
RAINBOW HEMATITE - Reaching for Heaven

(Code: 516)
£ 6.36
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RAINBOW HEMATITE - Reaching for HeavenThis variety of iridescent Hematite is a combination of Hematite and Goethite, that is also known as Turgite. The outside of its dark, lava-like clumps are coated with the most stunningly beautiful, totally natural multi-hued, wave-like patterns. Hematite is known for being grounding and protective, but Rainbow Hematite also brings dynamic equilibrium and harmony to all one's energetic systems. This essence of Rainbow Hematite has the ability to provide the highest level of spiritual protection from negative energies and entities. It calms anxiety, brings a state of peace to worried minds, and lessens the ill-effects of life's stresses. It links the base and crown chakras, to strongly ground and centre one, whilst at the same time, instigating alertness, concentration, clear headedness and enhanced memory powers. It also powerfully opens and stimulates the third eye and crown chakras to enhance psychic ability and better communication with higher level guides, and to expand one's consciousness. It helps to clear psychic debris, limiting habits and negative attachments. According to Robert Simmons, author of "The Book of Stones", Rainbow Hematite enhances the crystalline strength and ordering of the blood structure on subtle vibrational levels. This makes one's electromagnetic field more robust and balanced, leading to feelings of empowerment, confidence and self-worth. The essence enables one to more efficiently assimilate the highest spiritual light on Earth, in order to aid the creation of one's "Rainbow Body of Light", in readiness for the Earth's vibrational shift and ascension.
Links to vitality, energy, muscle strengthening through exercise, anaemia, iron assimilation, blood oxygenation, insomnia, MS, Post-Polio Syndrome, autoimmune disorders, blood and digestive disorders.