

(Code: 299)
£ 7.35
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This  Overcoming Emotional Shock essence contains a combination of Amazonite, Amethyst, Angel Wing Calcite, Banded Agate, Biotite, Charoite, Citrine, Empowerite, Fire Opal, Golden Topaz, Green Aventurine, Lapis, Moonstone, Nuumite, Magnesite, Moss Agate, Obsidian, Pyrite, Poppy Jasper, Quantum Quattro, Richterite, Rhodonite, Silver, Sichuan Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Tangerine Quartz, Tantalite gem essences, and Pink Lotus and Almond flower essences.

KEYWORDS: Etheric body and physical body realignment, memory loss, panic, fear, emotional stability, flashbacks, nightmares, fatigue, anxiety, soul loss, fatigue, metabolism, mental clarity, mood swings, fear, security, grounding, disturbed sleep patterns, post traumatic stress disorder, stress tolerance, frayed nerves, emotional calmness, emotional equilibrium, stress release, expanded consciousness, help from higher dimension guides.

The first main symptoms of a traumatic experience are shock, fright, panic, fear and sometimes anger, swiftly followed by an automatic surge of adrenaline to initiate the flight or fight response. The surge of adrenaline causes the heart to pump extra blood to the limbs and brain to aid the fight or run away from danger.  After a mild shock or short traumatic incident is over one's body switches off the adrenaline surges, and a calmer state of mind is usually reinstated quite quickly. But more extreme shocking/traumatic experiences can feel like having your feet forcibly swept from under you. These most negative of experiences may cause one's mental, emotional and etheric subtle bodies to be knocked out of alignment with the physical body, to remain unbalanced and out of alignment even after any physical body traumas have been attended to. Symptoms that reveal the subtle bodies are out of alignment with the physical body include memory loss, brain fog, disturbed sleep patterns, anxiety, not feeling safe, emotional outbursts, more than usual clumsiness, difficulty in making decisions, lack of the ability to concentrate,  fatigue, dull headache, bouts of irritability and mood swings. Symptoms of more extreme or extended cases of  shock/trauma/stress to the subtle bodies (called post traumatic stress disorder) include flashbacks, nightmares, insomnia, great anxiety, constant tiredness, unexplainable and increasing weight gain, sugar cravings/alcohol binges, constant tension and breathlessness, mental confusion and moderate to severe memory loss, (as if one had developed Alzheimers), dizziness, hair loss, illogical behaviour and emotional outbursts. 

The etheric body is nearest in frequency to the physical body, so it is the first to be negatively affected and to become misaligned by the physical body's a shocking/traumatic experience. The etheric body carries life force (prana) within its Etherium Fluidium  from spirit across the interface between it and physical body cells.  When the optimum flow of life force is slowed, due to the subtle body misalignment with the physical, it leads to anxiety, lowered metabolism and fatigue.  The mental and emotional bodies register their stress and discomfort in the brain and solar plexus at being out of alignment, which causes the surges of adrenaline to keep going when they should have stopped after the first effects of shock/trauma were over.

This carefully researched Overcoming Emotional Shock Essence is designed to alleviate/remove unpleasant, acute mental and emotional symptoms caused by a sudden, strong traumatic experience, or high, continuous levels of mentally/emotionally exhausting stress, and it is also for if those symptoms carry on for more than a month to six weeks,  when their continuation turns into the distressing chronic state of what is called post traumatic stress disorder.  

This Overcoming Emotional Shock essence
 instils deep calm and relaxation into the subtle bodies, that lowers stress levels so that the fight or flight "fright/danger to oneself" message that pumps adrenaline out of  the adrenal glands into one's previously traumatised body can be shut off. The gem and flower essences in this combination can then calm frayed nerves, release nervous tension and energetically release shock and trauma in the mental, emotional and etheric bodies, realigning them with each other and with the physical body. A normal amount of  life force (prana) flowing through the etheric body to the interface with physical cells is restored, and the essences are then able to instigate emotional equilibrium and stability to alleviate emotional and mental imbalances caused by the traumatic experience or over-stress, such as anxiety, sleep disturbances, stress-caused memory loss, feeling unsafe, mental confusion, brain fog, nightmares, dizziness, mood swings, emotional outbursts, PTSD and panic attacks. This essence combination removes flashbacks by dispersing a subtle level energy block in the mental body that has become a circular, tape-like memory loop keeping a traumatic memory on constant playback, (in many cases because the mind keeps mulling over how it could have avoided the traumatic experience.)  This essence combination alleviates fatigue and exhaustion. It overcomes energy drains, centres and grounds one, and sustains and supports one in times of difficulty. It raises core stability and assists the subtle bodies to withstand sudden trauma or periods of high levels of unavoidable stress. It retrieves and reintegrates soul parts that have been lost through an extreme traumatic experience. Sometimes  moderate to extreme shock/trauma can cause an imbalance between the two hemispheres of the brain, that also negatively affects the subtle level functions balance of the mental body. The essences in this combination energetically re-harmonise the brain  hemispheres and restore balance and stability to the mental body. Brain fog, and mental confusion are overcome, and body balance, mental clarity, concentration, focus and normal decision making capabilities are restored. Mood swings, dizziness and sleep disturbances are alleviated.  A recovery from shock-caused short term memory loss follows on from the re-harmonising of the brain hemispheres, especially when one has been finding it hard to remember everyday things such as where you've put the house keys or your credit cards, and if you have been easily distracted and have forgotten to carry out everyday tasks.

Finally, as an added bonus, some of the essences in this combination, including Banded Agate,  Angel Wing Calcite, Silver, and Sichuan Quartz  also have the ability to stimulate the higher chakras above the head in order to facilitate and integrate an increased flow
 of higher vibration light energy into ones being, via the etheric body's restored to normal flow of Ethereal Fluidium, that will help one to link into higher dimension guides, and to expand one's consciousness for better sensory perception, improved memory retention and greater subtle body resistance to stress. 

LINKS TO:  Blood pressure regulation and pulse rate, heart, blood oxygenation, improved metabolism, brain hemispheres harmonisation, blood flow to brain, endocrine glands regulation, nervous system, insomnia, nightmares, panic attacks, adrenaline production, digestive issues, weight gain due to insufficient combustion of nutrients due to stress/trauma/shock, nervous exhaustion, calms emotional overactions, post traumatic stress disorder,  bowel obstruction, tonic, non-hormonal night hot flashes, memory retention, shortness of breath, circulation and nervous systems, hair loss, intestines, clumsiness, hands, feet, shoulders, liver, gall bladder. Energetically protects subtle bodies from damage by emf and cell phone emanations. 

NB: Breathing slowly in through the nose, for the count of three, and then breathing out slowly through the nose for the count of six repeatedly for a few minutes can help to calm stress and alleviate rapid, shallow breathing, especially helpful to do just before bedtime. If you are feeling very stressed and unable to relax "Calm Down" essence in my Bach Flower Essence range is also very helpful for combining with this Overcoming Emotional Shock essence. Just a few drops of Calm Down essence can be taken every 10 minutes until a relief from breathlessness/stress/tension/nervousness is felt. Then around 9 drops of Overcoming Emotional Shock essence can be taken. Repeat the doses when necessary, up to 3 times daily.  To aid sleep put a large Amethyst tumblestone under your pillow, or a add a drop or two on a tissue of French Linden blossom oil (Tilia vulgaris) or Alpine Lavender oil and inhale the aroma slowly through your nose several times before putting  the oil-infused tissue under your pillow at bedtime.