The Ethereal Mint monatomic” Light Beacon” Andara is a beautiful light green, sparklingly transparent volcanic glass. It has many vortices within its matrix. Vortices are formed due to the rotation of the Earth when molten liquid is circled around within an enclosed space. Light codes were locked in by the action of the Earth's rotation during a second implosion so great and hot that a multi-dimension hyperfield occurred, leading to the formation of the unique monatomic super-conductive attributes of the Andaras, that are directly derived from the monatomic white gold powder that was formed alchemically from precious gold ore during the first catastrophic implosion several thousand years earlier. The monatomic white gold powder and the Andara "volcanic glass” was found in a landslide on the slopes of the dormant Mount Shasta in Northern California and first used for healing purposes by Lady Nelly Thompson, a Choctaw medicine woman.
All Andaras are formed from noble metals that were first alchemically changed during a catastrophic implosion into white gold, silver, iridium or platinum monatomic white powder A second implosion turned the white gold powder into a clear or gold coloured volcanic "glass”.The various different colour Andaras are created by the inclusion of various minerals such as cobalt, sulphur and iron. For instance iron in quartz when heated to a very high temperature creates a purple form of quartz called Amethyst. If the amethyst quartz is heated again it changes into Prasiolite, a sparking light green colour quartz, exactly the same colour of this Ethereal Mint Andara.
When held in the hand this Ethereal Mint Andara feels like it is welcoming you with an all- encompassing, soft, ephemerous hug.
The Ethereal Mint Andara essence is wonderfully nurturing, comforting and uplifting to the mind and emotions. It is very soothing to those feeling anxious and overwhelmed with the stresses of modern life. It opens all the chakras and instils, not hope, but expectation, as it reads the light codes sent through the Andara essence into your being. It heals emotional scars and brings order to chaotic situations that may be surrounding one. It's Prasolite-like colour association activates the energy of the heart centre, and the light codes within this Andara essence can start to initiate the return of the full soul self back into it's original sacred heart centre seat, which withdrew into the soul star chakra above the crown chakra many aeons ago, following the nefarious installation of ego-centric mental and emotional DNA patterning, that increased lower level desires and decreased the intelligence, life span, intuition, subtle level light capacity and spiritual clarity of the original Adam/Eve Kadmon divine blueprint. The Opening Consciousness Violet Andara also assists with returning the seat of one's soul to the sacred heart centre as well, as its violet colour also originated from the heating of iron deposits within its Andara matrix.
As this process naturally and gradually gains momentum other factors begin to take effect. Our beings start to become more 5th dimensional crystalline to be able to withstand the rising frequencies on Earth, so that more and more higher frequency light can be drawn in and stored in one's being, making one a light beacon for other lightworkers to be drawn to and linked up with in magical connections across the Earth. The beautiful light codes carried into one's being by this Ethereal mint Andara also draw in higher frequency guides and strong guardians to protect and shield one against negative energies and EMF harmful radiation, and to release any implants or toxic energies. There is higher frequency, temporary lightworker soul family group presently forming in the noosphere, set up by high dimension beings. As it is on a high dimension it is not seen or sensed by anyone else except for lightworkers, who are currently distributed all over Earth. This lightworker group is designed to bring comfort, reassurance and companionship to those on the Ascension path, who have chosen before coming to Earth to expand the consciousness of humanity, but are feeling lonely, alienated or abandoned. This Ethereal Mint Andara, being on the green ray of the heart chakra, also links one into Mother Earth as she progresses on her journey to Ascension. Connect with Mother Earth to receive her healing energies by putting a few drops of the Light Beacon Andara essence on the leaves of a tree or bush of your choice. Keep your eyes on the leaves whilst visualising green light entering your being to receive love from Gaia, to grant your wishes to be linked with others of like mind, and to overcome what difficulties you may be experiencing.
Links to: lungs, breathing, asthma, heart, love, Green ray, heart healing, Earth energies, freedom.