PURPURITE - Inner Protection from Electromagnetic Smog
This Purpurite essence is made from a deep purple Namibian Purpurite stone, that has a beautiful, iridescent, violet sheen across its surface. It is empowered by the higher dimensional violet ray to protect one's emotional and mental subtle bodies from the negative effects of electromagnetic smog created by wi-fi, computers, mobile phones, cordless phones, wireless routers and wireless radio alarms etc., all of which can adversely affect one's mood and state of mind, leading to irritability, foggy thinking, aggression, anxiety, panic attacks, stress, lethargy and disturbed sleep patterns. Purpurite's way of neutralising the effects of EMF smog is to facilitate the incorporation of a greater amount of higher dimensional light into one's subtle bodies, to help them integrate, disperse and ground Electromagnetic (EMF) pollution in a healthy way. It is a potent cleanser of one's energy fields and meridians, removing curses, neutralising psychic interference and protecting one's aura from negative entities and attachments. It removes bad ancestral and other negative karmic patterns, and addictive habits and attitudes that no longer support the soul, to help propel it forwards to a less impeded evolutionary journey up to higher dimensions. Purpurite essence imparts clarity, alertness, focus and confidence to aid in expressing one's views more clearly. It also shifts despondency, calms worry and removes self-destructive tendencies. It can help one to find a buyer quickly in any sales situation, and especially where adverse interference is blocking a house sale.
Turn off mobile phones, computers, tablets, wi-fi etc. at night or when not needed, and keep the amount of wireless apparatus to a minimum whenever possible.
NB: If you are particularly sensitive to the effects of EMF smog, use Purpurite essence around three times a day wherever you are exposed to EMF pollution, and constantly wear at least one of the EMF blocking crystals, such as Hematite, Amazonite, Purpurite, Obsidian, Elite Shungite, Sodalite, Unakite, Smoky Quartz, Indigo Gabbro or Blizzard Stone.
Links to rejuvenation, brain damage, nerves, increased absorption of nutrients, uric acid excess, mood stability, pulse stabilisation, radiation, sunburn, panic attacks, palpitations, bruises, haemorrhages, abrasions, blood clotting, blood flow between lungs and heart.