I have been lucky enough to obtain a Brandberg Amethyst straight from source, in order to make up an essence. These Amethysts are hand-mined only in the massive Brandberg mountain and the Goboboseb Mountains in the Namib desert region. These unique crystals look like transient clouds of Amethyst and Smoky Quartz held within a matrix of a Clear or Milky Quartz points. They often contain water-filled bubbles inside them, and when held up to artificial light the amethyst colouring seems to change into an attractive, pinkish purple. It is mined at the crossroads of two powerful meridians, that are a key to planetary healing and vibrationary evolution. Like the crystal, this Brandberg essence has been gifted with the ability to calm a chaotic mind and to restore one's balance on all levels, including ancestral, karmic and spiritual levels of one's being. It releases entities, thought forms, past-life contracts and psychic ties, as well as mental constructs and implants put in place by dark forces in ancient times. It re-tunes our core vibrational patterns and re-activates our original DNA etheric blueprint in order to speed consciousness evolution. It activates all the chakras to open us up to new ideas, dreams and visions, including our higher crown, soul star and stellar gateway chakra to enable us to meet and communicate with our spirit guides. It protects us against psychic attack, paranormal harm or ill-wishing.
Links to limbic brain function, neural transmitters, stress disorders, dental pain, chronic fatigue, hearing problems, vitality, and electric, metabolic and immune systems.