
SHUNGITE (ELITE) - E.M.F. Protector

(Code: 449)
£ 6.35
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Shungite has been nicknamed the "Stone of Life". It is a newly discovered stone, estimated to be around 2 billion years old. It looks a little like coal and is only found at the Zazhoginskoye deposit, near Lake Onega in the Karelia region of NW Russia. It is the only known natural substance to contain fullerenes. These are powerful anti-oxidants. Fullerenes in water will cleanse the water and infuse it with a potent healing vibration. Shungite is being hailed as a cure-all. It is said to eliminate anything in water that is a health hazard to human life. It neutralizes the effects of radioactive fallout, UV damage and electromagnetic radiation given off by cell phones and transmitters, computers, microwaves, computers and televisions. It has been shown to purify water of fluorides, chlorine, pesticides, heavy metal, nitrates and pathogenic bacteria. This essence was made from raw, and polished pieces of Shungite, purchased from source. It protects, purifies, normalises, induces recovery from imbalance and promotes dynamic equilibrium in living organisms. It acts as a powerful shield against harmful anthropogenic (pollution caused by humans), solar and geopathic radiation, and electromagnetic radiation, (from cell phones, computers, television and microwaves). It prevents the attachment of negative energies. It reduces stress that often leads to headaches and insomnia. It stops energy depletion and fatigue by balancing the polarities surrounding the body, and infusing the auric field with positive and beneficial energies, It neutralises lower energies that are lodged within the auric field, as it seeks out and removes the subtle source of a problem, whether it is in the present incarnation or from a past lifetime. It has a strong Earth connection and instils feelings of safety and security in one’s surroundings. In meditation it can link one in with the energies of Merlin. It is particularly useful in helping one adapt and adjust to the new frequencies now entering the third dimension, which will enable us to ascend to the fourth dimension. It is recommended that you add a few drops of this essence to water to drink. Leave the water to stand for a few minutes before drinking, or add around 20 drops to a bottle of mineral water to begin drinking throughout the day after around 30 minutes.You can also place a drop of the essence on any of the any of the chakras, particularly the crown, brow and throat chakras, or rub a few drops around the base of the skull at the back of the head. You could also try putting around 12 drops in a small atomiser of water to spray though your aura on a daily basis, to protect you from electromagnetic pollution.
Links to base and Earth chakras, Allergies, vascular, digestive, muscular and skeletal systems, skin imbalances, wounds, callosities, arthritis, varicose veins., headaches, insomnia, Dyspepsia, kidneys, liver, immune system, chronic fatigue, inflammation, colds and cardiovascular system.