
RAINBOW LATTICE SUNSTONE - Higher Heart Chakra Development

(Code: 430)
£ 6.35
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RAINBOW LATTICE SUNSTONE - Higher Heart Chakra Development
RAINBOW LATTICE SUNSTONE  - Higher Heart Chakra Development

Rainbow Lattice Sunstone is a recently discovered crystal that contains magnetite lattices and haematite within its pale peach, feldspar sunstone matrix. When the light catches the stones in the right direction, the dark lattices reflect back a multitude of stunning rainbow rays. It is said to have been created by the 11th dimensional race of Arcturians. Small pieces are hand- mined in a small pocket of Aboriginal land in the Northern Australian Harts range.  When the light catches the stones in the right direction the dark lattices light up with a multitude of stunning rainbow rays.
Judy Hall says "My crystal group described Rainbow Lattice sunstone as ‘disconnecting from our 3D matrix to plug into a much vaster, multidimensional picture via the higher heart chakra, that was the proto-matrix for creation. ...It opens a new way of working for evolution that makes it a truly magical stone. The type of magic that science cannot yet explain but which will one day be accepted as science.' 
The following is my own research. Rainbow Lattice Sunstone (essence) promotes the beneficial development and expansion of our 5th dimensional higher heart chakra, to advance our spiritual development on the road to  Ascension.  Right now it will help us to alleviate problems caused by the  newest and much more powerful microwave cell phone emanations. These 5G gigabyte (24 million to 90 million hertz) emanations have already begun to have adverse affects on our cellular well-being, causing eye, skin and sperm  damage, metabolic and immune system disruption, impaired melatonin production essential for sleep, as well as causing breaks in DNA strands,  according to recent US research. The extremely powerful 5G ultra high, microwave cell phone emanations are said to interfere with our ability make use of the naturally occurring, much weaker, low frequency 7.9 Hertz Schumann resonance waves, that our bodies have always used to regulate the speed of their internal functions, such as  brainwaves, DNA replication, and balance of right and left brain nerve signalling. 
Whilst Feldspar (sunstone) aligns our chakras, subtle bodies and meridians, the fully developed and open higher heart chakra will start to send out a network of 360,000 sub-microscopic hollow "tendrils" into the subtle bodies, that are similar to the meridian network we already employ for carrying chi/prana.  The Alta Major chakra at the back of the skull can then begin to take in subtle magnetic Universal energy and pass it through the new "tendril channels". In time, this Universal energy will form a complete magnetic time-clock network to regulate our internal functions, so that we are no longer dependent on the external Schumann resonance waves. Man-made electromagnetic waves from cell phones, wi-fi, smart meters, computers, cordless phones, wireless phones etc. will then pass through the body without ill effect. 
When the new Universal energy network is completed, full mental clarity and perception will return and mind manipulation, control, deception and mass brain washing by others using nationwide cell phone and other electromagnetic devices will no longer be possible. Our male/female polarities will be balanced, bringing emotional and mental equilibrium, chi circulation (our subtle life force) will be enhanced and our auric field will be strengthened, to totally keep out negative entities and harmful thought patterns. The Arcturians say Rainbow Lattice Sunstone has also been designed to strengthen the immune system and alleviate airborne allergies.
The subtle vibrations of the Magnetite within the Rainbow Lattice Sunstone essence will also aid the higher heart in increasing the production of micro-magnetite crystals in the body as well as in the skull, in order to enhance the pineal glands ability to recognise the diurnal Schumann resonance wave pattern, in order to help regulate our sleep patterns. 
Adverse affects of electromagnetic pollution include depressive states, insomnia, mood swings, mental confusion, fuzzy headedness, forgetfulness, sensitivity to light and noise, clumsiness, accident prone, concentration problems, nerves, anxiety, irritability, headaches, increased aggression, violent behaviour, panic attacks, tinnitus, heart palpitations, dementia type symptoms and immune system irregularities.
Directions for use: Take a few drops of Rainbow Lattice Sunstone essence nightly for around three months, and then take one dose per week for as long as is felt necessary. It may also be helpful to wear a piece of Black Tourmaline to protect one's subtle energies during the process of developing and expanding the higher heart chakra, if working in an environment that has a high level of electromagnetic pollution.