

(Code: 314)
£ 6.60
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Thisstunning imperial red Phoenix Andara comes from Mount Shasta inNorthern California. She instils Mother Earth's root chakra energiesand her meridian (ley line) energies into humanity to promote thebest and most balanced life-force (prana) energy flows within us onall levels.

Whenheld in the hands one would expect this Andara's energy to emanatestrong and powerful vibrations, but instead she makes you feels warm,comforting and secure in her embrace, like a mother gently enclosingher loving arms around her child.

ThisPhoenix Andara essence connects you to Mother Earth. She brings you agentle assurance that she knows you have chosen to go with her on hermomentous journey of ascension from the 3rd dimension to ahigher dimensions, without the need to leave your physical shellbehind. This magical essence,with the help of the Earth's naturalenergies, can assist in taking your higher self back to an ancienttime when humanity had all its full DNA capabilities switched on andwe were completely connected to Earth energies and higher dimensionalbeings.

Thisessence empowers us to makes full use of the light codes long heldwithin this Phoenix Andara to wake up and reactivate again thedormant subtle DNA within us, in order to raise our consciousnessesand prepare the way for the transformation of our physical bodiesinto a more crystalline state, so we are completely capable ofwithstanding the increasingly higher frequencies coming to Earth atthis time. Changing our carbon-state three dimension bodies into amore crystalline state does not mean we will turn into a rigid quartzlike state! It means that, as the vibrational frequencies rise onEarth due to our solar system being in the proton belt of the Greatcentral sun, the carbon-based cells of our bodies will eventually bepulled apart with the continuing rise in frequencies from the 3rdto the 5th dimension. So our beings need to evolve into amore stable 5th dimensionalcrystalline state that will resemble the stronger and more orderedmolecular state that holds together a 3rd dimensioncrystal in the current time.

ThisPhoenix Andara essence empowers us to rise above the fear of notknowing what our future holds. It fills us with a strong sense ofsecurity and stability whilst the changes in us are occurring. Itreplaces the worry and anxiety of not having control over what ishappening to our bodies with courage and a greater understanding of the transformation process, particularly if we are experiencing inexplicable Ascension symptomssuch as insomnia, exhaustion, tinnitus, over-reaction to strong lightand sounds or memory loss. It is strongly grounding and overcomes thefeeling of spaciness as we expand our consciousnesses, and it protectsour developing subtle DNA faculties from damage by electromagneticpollution.
Links to: the base chakra, subtle level DNA, cellular transformation