
ASPEN (Bach Flower)

(Code: 205)
£ 6.35
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ASPEN (Bach Flower)Choose from ASPEN, CENTAURY or CERATO
If you wish to make an order for Aspen, just place your order in the usual way. If you want to order either CENTAURY or CERATO essence instead, please send me a message that you want either Centaury or Cerato essence in the shipping box on your order form.

ASPEN - Unknown fears, hysteria, dread, confusion, vulnerability, feeling overwhelmed.

For those who are easily panicked, who have nightmares or feelings of unexplainable dread. Essence brings an ability to face the unknown with courage. It encourages calmness, especially in emergency situations. Breaks pattern of habitual fear.

CENTAURY - Timid, submissive, weak-willed, self-critical, disempowered.

Centaury is for the type of person who is timid and submissive, and often has difficulty in saying "no" to the demands of others. They tend to work beyond their strength in an effort to please others, and are often victimised. Essence helps to instigate clear self-boundaries, and promotes a healthy understanding of one's own needs.

CERATO - Indecision, lacking in concentration, lack of confidence, self-doubt.

For those who are over-dependent on the opinions of others, and who are lacking in self-confidence. Essence removes indecision, and stimulates self-confidence and trust in one's own judgement.