
OBSIDIAN - Removing Negative Influences

(Code: 153)
£ 6.25
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OBSIDIAN - Removing Negative InfluencesOBSIDIAN- Removing Negative Influences

Helpful for highly sensitive people. Neutralises unloving thoughts in oneself and in one's environment. Seals aura. Provides psychic protection. Cleanses aura of negative attachments, hooks, cords, greed, fear, resentment, frustration and scarcity consciousness. Dissolves mental conditioning. Breaks habits of self-abuse, eating disorders or addictions. Blocks geopathic stress and environmental pollution. Alleviates emotional problems and fears initiated by ancestors or past lives. Helps one cope with Earth changes.
Links to wounds, torn ligaments, cuts, abrasions, hardened arteries, arthritis, cramps, joints, extremities, temperature control - especially heat, enlarged prostate glands.