

(Code: 406)
£ 6.60
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This striking Andara from Mount Shasta in Northern California, with its natural red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, indigo coloured minerals contained with it's volcanic  clear glass is an amazing chakra balancer, especially for these testing times, when life can be so stressful.

The Andara Chakra balancer essence offers the benefits of a sense of security and stability, self esteem, personal empowerment, improved mental clarity, mental stamina, the ability to cope better with stress, increased compassion, mental and emotional healing,heightened intuitive abilities and inner wisdom, spiritual insight,connection to higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment.

Asit balances the base chakra it supplies prana (lifeforce) to all levels of one's being, to provide a feeling of safetyand stability, as well as offering courage, energy and vitality toovercome over-materialism, mental and emotional fatigue, low selfesteem, hoarding, overeating, and feelings of anxiety and fear, anddisconnection to the physical body.

Itbalances the sacral chakra to instil enthusiasm,sensuality, pleasure, and creative expression to overcome moodswings, codependency, difficulty in expressing emotions and lowself-esteem.

Itbalances the Solar plexus chakra to instil willpower,optimism, self-respect, self-control and respect for others, toovercome emotional instability, over-perfectionism, feelings ofpowerlessness, anger and frustration.

Itbalances the heart chakra to bring openness,self-acceptance, acceptance of others, selfless love and empathy, andovercomes relationship difficulties, fear of intimacy, smother love,feeling unloved, the need for codependence, or to "people-please”feeling jealous or resentful, the fear of being alone, a lack oftrust in others and feeling disconnected from others.

Itbalances the throat chakra to bring calmness, to enablethe ability to clearly express one's thoughts and feelings, to instilhonesty and truthfulness and to overcome fear of judgement, fear ofspeaking up, feeling unheard, difficulty in communicating one's needsand desires, and the need for lying or gossiping.

Itbalances the third eye chakra to enhance imagination,mental clarity, self-knowledge, insight, intuition and connection tohigher consciousness, and overcomes moodiness, stubbornness, indecision, a lack of clarity, feeling stuck in life, anxiety aboutthe future, decision making problems, lack of clarity and intuition.

Itbalances the crown chakra to instil an unshakabletrust in ones inner guidance. It offers faith, cosmic awareness,higher consciousness, connectedness to all beings and spiritualpower,and overcomes rigid thoughts, analytical paralysis, lack ofpurpose, confusion, fear of alienation, apathy, being overly attachedto material things, and disassociation from spirituality.

Linksto: lower back pain, constipation, digestive issues, eatingdisorders, panic attacks, sleep issues, menstrual issues, sexualdysfunction low libido, addictions, poor metabolism, high bloodpressure, heart palpitations, respiratory issues, asthma, back andshoulder problems, arms and wrist discomfort, thyroid s, ear anddental problems, sinus issues, headaches, migraines, vision problems,light and sound over-sensitivity, insomnia.