
AURALITE 23 - So Soothing

(Code: 484)
£ 6.35
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AURALITE 23 - So Soothing

AURALITE 23 - So Soothing

In 2007 a mine containing Auralite 23 was discovered, hidden deep within a Canadian forest,  to the North of Lake Superior. Although Auralite 23 is a form of Amethyst with an attractive shiny surface, these 1.2 billion year old crystals also contain at least 23 other minerals, including Gold, Silver, Platinum, Copper, Iron, Pyrites, Covellite, Hematite, Cacoxenite and Magnetite, that give the crystal its unique pattern of smoky/deep red, phantom-like inclusions and white chevron patterns. The Auralite 23 essence is extremely calming, and is most useful for calming anxiety, worries and mental chatter when you want to sleep. Also use it for deepening a meditational state and to strengthen one's telepathic connection to higher dimensional beings and guides. It balances the emotions, advances consciousness and accelerates spiritual evolution. It releases mental and emotional blocks that may be preventing spiritual growth and a return to well-being. It stimulates financial and business acumen, and promotes the attraction of good luck towards one, by neutralizing any negative beliefs/mental programming that has been attracting misfortune and promoting a positive outlook.

Links to: muscle aches, muscle spasms, eye strain, headaches, cellular rejuvenation, vascular system, Alta Major chakra, adrenal/amygdala/pineal glands.