MUSCOVITE - Problem Solving
Muscovite is a beautiful violet gemstone, comprised of mica. It is a stone of inspiration and of highly positive energies. It promotes quick thinking and aids problem-solving. It assists those who have opened too rapidly to spirit or higher frequencies, and who are experiencing systems such as dizziness, vertigo, sleep imbalances, headaches or the inability to turn off the psychic flow of information. It regulates and tones down psychic overload, and prevents symptoms of a too rapid psychic awakening. Insulates emotions field to assist one to not react when someone is trying to "push one’s buttons". Especially helpful for those going through divorce or those who need to break off intense emotional relationships. Enables one to see the bigger picture and look to the future with hopeful expectancy, without preconceived notions. Promotes flexibility and releases tensions. Dispels insecurity, self-doubt and clumsiness. Seals the aura and Insulates one from negativity of others, psychic attack or entity attachments. Aligns subtle bodies and meridians with the body.
Links to brow and crown chakras, left/right confusion, blood sugar, pancreas, kidneys, insomnia and allergies.