This 15ml Golden Rays essence contains a combination of French Calendula, Hawaiian Kamani and Kou, French Peony, Wild Garlic, Andalusite, Angel Aura Quartz, Aqua Aura, Azurite, Carnelian, Citrine, Erythrite, Gold Azeztulite, Golden Labradorite, Kunzite, Labradorite, Obsidian, Rutilated Quartz and Sunstone flower and gem essences.
Keywords: Well-being, inner sunshine, aura energising, life force enhancement, maintaining personal boundaries, protection from energy vampirism, light activator, aura shield, dispelling negativity from others, strengthening and grounding, radiance, infusing energy field with light energy.
Golden Rays essence is for radiant, happy and often very successful people, who find themselves surrounded by hangers-on, needy relatives or energy vampires, all of whom want take some of their energies. These radiant people are often in charity or caring professions, and it is the nature of their calling to care for the needs of others in pain or trouble, to the best of their ability. They usually have hearts of gold, and do not like to say "no" to anyone, but are often pushed to the limits of their endurance by other people's demands and neediness. Golden Rays re-energises all levels of one's being with brilliant golden light. It clears the aura and chakras of astral parasites, psychic cords and hooks, and repels negative energy from others. It activates the throat, solar plexus and heart chakras, and aligns and purifies all the chakras. It strengthens one's core energy at every level, and promotes the creation of strong subtle boundaries, in order to prevent one's good nature from being abused. It helps one to stop continually making personal sacrifices for others, and to learn to say "no". It motivates one for continued successfulness, joy, hope and optimism, and protects one against the resentment, judgement or jealousy of others. It also helps to lighten the duty load, by encouraging one to feel less overwhelmed by what are perceived as one's life's responsibilities.
Links to nervous system, respiratory tract, metabolism, digestion, body fluids, kidneys, bladder, heart , lower back, depression, bones and ligaments.
Client Testimonial: - "I've been taking Golden Rays essence for just under 2 weeks now and the first day took it I was most impressed. I felt upliftment of energy and joy and felt back to my bubbly self within the first few days. It really highlighted my awareness of the energy vampires and hangers-on as Cathie writes in the description. It was showing me these people in the workplace and in my home environment. First few days it felt stronger in my core essence and provided my personal power to stay in my own vibration without absorbing or empathising with others around me. I also felt more comfortable setting boundaries or just noticed I felt a protective layer around me. As things progressed it helped me see the areas where I still struggled to set boundaries with certain people out of fear, or being scared to speak up and address issues that were draining my energy, so it feels like this essence has cleared a lot of people out of my life that have been draining me. So thank you so much for these magical next level remedies. They are amazing and clearing what no longer serves you, and at the same time helping one stay true to yourself and feel more empowered. 🙏💛JH, NZ
14.2.25 I have had so much growth using these and I look forward to my day being
filled with "golden rays” this potion has brought so much light into my
life and helped me to see there is a light at the end of the tunnel - I
feel amazing! - From a client receiving therapy from JH, NZ