this tree was developed by the Atlanteans to protect against radioactive pollution, arising from advanced technology systems. It may be helpful to plant Almond trees in areas with higher than average radiation levels. Gaia Essences does not make any claim to heal physical illnesses arising from nuclear radiation pollution. But Gurudas did write in his Flower and Gem Essence books, before the EU ruling was put in place, that Yarrow flower essence and Smoky Quartz essences offer protection against radiation. Smoky Quartz also cleanses the aura. On a subtle level, radiation affects the crown, third eye and throat chakras the most. Lotus works to balance the interaction between the elements of air and water, acting as a bridge between the multiple levels of energy. Lotus essence helps to balance the crown chakra’s interaction on an energetic level with all the other chakras, to release toxicity and bring them back into a state of harmony. Through their research, Dr. Atul and Dr. Rupa Shah have found that Lotus essence also helps to transform the non-physical DNA or "epigenetic" template, which has previously been damaged by trauma and extreme emotional experiences. Black Tourmaline, Petalite and Peridot strengthen the emotional body and alleviate anxiety, excessive worry, disorientation and stress, caused by adrenal overload. Peridot also instils an inner sense of warmth and well-being. Herkimer Diamond eases stress and tension, and cleanses the subtle bodies of the effects that environmental pollutants have on the emotions and mind. Holy Thorn essence relieves extreme stress and grief, and is said to have wonderful powers of regeneration. The velvety, reddish-pink French Rose essence was made in a natural earth energy vortex, which takes negative energies harmlessly up and out of the crown chakra. Hyssop alleviates tension and guilt, and Halite (rock salt) relieves irritability, misery, melancholy, hysteria and grief. Wild Garlic neutralises fear and paranoia, and also calms anger.
Almond and Clearwater essence links to the lymphatic and endocrine systems, pituitary, pineal, spleen, tissues, liver, heart, red and white corpuscles, thymus and skin.
Directions for use: Depending on the severity of the problem, add around two drops of Clearwater essence to a glass of water, or two to eleven drops of the essence to around 1 - 2 litres of domestic cooking and drinking water, before use. The minimum time the water should be used after adding Clearwater essence to it is approximately 15 minutes, or after 25 minutes if the water is to be heated. Once the essence is added, the water should be used up according to the length of time it normally stays fresh for. A few drops of the essence can also be added to bathwater, or to a facial spritzer or moisturising cream. One to three drops can also be placed under the tongue, or on the crown of the head, for extreme stress, fear and worry.
Masura Emoto has suggested the following prayer for alleviating radioactive pollution of the earth’s waters. As well as adding a few drops of Clearwater essence to your drinking water vessel, you may like to write Emoto’s message on a piece of paper and place it under the water glass or jug for at least half an hour before drinking."The water of Fukushima Nuclear Plant, we are sorry to make you suffer. Please forgive us.We thank you and we love you"
ALOE - (Panini-awa awa) - Aura Repair
£ 6.35
ALOE - (Panini-awa awa) - Aura Repair

This Hawaiian Aloe thrives in hot, arid rocky conditions. The primary use of this flower essence is to mend holes or tears in the aura. The aura is a subtle energy field that surrounds our physical body. It is a shield that protects us from negative external energies and thought patterns from other beings and the cosmos. Holes in the aura can be caused by witnessing deeply traumatic experiences, or by the use of mind altering substances (such as anaesthetics, over-use of alcohol, social drugs and certain medicines that affect one's behaviour). Some of these causes weaken and shrink the auric envelope until it is so thin that holes start to appear in it. Certain mind-altering substances can expand our energy fields outwards, enabling us to become much more aware of the unseen world around us and of other's thoughts, but uncontrolled, unguarded expansion also leads to tears and holes in the auric shield. As holes appear, our life-giving energy, (our physical vitality, emotional stability and mental focus) starts to drain away through the holes. Also, certain people (energy vampires) can much more easily drain us of energy, and negative entities and thought forms can more easily influence our minds, emotions and beliefs. This is why, after suffering deep trauma or using mind-altering substances, a person may start to suffer from panic attacks, becomes over-anxious/over-sensitive, or develops all kinds of phobias. Aloe flower essence (and also certain gem essences, such as Pink Tourmaline, Blue Chalcedony and Guardianite) attract a large amount of white light into the auric field to close up the holes and tears, and restore one's aura to to its normal vibrant state.
£ 6.35

Amazon Swordplant is a water plant with soft white flowers and lance-shaped leaves ending in sharp points - hence it's name. This flower essence cuts through lies, deceit and misinformation in order to clear emotional blocks, which are due to past or present trauma, suppression, cultural programming, brainwashing or lack of care and love experienced in childhood. It improves self-esteem and stimulates harmony in relationships, so that deep-felt emotions can be consciously understood, safely voiced and subsequently be released.
AMAZONITE - Quick Silver
£ 6.35
AMAZONITE - Quick SilverFor improved self-expression and unblocking subtle energy centres. Soothing. Protects against microwave and electromagnetic pollution, and geopathic stress. Calms irritation. Overcomes fear of conflict. Links to skeletal system, osteoporosis, tooth decay, calcium, muscle spasms, cell regeneration, gout, brittle hair, bones and nails, thyroid, adrenals, arthritis, infection.
AMBER - Inspiration
£ 6.35
AMBER - Inspiration

Warms and nurtures. Increases desire for wellness when recovering from illness or injury. Cleanses energy field, releases sadness. Stimulates inspiration. Alleviates homesickness. Links to breathlessness, lungs, stomach, constipation, goitres, gall bladder, mucus membranes, gum disease, S.A.D. The mineral is said to neutralise the after-effects of anaesthetics.
AMBLYGONITE - Releasing Self Sabotage
£ 6.35
AMBLYGONITE - Releasing Self Sabotage

Brings one's emotional body into balance, to instil calmness and mental clarity. Helps one to cope with intense mental activity or the need to achieve deadlines. Stops agitation, anger and hostility. Calms nerves and helps one to maintain emotional equilibrium. Promotes thoughtfulness and ending of worn out relationships without rancour. Increases self-worth and quells over-sensitivity. Dispels fears and phobias, including those passed on from ancestors or from past lives. Clears, stimulates, strengthens solar plexus chakra and releases subtle hooks from it. Alleviates procrastination. Protects from computer and mobile phone stress. Calms areas of public discontent. Links to attention deficiency disorder (ADHD) digestion, heartburn, cellular memory, irritable bowel, ulcers, spleen, liver and kidneys.
AMETHYST- Quiet Mind
£ 6.35
AMETHYST- Quiet Mind

Calms mind. Relieves anxiety, stress, tension, feelings of guilt, obsessive behaviour and feelings of being overwhelmed. Purifies. Curbs bad habits. Stimulates crown chakra. Enhances memory. Helps those making transition through death. Links to head, sleep, toxins, tinnitus, hormone production, nervous system, acne, skin, bruises, diarrhoea, oxygenation, nightmares.
£ 6.35

Overcomes procrastination, fear of change, of failure or of making the wrong decision. Lessens hyperactivity/hyper-sexuality. Releases negative expectations and promotes an optimism that is unaffected by external negative influences. Overcomes self-sabotage and prejudice. Encourages acceptance of another’s differences. Alleviates depression or negative programming. Clears stress and tension from the head. Helps to enhance learning and aids in memory and information retention. Helpful for studying and learning. Promotes clarity, concentration and alertness. Links to DNA/RNA, blood, oxygenation, low energy, toxins, digestion, chronic fatigue, burning sensations, digestive hormones.
AMMOLITE - Survival Instinct
£ 6.35
AMMOLITE - Survival Instinct

The beautiful iridescent, rainbow-coloured Ammolite is opalised, fossilised Ammonite. It is a rare gemstone, found only in the Bearpaw Formation, near the Rocky Mountains in Canada. It is named after the Egyptian God Ammon, who was represented as a ram with twisted horns. It is primarily composed of aragonite, silica, calcite and pyrite. When worn, the gemstone is said to bring charisma, health, wealth, vitality and good fortune to the wearer. 
Ammolite essence is a powerful karmic cleanser. It stimulates the survival instinct and improves the flow or energy of chi in the meridians. It activates personal empowerment, enhances mental clarity and instils inner happiness, wisdom and serenity. It neutralises negative energies, relieves mental obsessions and alleviates birth trauma. 
Links to stamina, libido, craniosacral flows, depressive states, exhaustion, cell metabolism, labour pain, osteomyelitis, ostitis, tinnitus, cellular memory, pulse, cranium, inner ear, lungs, limbs.

£ 6.35
(Connection to Spirit)

Amphibole Angel Wing phantom Quartz is a wonderful stone of power, that comes from Brazil. This attractive, clear quartz crystal contains strands of angel-wing-shaped, upward-slanting inclusions of cream-coloured Limonite, white Kaolinite, pink Lithium and deep red Haematite within it's matrix. It works best on the non-physical level of ones' being. This Amphibole Angel-wing Phantom Quartz essence is chiefly used for meditation, spiritual development and higher dimension guidance. It purifies your energy field, cleanses your etheric bodies, clears away negative thought patterns and instils a profound sense of tranquility and inner peace, allowing you to raise your consciousness to connect with your Higher Self. It is one of the very best elixirs for linking to higher beings, spirit guides, Archangels (particularly AA Gabriel) and guardian angels. It is most helpful for those who feel they are aimlessly going from one path in life to another, without any direction. It gives you a greater sense of purpose, and is perfect for starting a new venture or moving on to a new path in your life. Use this essence to come out of your past. It opens your mind to new ideas, inspires you to take on new projects, and to go beyond your limitations. . It promotes optimism, increases your confidence and opens your eyes to the many gifts and blessings you have. Kaolinite promotes clairaudience and Limonite promotes psychic accuracy, self worth and emotional stability, as well as guarding against psychic attacks and undue mental influences. Haematite dissolves negativity, and offers grounding, emotional clarity and psychic protection.

This essence beaks up old patterns and assists in re-connection to ancient wisdom that is held in your soul memory. It empowers you one with mental clarity and inner composure to successfully rise above challenges, confusion or chaotic situations, and to avoid making fear-based decisions.

It enhances lucid dreaming and brings you heavenly inspiration, faith,hope, compassion and love, plus an improvement in your personal and love relationships.

Links to lung issues, higher heart, third eye, crown and soul chakras and stellar gateway, blood disorders, leg cramps, nervous disorders, insomnia, spinal alignment,fractures, skeletal system, assimilation of iron and calcium, fever,jaundice, excess cholesterol, ears, tear ducts, digestion, intestinal disorders, pollution, toxic environments, Zodiac signs of Aries,Aquarius, Pisces and Virgo. Numbers 6, 7, 9 and 1. 

ANANDALITE - Light Body Activation
£ 6.35
The word Ananda means Divine bliss. Anadalite is one of the most powerful gemstones for Light Body activation. It is a relatively new crystal from India, first being offered for sale in 2010. It occurs as clusters of tiny sparkling quartz points. It exhibits iridescent surface flashes in pretty multi-rainbow hues, due to light refraction across naturally occurring, thin surface lamellae, that hold trace inclusions of titanium. Anadalite essence clears emotional blockages in the chakras and meridians. It aligns and reconnects all chakras, and stimulates and activates the entire chakra column, to allow for the gentle awakening of Kundalini energies. In meditation, it can wash currents of ecstatic bliss throughout one’s being, enhance creative expression and reveal one’s true soul purpose. The essence has a special affinity with the heart chakra, rekindling joy, happiness and love, where it has been lost. It destroys self-sabotaging behaviour and destructive patterns. It lifts heaviness and distress from the aura and clears away energies that may manifest in the emotions as constant anxiety and/or melancholy. It provides gentle reassurance (and the equivalent of subtle level crystal hugs!) during times of upheaval. Links to evolutionary change, melancholic states, central nervous system, lungs, heart, lymphatic system and eyes. 
£ 6.35
ANCESTRALITE - Clearing the Ancestral Line

Ancestralite is a comparatively recently discovered crystal. It  is is believed to have been formed from a Stromatolite-like, oxygenizing structure found in shallow seas many millions of years ago. Later on it got buried deep within the Earth and was chemically transformed into the present day striking striped  iron-rich, maroon red and sparkly silver Haematite-derived Martite  mineral. 
ANDALUSITE (Chiastolite) - Aura Strengthener
£ 6.35
ANDALUSITE (Chiastolite)- Aura Strengthener

Protection essence for working in negative energy areas. Strengthens and energises chakras. Releases chakra blockages. Cleanses aura, removes hooks and repairs holes in auric field. Assists in overcoming loneliness, isolation, anxiety or fear of going mad. Protects from psychic attack. Guards against energy drain or over-extension of one's resources during healing or psychic work. Assists in bringing energy from divine sources. Links to gout, nerve damage, chromosome damage, energetic field regulation.
ANGEL AURA QUARTZ - Inner Peace and Enlightenment
£ 6.35
ANGEL AURA QUARTZ (A.K.A. Opal Aura) - Inner Peace and Enlightenment.

This costly enhanced form of clear Quartz has undergone a special vacuum and heat treatment, to bond its surface with Platinum and Silver. The result is a beautiful pearlescent, iridescent rainbow-coloured crystal, that offers the therapeutic properties of Quartz, Platinum and Silver. Both an Angel Aura natural crystal cluster and an orb were used to make this special essence. Angel Aura Quartz is well-known for releasing stress, and enhancing one’s ability to experience deep peace, serenity and spiritual awareness. The essence stimulates the pineal gland, and facilitates a higher consciousness connection in mediation with angelic energies, spirit guides and higher realm teachers. It provides insights into one’s spiritual purpose, and promotes the ability to channel higher knowledge and to access the Akashic Records. It offers enhanced mental acuity, strengthens the memory, promotes eloquence of speech and instils the desire to accomplish and complete one's life goals. It works through the silver, white, violet and blue Angelic rays to cleanse, balance and protect the aura, and to remove psychic cords, astral parasites and damaging mental attitudes. It aligns the physical and etheric bodies, purifies and aligns all the chakras, instigates polarity adjustments, and energises one’s spiritual bodies with higher level energies. It strengthens the silver cord that connects the astral body to the physical body, and is an activator of brilliance on all levels of one’s being. It prepares one for the full activation and integration of the Rainbow Lightbody, which leads to the state of enlightenment. It offers strength and courage to those who seek enlightenment.
£ 7.35
Archangels Haniel and Raphael 

Angel Love Orchid and Gem essence contains Magenta Cattleya, green Dendrobium, Paphiopedilum liemanum, Phalaenopsis Sweet Memory and pink Vanda orchid essences, and Danburite, Dioptase, Emerald, Eudialyte, Erythrite, Fire Agate, Fire Opal, Larimar, Magnetite, Malachite, Morganite, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite and Rose Quartz gem essences.
KEYWORDS: Loving, attracting love, self-love, self-acceptance, loneliness, feeling betrayed, heartache, comforting, understanding, compassion, completeness, contentment, guidance, nurturing, forgiveness, self-worth, sensuality, partnership, domestic harmony, restoring trust, emotional pain, fear of loving, fear of sexuality, finding a soul mate, sexual endeavours, deep change.
The Archangels of the pink and green heart chakra rays, Haniel and Raphael, encourage, inspire and guide each one of us to look for ways of connecting with the right person to form a love relationship, so that we can be happy, contented and healthy. Therefore this Angel Love essence combination is primarily designed for attracting love, for promoting self-love and for mending emotional wounds of the heart.The Archangels Haniel and Raphael stress the importance of loving and respecting oneself in order to attract a partner who will respect and hold you in high esteem. Often a lack of love in childhood leads to a loss of self-worth, and a deep neediness in adulthood for the love not given during the formative years. The Angel Love essence facilitates a deep change to help one leave that past behind. The essences open, purify and balance the heart chakra on all levels, to overcome inner-child emotional damage, heartache and the effects of emotionally detrimental relationships. The essence promotes self-love, self-worth, self-belief, self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, trust, a healthy self-image, commitment, loyalty, unconditional love and respect of a partner. These qualities are so helpful in attracting and maintaining a successful love relationship. Larimar gem essence, in particular, facilitates contact with other realms to help those seeking a soul mate. The essence also dispels feelings of grief, betrayal, emotional hurt and the pain of abandonment, that can lead to fear of starting new relationships, over-cautiousness, mistrust, self-destructive tendencies and sexual hang-ups. Angel Love essence also releases past traumas, especially sexual ones. It encourages attraction to the right partner, instils a positive outlook and promotes progress towards normal sexual endeavours and behaviour. Angel Love essence promotes domestic harmony, discourages unhealthy over-attachment and breaks unwanted ties and outworn patterns of behaviour.
Angel Love essence links to the sexual organs, body fluids, blood vessels, blood pressure, heart, circulatory system, chest, heartbeat, lungs, vertigo, fertility, joints, thyroid, shock and trauma.

Directions for use: Take a few drops of Angel Love essence by placing under the tongue, or add a few drops to a glass of mineral water to drink when needed. Use dowsing, muscle testing or other suitable methods to find out how many doses and drops per dose are needed, and how long this essence should be used for. Click on the tab "Guidance in Using Essences" on the left hand side of the Home page for more information on how to use essences.
£ 10.75
Archangels Haniel and Raphael

Angel Love Orchid and Gem essence spray contains Magenta Cattleya, green Dendrobium, Paphiopedilum liemanum, Phalaenopsis Sweet Memory and pink Vanda orchid essences, and Danburite, Dioptase, Emerald, Eudialyte, Erythrite, Fire Agate, Fire Opal, Larimar, Magnetite, Malachite, Morganite, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite and Rose Quartz gem essences, together with the luxuriant, heart-warming, nurturing and sensual essential oils of Rose, Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, Rosewood, Patchouli, Vanilla, Palo Santo and Mandarin.
KEYWORDS: Loving, attracting love, self love, self-acceptance, loneliness, feeling betrayed, heartache, comforting, understanding, compassion, completeness, contentment, guidance, nurturing, forgiveness, self-worth, sensuality, partnership, domestic harmony, restoring trust, emotional pain, fear of loving, fear of sexuality, sexual endeavours, finding a soul mate, deep change.
The Archangels of the pink and green heart chakra rays, Haniel and Raphael, encourage, inspire and guide each one of us to look for ways of connecting with the right person to form a love relationship, so that we can be happy, contented and healthy. Therefore this Angel Love essence and essential oils spray combination is primarily designed for attracting love, promoting self-love and mending emotional wounds of the heart. The spray has a warm floral, nurturing and sensuous fragrance, with top notes of Jasmine, Ylang Ylang and Vanilla. It can be worn on the inner wrists as a sensual perfume, as well as for its therapeutic purposes.The Archangels Haniel and Raphael stress the importance of loving and respecting oneself in order to attract a partner who will respect and hold you in high esteem. Often a lack of love in childhood leads to a loss of self-worth, and a deep neediness in adulthood for the love not given during the formative years. The Angel Love spray facilitates a deep change to help one leave that past behind. The essences and oils open, purify and balance the heart chakra on all levels, to overcome inner-child emotional damage, heartache and the effects of emotionally detrimental relationships. The spray promotes self-love, self-worth, self-belief, self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, trust, a healthy self-image, commitment, loyalty, unconditional love and respect of a partner, which are so helpful in attracting and maintaining a successful love relationship. Larimar gem essence, in particular, facilitates contact with other realms to help those seeking a soul mate.The spray also dispels feelings of grief, betrayal, emotional hurt and the pain of abandonment, that can lead to fear of starting new relationships, over-cautiousness, mistrust, self-destructive tendencies and sexual hang-ups. Angel Love spray also releases past traumas, especially sexual ones. It encourages attraction to the right partner, instils a positive outlook, and promotes progress towards normal sexual endeavours and behaviour. Angel Love Spray promotes domestic harmony, discourages unhealthy over-attachment and breaks unwanted ties and outworn patterns of behaviour.Angel Love Orchid and Gem Essence Spray links to the sexual organs, body fluids, blood vessels, blood pressure, heart, circulatory system, chest, heartbeat, lungs, vertigo, fertility, joints, thyroid, shock and trauma.
Directions for use: - This is a pure, powerful combination of orchid and gem essences with essential oils. It is not necessary, and is also wasteful to use it as a spray all around your aura or body. Put just a little Angel Love Spray on one wrist. Rub the wrists together and then hold them under your nose, whilst you take three slow breaths in and out through your nose. If you prefer, you can squirt a little spray on your crown chakra, holding the intent of easily being able to connect with the right person to form a love relationship. Avoid getting any of the spray in the eyes, mouth or other sensitive areas of the body. You can also use the spray on pulse points just as a sensual fragrance, but make sure that you are not over-sensitive to the natural essential oils, by first trying the spray out on your inner wrists. If you experience any itchiness, redness or inflammation of the skin, wash the spray off immediately with a little gentle soap and lukewarm water. When not in use, you can place the Angel Love spray bottle by your bed or in the relationship corner of your home, which is the furthest right hand point away from your front door, with the intent of attracting the right person for a love relationship towards you.
£ 7.35

Orchid pic for angel rescue 8                                                    ANGEL RESCUE


This Angel Rescue essence is made from Brassia Spider Orchid, yellow and pink flowered Cattleya, peach-flowered Phaleanopsis, 2 pink Phaleanopsis and Odontioda orchid essences, combined with Actinolite, Amber, Auralite 23, Azurite, Bumble Bee Jasper, Candle Quartz, Empowerite, Eye of the Storm Jasper, Goshenite, Kunzite,  Rhodonite, Richterite, Ruby Aura Quartz, Tibetan Black Quartz, Tremolite, Vivianite, and Yellow Sapphire gem essences.

Keywords:Anxiety, burnout, calling all angels, chaotic energies, despair,desperation, empowering, grounding, exhaustion, nurturing, panic,perseverance, recovery, self-sabotage, self-esteem, shock, calming,stability, strength, suicidal thoughts, emotional support, mentalbreakdown, survival instinct, trauma, uplifting, gratefulness.

Thisempowering Angel Rescue Orchid and gem essence combination essencecalls in all Archangels and personal Ascended Masters and guides toassist and inspire those who desperately need help in overcoming theiranxiety, stress, dread, trauma, panic, dark thoughts, exhaustion orneeding to cope with a critical or emergency situation. The Orchid essences help to facilitate the bringing in of higher dimensional universal energy from the Archangels down to the third dimension, to provide an energetic link with the Earth for replenishing ourinner reserves. This essence balances all the chakras and stabilizes our energyfields. It alleviates shock and panic, bringing calm in timesof stress or conflict. It provides emotional support for those whofeel alone and unloved, and clears energy blocks and disharmoniousenergies from one's auric fields. It instills a positive state of mind, as it dissipates dark moods, despair or feelings of helplessness. Ithelps one to recover from chaotic upheaval, exhaustion, burn out,trauma or big life changes. For those in difficult or criticalsituations it stimulates one's survival instincts, and empowers onewith the stamina and courage to take action to improve one's life in the most beneficial way, gradually overcoming seemingly insurmountable problems. Angel Rescueessence releases self-sabotage and victim consciousness, and protects one from attracting negative vibrations or bad luck. It uplifts thespirit, promotes a positive outlook and encourages one to be gratefulfor every enjoyable thing or benefit that come your way.

Linksto: Adrenal glands, fight or flight response, serotonin, Amygdala,shortness of breath, brain, heart, hernia, digestive system, heartchakra, intestines, liver, gall bladder, stomach, spleen hands, feet,shoulders, muscles, joints, mucus membranes, immune system, ovaries,prostate, testicles, chronic fatigue, wounds, mental breakdown, eatingdisorders, serotonin, skeleton.

£ 9.75



This Angel Rescue Spray is made from Brassia Spider Orchid, yellow and pink flowered Cattleya, peach-flowered Phalaenopsis, 2 pink Phalaenopsis and Odontioda orchid essences, combined with Actinolite, Amber, Auralite 23, Azurite, Bumble Bee Jasper, Candle Quartz, Empowerite, Eye of the Storm Jasper, Goshenite, Kunzite,  Rhodonite, Richterite, Ruby Aura Quartz, Tibetan Black Quartz, Tremolite, Vivianite, and Yellow Sapphire gem essences, together  with Basil, Bay, Frankincense, Lemon Eucalyptus, Marjoram, Myrrh, Patchouli, Peppermint, Rose Geranium, Rosemary and Tulsi essential oils.

Keywords: Anxiety, anger, burnout, calling all angels, chaotic energies, despair, desperation, empowering, grounding, exhaustion, nurturing, panic, perseverance, recovery, self-sabotage, self-esteem, shock, calming, stability, strength, suicidal thoughts, emotional support, mental breakdown, survival instinct, trauma, uplifting, gratefulness, positivity.

The essential oils that have been added to this Angel Rescue Orchid and gem combination essence spray are designed to have an empowering effect on the psyche. Rather than being a "just another pleasant aroma"  this strong Lemon Eucalyptus, Basil and Peppermint fragranced essential oil combination has a "kick" about it that, when  inhaled, has a beneficial effect on the the subtle, non-physical part of the brain that is associated with feelings and reactions, and can alleviate anxiety, stress, shock, trauma, "dark night of the soul", agitation, confusion, fear and apathy. The oils replace negative emotions with positivity, desire for remedial action, emotional balance, focus and self-esteem.

The orchid flower essences in Angel Rescue call in all Archangels, personal Ascended Masters and guides to assist and inspire those who desperately need help in overcoming their anxiety, stress, dread, trauma, panic, dark thoughts, exhaustion or having to cope with a critical or emergency situation. The Orchid essences help to facilitate the drawing in of higher dimensional universal energy sent via the Archangels down to the third
 dimension, to provide an energetic link with the Earth, in order to replenish our inner reserves. This combination essence balances all the chakras and stabilizes our energy fields. It alleviates shock and panic, bringing calm in times of stress or conflict. It provides emotional support for those who feel alone and unloved, and it clears energy blocks and disharmonious energies from one's auric fields. It instils a positive state of mind, as it dissipates dark moods, despair or feelings of helplessness. It helps one to recover from chaotic upheaval, exhaustion, burn out, trauma or big life changes. For those in difficult or critical situations.
It stimulates one's survival instincts, and empowers one with the stamina and courage to take action to improve one's life in the most beneficial way, helping one to gradually overcome seemingly insurmountable problems. Angel Rescue essence spray releases self-sabotage and victim consciousness, and also protects one from attracting negative vibrations or bad luck. It uplifts the spirit, promotes a positive outlook and encourages one to be grateful for every enjoyable experience or benefit that comes your way.

Links to: Adrenal glands, fight or flight response, emotional breakdown, panic, anger, mood swings, moodiness, serotonin, Amygdala, shortness of breath, brain, heart, hernia, digestive system, heart chakra, "dark night of the soul", intestines, liver, gall bladder, stomach, spleen hands, feet, shoulders, muscles, joints, mucus membranes, immune system, ovaries, prostate, testicles, chronic fatigue, wounds, mental breakdown, eating disorders, serotonin, skeleton.

Directions for use: Remove the seal and clear cap. Shake the bottle well before every use. Squirt a little spray onto a tissue, and holding it near your nose, take a few slow, deep breaths. Then fold the tissue over with the oil on the inside, and store in a small sealable bag for future use. The aroma on the tissue will last for a few days before it needs replenishing. Avoid letting the oil on the tissue touch your nose, mouth or eyes, as it may cause a stinging sensation. If you have sensitive skin and want to use the spray on your skin, add a squirt of it to a teaspoon of any vegetable oil, un-fragranced lotion or hand cream. Then massage a little of the mixture onto your hands to massage over the soles of your feet, and/or massage around your tummy button in a clockwise direction, and/or the front of your upper arms, around the biceps. Afterwards you can sweep it through your aura by taking your hands up over your head, circling your hands around your head in a clockwise direction,  and then sweeping your hands down and around your body, finishing below your feet. You could also add a little spray to an atomizer containing a little warm water to spray through your aura. Avoid your, eyes, nose and mouth. If you inadvertently get any spray on a sensitive area of skin, wash it off IMMEDIATELY with warm water and soap. The  spray won't damage sensitive skin, but just because the peppermint oil might cause a temporary  sensation, like being stung by a nettle.  If you wish use this spray at bedtime, put a little on a tissue, and fold the tissue over so that it doesn't touch the pillow/bedclothes. Avoid applying any spray to the pillow. Keep the spray away from animals.

£ 6.35
Instils belief in guidance and protection from higher realms, especially in those who feel cut off from spirit in times of crisis. Reinforces resistance to giving up hope in difficult times. Helps us to face the unknown with courage and hope in our hearts, and stimulates trust in the Universe to supply our needs. Promotes intuitive sensitivity in those who are overly logical or intellectual. Helps to anchor divinity from the angelic realms into the human realm.
ANGEL'S TRUMPET - (Nana-honua) - Calling Spirit
£ 6.35
ANGEL'S TRUMPET - (Nana-honua) - Calling Spirit

This essence, made from the large, trumpet-shaped white and peach flowers, helps those people who have lost touch with their intuitive or spiritual side, and are hostile to anything that cannot be proved by science. Essence helps them to accept that there is more than just the physical side of existence. It releases the fear of death or anything otherworldly.
APOPHYLLITE - Encouragement
£ 6.35
APOPHYLLITE - Encouragement

Clears blockages from crown chakra. Helps to clear distracting thoughts. Overcomes cynicism and disillusionment. Reduces desire. Releases negative thought patterns, stress, suppressed emotions. Enhances psychic ability. Assists in Reiki healing. Dispels dark night of soul. Helps one link with higher self for guidance. Infuses aura with light energy. Links to allergies, mucous membranes.
AQUA AURA - Alleviating Over-sensitivity
£ 6.35
AQUA AURA - Alleviating Over-sensitivity

Calms emotional body, allowing one to witness strong emotional states in others without being adversely affected by them. Strengthens immune system. Provides cloak of invisibility and psychic protection in negative environments. Seals holes in aura. Releases negativity from auric field, bringing peace and relief from stress.
£ 6.35

Cooling. Encourages tolerance and moderation. Calms anger and hysteria. Releases vengeful thoughts, grudges and old emotional baggage. Links to throat, skin problems, spleen, kidneys, swollen glands, jaw, neck, itchy eyes, eyesight, hot flushes, calming auto-immune system imbalances, fluid retention, thyroid balance, hay fever.
ASPEN (Bach Flower)
£ 6.35
If you wish to make an order for Aspen, just place your order in the usual way. If you want to order either CENTAURY or CERATO essence instead, please send me a message that you want either Centaury or Cerato essence in the shipping box on your order form.

ASPEN - Unknown fears, hysteria, dread, confusion, vulnerability, feeling overwhelmed.

For those who are easily panicked, who have nightmares or feelings of unexplainable dread. Essence brings an ability to face the unknown with courage. It encourages calmness, especially in emergency situations. Breaks pattern of habitual fear.

CENTAURY - Timid, submissive, weak-willed, self-critical, disempowered.

Centaury is for the type of person who is timid and submissive, and often has difficulty in saying "no" to the demands of others. They tend to work beyond their strength in an effort to please others, and are often victimised. Essence helps to instigate clear self-boundaries, and promotes a healthy understanding of one's own needs.

CERATO - Indecision, lacking in concentration, lack of confidence, self-doubt.

For those who are over-dependent on the opinions of others, and who are lacking in self-confidence. Essence removes indecision, and stimulates self-confidence and trust in one's own judgement.
ASTARALINE- Light Body Awakening
£ 6.35
ASTARALINE - Light Body Awakening

Astaraline is a newly discovered crystal from the Rocky Mountains in the US. It is a combination of Muscovite, Quartz and Cronstedtite (a rare iron silicate). The essence creates a protective shield around one's subtle body, to screen out negative or impure lower frequency vibrations. It infuses the subtle body with high spiritual currents, in order to purify and harmonise one's being. It awakens the light body or Merkaba for the Ascension process, as it raises one's vibration to overcome lower degenerative energies. It promotes the functional alignment of one's inner systems, to overcome destructive habits that have arisen from ancestral memory experience patterns. It connects with the heart, throat and brow chakras, to increase intitive faculties and assist in consciously linking one with the higher self. It clear blockages from the throat chakra, so that one may openly speak of one's inner wisdom. Links to cellular consciousness, organ functions.
ASTROPHYLLITE - Expanding Consciousness
£ 6.35
ASTROPHYLLITE - Expanding Consciousness

Removes entities, helps in exorcisms. Strengthens energy field to act as natural protection against electromagnetic smog and radiation. Supports detoxification on all levels. Eliminates guilt. Helps one to face one's deepest fears. Assists body to resonate with the full spectrum of light energy. Encourages one to complete projects. Links to nervous system, fat deposits, cellular regeneration, menopause, PMS and brain function.
ATTRACTION (Lily and gem essence)
£ 7.35
ATTRACTION - Kaffir Lily (Schizostylis coccinea) and Copper gem essence

Keyword: Magnetic personality.

Associated with imbalances of the base and sacral chakras. Essence helps to fill one with self-confidence. Boosts your message when you need guidance and help from partners, friends, guides, children, relatives, work colleagues or customers. It is helpful to make up an affirmation when you take this essence, so that the universe and your higher self are clear about what you want help with - e.g. "I draw in the person(s) I need for ….. purpose." Say the affirmation three times with each dose for as long as you need the essence.

Links to electrical impulses, geomagnetic radiation, left-right brain, red corpuscles and iron.