This Aura Protection from Harmful Energies combination essence contains Amethyst, Aegirine, Anandalite, Aqua Aura Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Cathedral Quartz, Chlorite, Emerald, Eye of the Storm Jasper,Fluorite, Goshenite, Helidor, Iolite, Klinoptilolite (Zeolite),Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Lepidolite, Nunderite, Nuumite, Obsidian, Peridot, Pietersite, Poppy Jasper, Pyrite, Quantum Quattro, Red Jasper, Satyaloka Azeztulite, Smoky Quartz, Specular Hematite, Rutilated Quartz, Selenite, Tantalite, Tigers Eye and Trolleite gem essences.
The Aura Protection from Harmful Energies gem combination essence is specifically designed to assist people through a difficult, but temporary stage of the Ascension Process. The Ascension Process involves more and move waves of high frequency energies being sent to Earth to fill our beings with higher light frequencies, in order to ultimately raise human consciousness to a higher vibrational level. This process will instigate optimum health, lower the need for much physical food, improve our immune systems, increase intuitive abilities to enable us us to uncover all lies and deceptions, and instil contentment and peace.
At present, as the Ascension process gathers pace, increasing numbers of ordinary people have become more uncomfortably aware of unpleasant low vibration energies emanating from some of those they come into close contact with in the workplace, in hospitals, at social gatherings or in crowded situations. These low level vibrations are exacerbated by exposure to electromagnetic pollution and by incessant bad news promulgated by the media. These low vibrations range from general unhappiness with life, anxiety, fear, high stress levels, aggressive attitudes, poor health, added chemicals, chronic drug dependence, substance abuse and overuse of alcohol; to jealousy, negative intentions, unspoken criticism of one, hatred, ill will or deliberate ill-wishing, that results in empaths, sensitive people and those experiencing expanding consciousness symptoms leave their work place feeling frazzled and utterly exhausted but unable to relax, and suffering from "wired/buzzy” brains, irritation, insomnia, headaches (especially weekend headaches) low immune systems, lack of vitality, depression, and a feeling of being unclean.
This powerful, complex and extensively researched Aura Protection from Harmful Energies combination essence firstly is for bringing help to those empaths, sensitive people and new higher vibration beings who are finding it unsettling and exhausting to be exposed to the lower vibrations of some of the people that they come into close contact with on a daily basis. This combination contains gem essences such as Selenite, Nuumite, Nunderite, Black Tourmaline, Obsidian, Chlorite, Klinoptilolite (Zeolite), Aegirine, Labradorite, Tantalite, Fluorite, Rutilated Quartz and Smoky Quartz, to filter out, neutralise and remove negative vibrations on all levels. The essences provide grounding and stability, and multi-dimensional aura protection they strengthen our auric fields and shield our beings and life force energies from the negative effects of any harmful energies that one may come into contact with, including EMF pollutants, hatred, ill-wishing, negative intentions, psychic attack, personal harmful chemicals and negative constructs of all kinds. The essences neutralise toxins on an energetic level and replenish the aura with purifying energies. They promote the creation of a multidimensional, impenetrable interface at the outer layers of the aura. They are sustaining in times of stress and banish fears and insecurities. They alleviate tiredness, tension, irritability and feeling down that are associated with constantly being exposed to negative energy and lower vibrations.
Secondly, this combination contains older and more newly discovered gem essenceshelpers to speed up the rate of consciousness expansion, so thatwe become immune to the negative effects of constantly being in the close presence of people with lower, negative vibrations. These essencesinclude Satayloka Azeztulite, Anandalite, Cathedral Quartz, Aqua AuraQuartz, Specular Hematite, Pietersite, Quantum Quattro andTrolleite gem essences, some which have beendeliberately introduced to break down barriers to spiritual progress andto promote and facilitate the evolution of humans. They do this within one's subtle being by attracting, drawing in and grounding higher levels of consciousness expanding frequencies, to energise our chakras, subtle bodies and meridianspathways and enable us to quickly move up and past this difficult,in-between stage stage of the Ascension process, so that we canmove up to a vibrationary level where we are no longeradversely affected by lower vibrations, negative energies, EMF pollution, geopathicstress or other local environmental pollutants. Gem essences includedin this combination such as Heliodor, Pyrite, Quantum Quattro,Satyaloka Azeztulite and Poppy Jasper provide us with a sense ofbeing protected and help us to feel more comfortable in socialsettings, especially when in large groups of people. They heighten our intuitive powers, link us to higher dimension guides and infuse uswith a sense of serenity, contentment and positivity.
Linksto tissue inflammation haemoglobin, subtle level tonic, anaemia,blood, liver, spleen, digestive system, immune system , eyes,mercury, toxic chemicals, adrenal soothing, exhaustion, energydepletion, respiratory tract, bronchitis, thyroid, sinuses, insomnia, allergies, parasites, endocrine system, pituitary andpineal glands, lungs, feet, legs, absorption of nutrients, vitality,DNA damage, viruses, asthma, overcoming food cravings.