beautiful Cosmic Consciousness violet Andara from Mount Shasta in
Northern California has magenta sparkles inside when held up to the
light, and is bonded with fragments of a light blue Opal like
our our solar system enters the proton belt around the great central
sun in the Pleiades,, called Alcyone, we have a tremendous
opportunity to change our reality and ourselves together with mother
Earth. The free protons are causing large solar flares at this time
and higher dimension beings are seeding them with light codes to
assist with the Earth's forthcoming Ascension and all of her life
the multidimensional, heliocentric, superconductor Andaras greatly
enhance humanity's path to enlightenment and 5thdimensional Ascension, without the need for the 3rddimension body to die. However, there are differences between the
Andaras. When they were in their liquid form inside a
meteorite-caused implosion, their white gold powder base got combined
with various volcanic minerals and created the many colour variations
seen in Andaras today. It is said that the meteorite caused such a
huge implosion and high level pressure in the Earth's fabric, it was
so catastrophic that it caused the very rare collision of two
dimensions. At that time, between 26.000 and 10,500 years ago, higher
dimension beings used the event to seed the multidimensional liquid
mass that would become Andaras with light codes, to be used in the
far future to assist the consciousness expansion of humanity, when
the time was right. Now, when the implanted light codes in the
Andaras are super-conducted through the various colours each Andara
promotes its particular consciousness expansion benefits according to
its colour ray.
Cosmic Consciousness Andara essence is is a catalyst for accelerated
spiritual growth and enlightenment for all those on the Ascension
path. It is linked to St. Germain and Archangel Zadkiel on the violet
ray of transmutation and alchemy. In France St. Germain was known as
an alchemist with the ability to turn base substances into precious
gems, gold and white powder gold. He was also known to have visited
Mt. Shasta to meet Guy Ballard, who started the "I AM” spiritual
training movement. Together with the high frequency ,
multidimensional light codes held within this Alchemist Andara (that
are are super-conducted into this Alchemist essence via sunlight) he
and Archangel Zadkiel can assist via the "violet flame” (when
asked) to to move one's soul from the chakra above the crown chakra
back to its rightful place in the sacred heart centre, where it was
originally situated before early humanity's subtle level DNA strands
were deactivated by nefarious actions.
order for the seat of the soul to be returned to the sacred heart
centre St. Germain and Archangel Zadkiel, together with this essence,
assist in removing obstacles that directly hinder ones' spiritual
progress. They and this Andara essence also protect one from harmful
electromagnetic and environmental pollution. They transmute negative
energies, dissolve toxic emotional wounds, heal ancestral and past
life trauma, remove past and present life curses, provide self
forgiveness for past mistakes, and cleanse and purify one's being to
promote an efficient life force and higher dimension energy flow.
Most importantly he and AA Zadkiel help starseeds to remain here for
an allotted time only and not get caught up in 3rddimension karma. It strengthens the bio-magnetic field, overcomes
negative self-talk, a lack of purpose, and a feeling of being
disconnected. It will help you to gain access to the Akashic records
and your soul family and spirit guides. It awakens spiritual healing
attributes for yourself and others.
Germain and this essence help those souls who are ready to ascend
when their natural times is up on Earth, so they need not return to
tie up loose ends in the next incarnation. Most importantly he and
AA Zadkiel help starseeds to remain here for an allotted time only
and not get caught up in 3rd dimension karma.
and everyone can benefit from taking Andara essences . All that is
needed is a positive intention to expand one's consciousness towards
the 5th dimensional Ascension state. For those who wish to
retain their negative mindsets/actions the Andara's frequencies are
on too high a vibration for them and will have no effect
the higher dimension frequencies coming into Earth's atmosphere get
stronger and more frequent this Andara Alchemist essence, with its
bonded light blue opal mineral, assists the thyroid in the
development of its new subtle level role for regulating the influx of
consciousness-expanding frequencies flowing in from our opened Alta
Major chakras, which are sited where our skulls and spines meet, so
that we will not get overloads of high vibration energy. It is not
dangerous to get an overload of high vibrational energy whilst the
thyroid is still developing its new subtle energy regulation role.
You may just feel very tired and in need of a long period of deep
sleep. Needing 13 hours of deep sleep is not unheard of! Once the
high vibration energy has been properly absorbed one's energy levels
will return to normal. But feeling very tired and needing an extra
amount of sleep is not so good if you're in a full time busy job.
Needing a large amount of deep sleep can also be caused by taking too
many different Andara essences (say 4 or more) together per day in
two high/many doses. But the effect does wear off after a day or so.
to: memory loss, mental clarity, pineal, sensitivity to sound
and light, anxiety, insomnia