This Angel Rescue essence is made from Brassia Spider Orchid, yellow and pink flowered Cattleya, peach-flowered Phaleanopsis, 2 pink Phaleanopsis and Odontioda orchid essences, combined with Actinolite, Amber, Auralite 23, Azurite, Bumble Bee Jasper, Candle Quartz, Empowerite, Eye of the Storm Jasper, Goshenite, Kunzite, Rhodonite, Richterite, Ruby Aura Quartz, Tibetan Black Quartz, Tremolite, Vivianite, and Yellow Sapphire gem essences.
Keywords:Anxiety, burnout, calling all angels, chaotic energies, despair,desperation, empowering, grounding, exhaustion, nurturing, panic,perseverance, recovery, self-sabotage, self-esteem, shock, calming,stability, strength, suicidal thoughts, emotional support, mentalbreakdown, survival instinct, trauma, uplifting, gratefulness.
Thisempowering Angel Rescue Orchid and gem essence combination essencecalls in all Archangels and personal Ascended Masters and guides toassist and inspire those who desperately need help in overcoming theiranxiety, stress, dread, trauma, panic, dark thoughts, exhaustion orneeding to cope with a critical or emergency situation. The Orchid essences help to facilitate the bringing in of higher dimensional universal energy from the Archangels down to the third dimension, to provide an energetic link with the Earth for replenishing ourinner reserves. This essence balances all the chakras and stabilizes our energyfields. It alleviates shock and panic, bringing calm in timesof stress or conflict. It provides emotional support for those whofeel alone and unloved, and clears energy blocks and disharmoniousenergies from one's auric fields. It instills a positive state of mind, as it dissipates dark moods, despair or feelings of helplessness. Ithelps one to recover from chaotic upheaval, exhaustion, burn out,trauma or big life changes. For those in difficult or criticalsituations it stimulates one's survival instincts, and empowers onewith the stamina and courage to take action to improve one's life in the most beneficial way, gradually overcoming seemingly insurmountable problems. Angel Rescueessence releases self-sabotage and victim consciousness, and protects one from attracting negative vibrations or bad luck. It uplifts thespirit, promotes a positive outlook and encourages one to be gratefulfor every enjoyable thing or benefit that come your way.
Linksto: Adrenal glands, fight or flight response, serotonin, Amygdala,shortness of breath, brain, heart, hernia, digestive system, heartchakra, intestines, liver, gall bladder, stomach, spleen hands, feet,shoulders, muscles, joints, mucus membranes, immune system, ovaries,prostate, testicles, chronic fatigue, wounds, mental breakdown, eatingdisorders, serotonin, skeleton.